Classic 41230 by veez - an interpretation of Spain's Euro 2012 false 9 tactic


Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
fellow managers, i present to you my most recent, and probably my most successful creation for FM13.

a classic 41230, with no strikers:

View attachment 304299

the previous tactics i have posted were a 4231 and a 433, which are probably my favourite formations. My 4231 was very successful in early patches, and i havent managed to tweak it to my liking since. the 433 showed some impressive results, but had to be backed by an impressive team, due to most settings being default and relying on player decisions etc;

the current 41230 is sort of a hybrid of my previous two tactics, trying to compensate for their respective faults.

the 4231 lacked defensive consistency, which could be provided perfectly by an anchor man, but reducing one man in attack would hurt the team offensively.

the 433 was hard to find a balance. the only way to ensure appropriate feeding of the 3 strikers left gaps at the back to be exloited by our opponents, mostly because the various lines of the team are too far appart and dont support each other appropriately. i tried variations of width tempo and player mentality to help this, but wasnt completely happy with a specific combination.

therefore, i tried to solve the problems of both tactics, while still benefiting from their strong points, by combining them into one!

i say this tactic is an interpretation of Spain's Euro 2012 false 9 tactic, because it isn't an actual emulation of the said tactic, it was used more as an inspiration.

the idea behind it, consists of 4 areas and 6 roles:

Area 1 - CB's and Anchor Man - the back bone of the tactic, that assures defensive positioning and stability

Area 2 - WB's - offensive wing-backs that constantly support both offensive and defensive moved

Area 3 - CM's - all round midfielders, capable both of closing down opponents and wiining the ball up the field and supportin and creating offensive moves. they will also aim to arrive late in the area

Area 4 - IF's and AM - the target men and the playmaker. the AM (paymaker) drops deeps and roams in attack and midfield, looking to feed players making forward runs into the opponent area, the IF's (target men) are arrows constantly pointed at the opponents area and goal, they will look to score or play each other or the AM or WB's in as well. they also swap positions between themselves.

this is why this tactic was created in classic mode, so that more than one target man may be added. the idea is that both wide AM's are target men, with a "run onto ball" supply.

it differs from spain's approach, only because it is completely symetrical, and the spanish false 9 isnt. Alba is more offensive than arbeloa and xavi is more offensive than xabi alonso in midfield. the busquets position remains the same however, much as the front 3, where you have fabregas playing in between iniesta and silva, with constant movement and runs looking to play each other into a goalscoring position. it is also fast, narrow and high pressing, much as the spanish game. some may say the spanish game is slow, and i can understand why, however they slow the game down in specific areas, to then speed it up again and catch the opposition off guard and numbed, i believe this tactic achieves that, to a certain extent ofcourse.

normally, when i think i've had a tactical epiphany orl breakthrough it tends fall appart when i try to apply it to the game itself. it all seems wonderfull when its in my head though! :p however, i surprised myself this time, and the results produced by this tactic have been outstanding.

i originally started a save with chelsea, to try and recreate my 4231 for the latest patch. it was towards the end of my pre-season that i decided to change my approach and came up wth the current tactic, so i ended up playing one friendly with it, and going into the charity shield against city right after. this also meant that i made transfers towards the wrong formation, so i was left with a squad with very little depth. (cavani and torres were in my reserves :p)

this is my squad:

View attachment 304308

only turnbull and cech are missing at the top of the screen, and i have just bought arturo vidal in an exchange with cavani.

as you can see, goals will come not only from your target-men, but from all round the pitch

here are my results:

View attachment 304303View attachment 304302View attachment 304304

so, in 35 official games, i lost only once (im counting the charity shield as a draw as i lost only on penalties). i scored 79 goals and conceeded 22.

this is quite an achievement considering my squad had only 20 players (22 but cavani and torres ended up in the reserves), i also struggled with a few injuries, especially during and after christmas with the high number of games.

here is how the league stands and player stats:

View attachment 304307View attachment 304306

most of my draws and especially my recent defeat at the hands of liverpool have been unfair, as the following screeshots of my less successful results will show:

View attachment 304309View attachment 304310View attachment 304311View attachment 304312View attachment 304313View attachment 304314View attachment 304315View attachment 304316View attachment 304317

here are some screenshots of my successfull results:

View attachment 304318View attachment 304319View attachment 304320View attachment 304321View attachment 304322View attachment 304323View attachment 304324View attachment 304325View attachment 304326View attachment 304327View attachment 304328View attachment 304329

most of the goals conceeded, were mostly from corners or long throws and the occasional defensive or keeper mistake. i believe the tactic is very solid at the back, as well as prolific up front!

this is the training i used after the tactics became fluid:

View attachment 304330

DOWNLOAD LINK:View attachment 304331

Note: this is a classic tactic, so you must add your playmakers and target-men in the set-pieces window. add all players you will use in the wide AM position to the target man window, and all of the one you will play in the cenral AM position to the playmaker window. you must be carefull with one thing though, not more than one player in the playmaker window may be on the pitch, this will create a tactical conflict, so you need to pay attantion to this and remove or add players when specific situations arise.

I hope you will enjoy the same success as i have had with this tactic, and am happy to help if anyone has any questions.

i'm also open to constructive criticism towards making this a better tactic.

look forward to your feedback! cheers and happy gaming :)

Tweaked Version Currently in Testing:

here's a tweaked version i believe to be better both offensively and defensively:

Download Link: View attachment 305075

to those who have already downloaded the tactic, give it a try and let me know if you think it is better thank the original version.

if you're new to this tactic, give it a try too and let me know how you do


Note: The offensive tweaks to the test version seem to have proven better, however i have doubts about the defensive ones. so i will probably be revertig back to man marking on my full-backs, however i'd like to hear some feedback on this from other players.

here is the download link to the ammended version with the offensive tweaks but reverting to man marking on full-backs:

Download Link:View attachment 305256

At the request of some users, here is a TC version: View attachment 305389 (not tested yet)
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You got some good results here...Im gonna test it out in a bit cause Im liking the look of the formation.
im gonna start a new save, dedicated from the start to this tactic. anyone have any suggestions for a team to choose?
might give it a go with my city save when i get round to playing it that is
Im currently managing Feyenoord with your tactic and its doing awesome.

Ive just completed the friendly matches. (Played 5 matches, won 3 and drew 2; Scored 13 and Conceded 2)

I'll post some screenshots once I complete the season.
Im currently managing Feyenoord with your tactic and its doing awesome.

Ive just completed the friendly matches. (Played 5 matches, won 3 and drew 2; Scored 13 and Conceded 2)

I'll post some screenshots once I complete the season.

good to know mate! look forward to those screenies. i just started a season with newcastle, sold the whole squad nearly :p will post some screenies later on too.

glad you like it :)
mate tell me how you do with the TOON im in the mood to try this with my Newcastle since iv'e bought loads of Brazilian young players who play attacking midfielder roles