
I have been playing FM Touch, i have had reasonable success with Brighton, having won every trophy available, but have not been able to win the Premier League once and im in 2028 with a world class squad, ive used all the notable tactics on here and from tactic testing table etc, is it possible these tactics are only elite on the full Football Manager 2017 and not on Touch? I understand that the match engine is the same, but things like tactic familiarity, team talks and moral are just not present on the streamlined Touch.

I have 3 of the best CAM's in the game, and they struggle to score more than 10-15 goals each in the league in any of the 12 seasons i have done, loads of stale 0-0 draws, beating big teams then losing to relegation teams, poor performance ratings, Man United won the league 10 years in a row, with me coming runner up 5 times, its been frustrating!
Thank you for your reply. AMC are all Shadow Strikers as i use a lot of Knap Tactics too, and as the front 3, one of them should be getting 20-25 league goals as a world class player surely? For Instance Kuki got 14 league goals, And my two regens who are better than Kuki only got 10/11 each, no goals from CM or CB's either, quite low scoring on TOUCH as a lot of 0-0 games, this could be due to no team talks as you say!

Before the latest patches, i was using Demolisher v15 and was Spurs and won quadruple two years in a row on TOUCH, seems since the patch, no tactics work well on TOUCH.
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is there any promotional discount for FM18 that I can buy now ?

please share any links :)

Hi guys !

For those of you that haven't got FM18 yet I'll try find some time and make few reviews of it; I’ll be posting them here

So far the Free Kicks in FM18 Beta don’t look good at all...

The defending team doesn't go back to its formation shape after free kicks has been taken, it really looks anecdotal.

Also, it doesn’t matter how many players you sent forward during attacking free kicks the AI team always have all players at the back.

Watch the video below that I made for you to see what I’m talking about:


It also looks very weird when players cross inside the box even that they were instructed to deliver “Short” and there are no teammates at all inside the box.

Watch the video below that I made for you to see what I’m talking about:

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Hi guys !

It also looks very weird when players cross inside the box even that they were instructed to deliver “Short” and there are no teammates at all inside the box.

Watch the video below that I made for you to see what I’m talking about:

Ahhh the old "just put it in the mixer and ill blame the strikers for not making the runs" type of winger! :D to be fair, hes delivered some quality.
TFF.... When tactic fof FM2018????? Please

Hehe... Mate, if to sat honestly then I haven't decided yet about is FM18 enough different from FM17 to start playing it and make tactics for it… ;) so far it looks the same with FM17

Here's another video for you guys

I've made a simulation when 2 Defenders defend vs 6 Attackers in FM18 Beta.

I find that such simulation is a very good representation of AI's intelligence when it comes to attack and defense

The setup:

2 Defenders – Sergio Ramos and Nacho

6 Attackers –Messi, Suarez, Dembele, Iniesta, Rakitic and Busquets

Enjoy :)
