ChristianEriksen - Beautiful play

Use the counter version, is what i did against Barcelona early in the game. I lost. But i lost 1-0 in a game where i could easily have been the winner. We had like 10 chances each.

But i use the counter version. And try to see which of my players are performing, and just like ChristianEriksen says. Anticipate! :p

Last season with versions 6 and 9 I was 7th in the league table with Internazionale Milan, then in the middle of the season I switchted to version 10(at that time I was 11 points above first place) and I was able to be champions! With 12 wins and 3 draws on a strike

In my current season I already hammered Juventus 2 times, 1 time Lazio, 1 time Man City and I'm in the way to win the league again and going far in the champions league. Big Thanks Christian

It's all about Anticipating
Well, version 10 has worked absolutely smashing for me. I just won the premiership with Portsmouth, in my first season back in the big league. As I've mentioned before I've been promoted every season, so without any hesitation I would say that this is the best tactic I have ever come across during my CM/FM years. Just amazing.
Well, version 10 has worked absolutely smashing for me. I just won the premiership with Portsmouth, in my first season back in the big league. As I've mentioned before I've been promoted every season, so without any hesitation I would say that this is the best tactic I have ever come across during my CM/FM years. Just amazing.

what version of 1 u using ? and what oi's using
I have used 10.0 almost every game since the beginning of the season. As I see it, you rarely come across teams who play long balls and therefore I find that with the high pressing you use with 10.0 you're always likely to hurt the opponent. Also I ALWAYS use defensive positioning as matchtraining during the whole season, no matter what. The OI's I use are the same as in the OP.

Another thing I've noticed is that if you have one of your fullbacks taking the corners you always score alot of goals from set pieces, because he'll always play the ball to the winger who then either scores or sets up one of your central midfielders. Since the first season back in League two I used my left back, Shorey, as the corner taker, and when he quit his career, I bought Juelsgård who's been brilliant. Both of my fullbacks have throughout every season been absolutely amazing. I've got Eric Lichaj who by no stretch of the imagination is a world beater, as my right back since League 1, and he just made the PL team of the year, with a average of 7.93 during the season.
@Mayankv and @Dantes7 why the "!#!"¤ do you quote the whole post to reply underneat??? it takes up the whole page xD

Please edit and remove the quote, djeez >< HAVE MERCY ON THE POOR PAGE!

View attachment 327185

I use 10.2 and 10.0 with Rock Solid tweak
@Mayankv and @Dantes7 why the "!#!"¤ do you quote the whole post to reply underneat??? it takes up the whole page xD

Please edit and remove the quote, djeez >< HAVE MERCY ON THE POOR PAGE!

View attachment 710041

I use 10.2 and 10.0 with Rock Solid tweak
OK and I asked a question but who cares.
Conn, you posted a while back that you save and reload matches to try and counter the AI in different scenarios and formations. Which is fair enough, everyone plays their game the way they want to. But how much of the success in the above post is genuine?
Dont be so salty man, i dident mean to come across like a warm samurai sword in butter, i was sure the humore in my reply would make it so no feelings got sliced and diced.
Sorry for missing the question , but here is the reply:
Personaly i always do what the assistant manager suggests, except in a few occasions were i feel confident, but rule of tumb is that you think offensive before easy matches and defencively before hard ones. Hope this helps :) It means i swapp training a lot. if i need fitness i swap to that to get team in better shape.


Rock Solid
View attachment 327169
Conn, you posted a while back that you save and reload matches to try and counter the AI in different scenarios and formations. Which is fair enough, everyone plays their game the way they want to. But how much of the success in the above post is genuine?

A Legit question!

Its hard to answere because regardless of when i win or lose, if i spot something i will reload the save and try to observe it again before i try to figure out how i can handle it better/take notes. This is mostly the fact with formations thats not standard tho.

But the 80% win ratio is about were it suppose to be. I havent reloaded a single game since the Inter 3-2 loss.

I have resoults im not satisfied with, like that 3-3 game, but thats from my own mistakes, and i learn from them.

Try it you'reself, make up an opinion.
hi conn

which tactic are you using home away and can you pre set oi so not to have to do it b4 every game??
A Legit question!

Its hard to answere because regardless of when i win or lose, if i spot something i will reload the save and try to observe it again before i try to figure out how i can handle it better/take notes. This is mostly the fact with formations thats not standard tho.

But the 80% win ratio is about were it suppose to be. I havent reloaded a single game since the Inter 3-2 loss.

I have resoults im not satisfied with, like that 3-3 game, but thats from my own mistakes, and i learn from them.

Try it you'reself, make up an opinion.

Like I said before, everyone plays their game the way want to. But I don't think posting up pics and success when you're admitting that 21 of those initial results were "fixed" by reloading without actually declaring it is being very genuine with other users that read this thread. By the page count you can gather there is quite a lot of them. I get your explanation as to why you've reloaded as you've said it before and there's no doubt that this set of tactics, whether it be v8, v9 or v10 are very good as long as you can master them, but I think your recent post can be slightly misleading to it's true ability.

Not having a pop, so don't take it the wrong way but I take your latest post as serious as I would do Italian football. It's good but how much of it is match-fixing?

There is no Match fixing what so ever if you mean to ask if i have reloaded my save just to get better resoults.

Over the 3 seasons at sevilla started up to help Christian develop the tactic i have never hidden that this was a test save, and reloading has occoured a number of times.
but the reloads happends way more frequently when i win or draw than when i lose. This is becasue a loss hardly happends with this tactic set if you teamtalk correctly and make sure the players are fit.

I get a lot of questions on Pm and in chat about this, and tell it like it is to everyone.

The only other thing i can do is realy screenshoot every game i reload and post every match, but thats shitloads of work when i already use to much time on the game just trying to figure out what works and what not.

Im not offended by you're post at all, i think its good that people have the nuts to be upfront about their views :)


Yes, i tested this OI with both 10.0 and 10.2


Just go to OI and preset you're self, it takes 1.5min to cover all slots aproximitly :)

Now season 4 is comming up, and i will try to change the OI again, and work a bit on the wide play to see what can be done there.
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