I'm editing a team and i'm wondering the highest reputation and morale rates are for a team
I'm wondering if it's possible for a player or selection of players from one database (e.g. Diego Maradona from the Legends database) to be copied and put on to the normal game database with all of his stats still in tact. I've been trying for a while but can't get a solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Alright, and how can I add new players?
Is there any way you can delete rules in current leagues?
I have been looking for a way to delete the under-21 rule in the SPL for a while.
Thanks for the help. Appreciate it.
I want to make a Scandinavia nation similar to the Yugoslavia one made here
But I cant figure out how to make the new nation, do I rename one of the other countries (e.g. Norway) and put all the things inside that and remove the other countries (e.g. Denamrk) or what?
Thanks for any help
What does alternative kit number mean when editing kits?
Yes you edit one of the existing Nations as currently you cant create a new Nation..
How do I remove the other countries?
Like say I want to use Norway to turn into Scandinavia how do I remove Sweden etc
how do you use the in game editor