Ok im back home, now just to coordinate with Koen, and a release is around the corner.
Keep it in the pants guys.
Also, can you please try stuff around you'reself? we are VERY interested in getting you to help us develop it further, but its impossible to do it all alone.
Say i play the barcelonagame 20 times and watch minimum extended highlights, take notes, look at positioning offencive and defencively while figuring out of FB(S) or FB(A.) or WB(S) works best along with DLP or RPM.
Thats one thing nailes, about 6 hours of work. done.
Now if im going to further test say more games to see if AP should be (A.) or (S) or even change to DLP. thats 3 more hours.
Then next if i see DLP works better than AP along with what i set for the left CM slot, i need to test again if something in the left slot goes better with the DLP i chose on the right, BOOM 3 more hours.
now someone want me to prove the tactic also works with a lower league team, should i add another 3 hours of testing with say, Burnley? then we are looking at 15 hours playtime for me alone.
add that for Koen aswell and boom 30 hours of testing and we are zombies
See what i am saying?
Things take time, and it would make me sooooo happy if someone would test even the smallest change and report back to me if it improved or made the tactic worse.