Coalition launches Libya attacks

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Have to say that what the "Coalition" is doing is right but it is interesting that they are not helping in Sudan or Zimbabwae even though we all now about the situations in them countries.
Its obviously because there is oil in Libya which is needed.
Again I think this isn't a bad excuse (although Sudan and Zimbabwae also need help) but why was the mandate passed as to help the civilians in Libya and not passed as to "protect the Oil reserves of the west".

Just think the way people go around things is wrong sometimes
Have to say that what the "Coalition" is doing is right but it is interesting that they are not helping in Sudan or Zimbabwae even though we all now about the situations in them countries.
Its obviously because there is oil in Libya which is needed.
Again I think this isn't a bad excuse (although Sudan and Zimbabwae also need help) but why was the mandate passed as to help the civilians in Libya and not passed as to "protect the Oil reserves of the west".

Just think the way people go around things is wrong sometimes
Absolutely spot on. Why have we not gone into Burma where the killing has been going on for years, or somalia where there is no government and crazy gang leaders rule the country, or Sudan where war has left thousands dead, or The Cambodian Genocide which left 2 million dead, or the atrocities in Rwanda and Burundi. I could honestly go on for years. The answer simply is that those countries have little that we want, we are not going in because we are heroes.
Absolutely spot on. Why have we not gone into Burma where the killing has been going on for years, or somalia where there is no government and crazy gang leaders rule the country, or Sudan where war has left thousands dead, or The Cambodian Genocide which left 2 million dead, or the atrocities in Rwanda and Burundi. I could honestly go on for years. The answer simply is that those countries have little that we want, we are not going in because we are heroes.

They arent beneficial in terms of trading, as you say. I know people don't like it but its got to be a reason why. I know we need to stop Gaddafi but if the UN is so hellbent on stopping evil leaders then why not enforce Zimbabwe/Burma/Somalia/Sudan etc where its been going on forever and a day.

Fact is - UN stops Gaddafi = happy trading for all us capitalist nations. Hurrah.

Not saying that I'm against the UN going in and halting the mess that Libya is in, or at least trying to, I think its about time they did something worthwile.
They arent beneficial in terms of trading, as you say. I know people don't like it but its got to be a reason why. I know we need to stop Gaddafi but if the UN is so hellbent on stopping evil leaders then why not enforce Zimbabwe/Burma/Somalia/Sudan etc where its been going on forever and a day.

Fact is - UN stops Gaddafi = happy trading for all us capitalist nations. Hurrah.

Not saying that I'm against the UN going in and halting the mess that Libya is in, or at least trying to, I think its about time they did something worthwile.


We can't just be the heroes for everyone though, nor can we stop evil tyrants popping up in new places. And our resources would also be exceptionally stretched if we want on a mission to stop everyone. We have something to gain from Libya, but we're also saving millions of people from having to live under Gaddafi. What we're doing is right, it could just be argued it's for the wrong reasons.

We can't just be the heroes for everyone though, nor can we stop evil tyrants popping up in new places. And our resources would also be exceptionally stretched if we want on a mission to stop everyone. We have something to gain from Libya, but we're also saving millions of people from having to live under Gaddafi. What we're doing is right, it could just be argued it's for the wrong reasons.

We have to have something to gain otherwise we wouldn't bother helping out, which is quite painful really. At the end of the day a good deed is being done by saving lives, but you have to feel that there is something economically beneficial in this too.
Indeed. Of course, all this matters not one jot to the people we're saving.
We have to have something to gain otherwise we wouldn't bother helping out, which is quite painful really. At the end of the day a good deed is being done by saving lives, but you have to feel that there is something economically beneficial in this too.

Well when you consider a tomahawk missile costs $550,000 each, we simply cannot afford military action on all of these country's unless we get something back in return. As much as we'd all like to help all the dictator run country's like Zimbabwe, Rwanda etc. we can't afford it without some sort of gain. It's annoying to spectate the double standard, but it's understandable if you examine it. I like to think our political leaders would do something for all the other country's too if the cost/benefits weren't so imbalanced.
They arent beneficial in terms of trading, as you say. I know people don't like it but its got to be a reason why. I know we need to stop Gaddafi but if the UN is so hellbent on stopping evil leaders then why not enforce Zimbabwe/Burma/Somalia/Sudan etc where its been going on forever and a day.

Fact is - UN stops Gaddafi = happy trading for all us capitalist nations. Hurrah.

Not saying that I'm against the UN going in and halting the mess that Libya is in, or at least trying to, I think its about time they did something worthwile.
Sort of what i meant, just in a less ragey way.
From Brian onward, there is so much there i agree, with, and Joe, totally understand your raginess, Rwanda today still leaves me fuming. But the sad truth is that these things are so costly we can never be truly altrustic, there will often be some inevitable gain
A Libyan air force base outside Misrata was one of the targets of the first night of air and missile strikes by the coalition. Misrata has been under siege by government troops for more than a week, and witnesses have said the bombardment is continuing. Switzerland-based Libyan activist Fathi al-Warfali told the Associated Press: "Misrata is the only city in western Libya not under Gaddafi's control; he is trying hard to change its position."

Seems like the battles are centring around Misrata. British and American cruise missiles have been systematically attacking targets around and outside it.
From Brian onward, there is so much there i agree, with, and Joe, totally understand your raginess, Rwanda today still leaves me fuming. But the sad truth is that these things are so costly we can never be truly altrustic, there will often be some inevitable gain
Im more angry at the lack of consistency shown.
I have to say, I am getting so sick and tired, of people saying it was wrong to attack Libya. Basically, just let him sit there and carry on what he's doing? And I'm sick and tired of hearing its all about oil. Believe it or not, people like Obama and Cameron are not warmongers, and don't want to take a leader out, or attack a country, because of oil. Thats just proper BS. This nutjob has got away with far too much, for far too long, and we had to act. Yes, its not consistent, as already mentioned, with regards to Zimbabwe and Rwanda.
But why is it, that immediately something like this happens, the US and UK immediately get slammed? At least they are showing the balls to absolutely do something for a change.
Fact: It is following a UN mandate.
Fact: It is not, and never will be, about oil.
How many times does the US, UK UN have to say they are not going to invade Libya before people actually damwell listen, and realise "Oooo right. So we're not going to invade Libya". It's to enforce a no-fly zone, and to take out communications, command and control centres, so to neutralise Libyan air defenses, and to take out there ability to attack the rebels via the Mig 23s etc.
However, I'd go further and take him out. After all, I'm sure that Mr. Gadaffi would have no qualms in using the nice stock of 9.5 tonnes of mustard gas against the rebel forces. All it takes, like Scott said earlier, would be the best of the best of agents to put a bullet in his skull. And in my opinion, the sooner it happens the better.

A British journalist working for the AFP news agency has gone missing in Libya with two photographers according to the agency's London bureau chief. Dave Clark, aged 38, has not made contact with his editors since Friday evening after he sent an email saying he and colleagues planned to interview refugees and opposition leaders in the Tobruk region of eastern Libya. Anyone thinking of human shields? Human shields have already made an RAF Tornado abort an attack
We have the ability to save lives, so we have to take that opportunity in my opinion, why we let Gaddaffi (correct? ) stay so long in power is beyond me, although that is a different matter.

I suppose we had to get the backing of the UN on this, I personally would have gone straight in with planning but then probably i'd have caused this country to get media whiplash lol

Well, let's hope that the casualties to us are minimum and we finish this relatively quickly, so the civilians can get back to having their country in order
Blood for Oil

tl;dr: Almost none of US petroleum comes from hostile Middle East nations - less than 1%
doesnt bother me what other reasons they are there for, as long as it stops the slaughter of civilians

haha, they arnt there to stop the slaughter of civilians and they wont stop it either

anyway these civilians that are being slaughtered arnt people trying to peacefully get on with their lives, they're idiots running round with AKs trying to attack the army, if people want to arm themselves and attack their government then they cant complain when their government trys to defend itself

if every Labour/Lib Dem voter picked up automatic weapons and tried to charge down to no. 10 and lynch Cameron you can bet your bottom dollar that he would call in his army to defend himself too
haha, they arnt there to stop the slaughter of civilians and they wont stop it either

anyway these civilians that are being slaughtered arnt people trying to peacefully get on with their lives, they're idiots running round with AKs trying to attack the army, if people want to arm themselves and attack their government then they cant complain when their government trys to defend itself

if every Labour/Lib Dem voter picked up automatic weapons and tried to charge down to no. 10 and lynch Cameron you can bet your bottom dollar that he would call in his army to defend himself too

don't comment on things you don't know about. People protested against Gudaffi for weeks and he just had people killed so of course the rebels are going to fight back. Of course we're there to stop the slaughter, stop being a conspriacy idiot. How won't be stop it? Pretty sure Gadaffi can't stay in power for too long with his country rebelling against him and the UN against him, even coming in and bombing their air fields. Gadaffi can't win, it's just how long he waits until he admits it.
haha, they arnt there to stop the slaughter of civilians and they wont stop it either

anyway these civilians that are being slaughtered arnt people trying to peacefully get on with their lives, they're idiots running round with AKs trying to attack the army, if people want to arm themselves and attack their government then they cant complain when their government trys to defend itself

if every Labour/Lib Dem voter picked up automatic weapons and tried to charge down to no. 10 and lynch Cameron you can bet your bottom dollar that he would call in his army to defend himself too

Oh wow, really? Not even worth wasting my time correcting your idiocy.
I'm all for it. As long as our troops, or any others don't take action on the ground. Imposing a no fly zone is much more of a project than just flying over the country shooting planes down. Taking out anti aircraft positions are just a part of it. All the nonsense about targeting other areas is just more media tosh. This man is a complete idiot, shooting his own people is beyond belief and should not be accepted by anyone, it's a disgrace and should be acted upon immanently.

---------- Post added at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 AM ----------

haha, they arnt there to stop the slaughter of civilians and they wont stop it either

anyway these civilians that are being slaughtered arnt people trying to peacefully get on with their lives, they're idiots running round with AKs trying to attack the army, if people want to arm themselves and attack their government then they cant complain when their government trys to defend itself

if every Labour/Lib Dem voter picked up automatic weapons and tried to charge down to no. 10 and lynch Cameron you can bet your bottom dollar that he would call in his army to defend himself too

Blimey. Good work. You're comparing their government to ours? Haha.

The amount of corruption in these countries is incredible. This guy doesn't have a wage packet like Cameron, he just takes money out of the economy when he so pleases, doing barely anything to deserve it. Leaving little to no money in an Oil rich country where the economy should be booming. Not poverty all over the streets. It's not right.
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