Hi guys !

For those of you that haven't got FM18 yet I'll try find some time and make few reviews of it; I’ll be posting them here

So far the Free Kicks in FM18 Beta don’t look good at all...

The defending team doesn't go back to its formation shape after free kicks has been taken, it really looks anecdotal.

Also, it doesn’t matter how many players you sent forward during attacking free kicks the AI team always have all players at the back.

Watch the video below that I made for you to see what I’m talking about:


It also looks very weird when players cross inside the box even that they were instructed to deliver “Short” and there are no teammates at all inside the box.

Watch the video below that I made for you to see what I’m talking about:


Here's another video for you guys

I've made a simulation when 2 Defenders defend vs 6 Attackers in FM18 Beta.

I find that such simulation is a very good representation of AI's intelligence when it comes to attack and defense

The setup:

2 Defenders – Sergio Ramos and Nacho

6 Attackers –Messi, Suarez, Dembele, Iniesta, Rakitic and Busquets

Enjoy :)


Thanks for the efforts, TFF! Great Videos!
FM 18 don't read tactic from FM17, also after change .fnf for .tac .... Help

Hey tzahy, I see that you are scoring lot of goals. Who are the top scorers?
Dear TFF,

we are waiting for your FM18 tactics with no patience :)

please share with us any information that you might have or a beta tactic.

thanks :)
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I've used your tactics in FM 2016 and they worked quite well, but this is one of the best. I played with Gremio and won everything but the Brazilian Cup. Played against Arsenal on World Club Cup and won 3-1! My CAM scored amazing 57 goals (!!!) in the season.

My defeats were mostly because three of my RWB were injured and I had to play bad or improvised players on that position. Seems a lot more stable than previous tactics, especially because the A.I has improved a lot. Hated on FM 16 when players would shoot instead of crossing, even if they had no angle.
Anyone to share the 17.0 version please.....

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Can someone please help me check if the wing backs mark tighter? trying to replicate