Yeah I mean thatDo you mean if you move WBR to DR?
Yeah I mean thatDo you mean if you move WBR to DR?
Yeah I mean that
So why the DL isn't in a WBL position?If you want to have DL/DR positions instead of DL/WBR positions then I wouldn't recommend to do that because it'll decrease the tactic’s efficiency... by moving WBR to DR you greatly reduce the attack's efficiency but same time it doesn't improve the defense enough to compensate the decreasing efficiency in attack so in total the result from that change would be negative.
So why the DL isn't in a WBL position?
Guys, I've updated the tactic to V6 and moved WBL to DL position and changed GK's distribution.
Such configuration shows the best balance between the attack and deference in testing.
TFF thanks for the tactics! - Have filters been updated?
Yes, TFF updated them for Tornado tactic.
For example, you can ask your GK to go forward during your attacking corners...
Please make a corner setup with GK going foward on all corners
Something like this - guaranteed success:
Opposition Instructions ??