ChristianEriksen - Beautiful play

New day, new opportunities!!!!
Let's Play Ball!
Love the V7 pack!!!!!!

Arsenal 2-1
Southampton 1-1
Man City- 3-3 (halftime 3-0)
Hull 2-2
Stoke 2-2
Chelsea 3-1
current place 8th :D
download links dont seem to be working for me :'(

the link works fine, if you get prompted to view the file just press no, its still downloaded.
go to downloads in you're browser, then open file location. "cut" - go to mydocuments/sigames/fm/tactics(game folder) - Paste.
v6 Attack working better for me than v7.6 Attack, conceding less and scoring more with v6.
I got good resoults just from dropping pressure 1 notch with v6's so far.

player whimping about not getting to play, put him in tell him i demand a good display, he becomes unhappy after he reasured me he was better than the person i played in that role before him.... yeah right ><
good job, first time i try a tactic when i become 20th with Manchester united. Thanks idiot

meant to say alot instead of idiot. stupid autocorrect Kappa
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I got good resoults just from dropping pressure 1 notch with v6's so far.

player whimping about not getting to play, put him in tell him i demand a good display, he becomes unhappy after he reasured me he was better than the person i played in that role before him.... yeah right ><
Closing down??
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v6 with 1 notch less closing down and toggling lower tempo throughout the game.

My sevilla team is ****** now, i use a LB as CB becasue i got so many injuries, i got no more than 2 CM in training so got to sub AML/AMR to play MC on demand. Bejebers i cant wait until next registration window ><
Can anyone post a SS of there team/tactic with the CM attack change please. And do you change any player instructions?

That's insane. There wasn't a gamebreaking tactic in FM 2014 and I thought there won't be in FM 2015 but this...
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I think it won't be like that after a few patches though but now I just select random players for the team and win :D

No transfers except Balanta (Toffees don't have much money). Using version 5.1 (untweaked) for all matches. Lost first friendly because forgot to set opposition instructions. Draw with Foxes (at the bottom) was like 30/15 shots (off/on target) for my team and 4/1 for them. The only team that gave me quite a challenge yet was Spurs.
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