Superb. So much effort and I'm sure lots of time put into writing this. Easily has potential to be this years best story, or at least very hard to beat. Keep up the amazing work. :)
Holy.....That was a wonderful read. Probably the most gripping backstory I've read on this forum.

Definitely one to follow. I love the in-depth writing.
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Holy.....That was a wonderful read. Probably the most gripping backstory I've read on this forum.

Definitely one to follow. I love the in-depth writing.

Thanks for the kind words man :) just got caught up to yours as well. Solid so far.
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July 19, 2015
Moscow, Russia

I sat in my office and leaned back in my chair. This all felt different to me. Working day to day under an almost constant public eye was a far cry from what I grew up doing in A Sombra. It’s what Uncle Vitor and Ramon thought was necessary though and my own actions and decisions led me here; I didn’t regret it. Things had gone exactly as how they planned it. My case in America regarding the murders were swept under the rug completely, with guarantees that they’d never resurface thanks to our political contacts.

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However, to this day I still haven’t been back to the United States. I had no reason to go back. Alexis would
come and see me for every major holiday with her family. Afterall, she had to play a role in my new life. Being my lookalike it was hard to be seen with her and not have questions asked so she had to have her own backstory changed somewhat so now she was known legally as Alexis Ivanov-Madison. Due to Alexis making something of her life - unlike myself - prior to everything that happened, it had to be said that we were orphans when young and got adopted by a Russian couple. The truth was kept in that she excelled at school and made something of herself. Her brother, me - Alexei Ivanov only ever dreamed of a life in football and after a few lower level playing stints, he spent his time making sure he could become a manager.

It all looked good on paper and was made airtight. No matter who digged for whatever reason, they would only find the man that sits here today as the manager of FC Spartak Moscow.

My phone rang on my desk and I answered. “It’s time for your press conference sir,” the person on the other end said. I hung up and put my jacket on and headed for the door. This was all about to become very real.

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I got into the press room and greeted the members of my staff that were present. Most of the members of my staff were new. I decided to get rid of most of the old regime and bring in my own guys. That’s the only way I could build trust among them - getting to know them from the start. Next, I took my seat next to the chairman and we were on the way.

“You are largely unknown with no previous job in the world of football surprising many that you got the Spartak job. Can a little known manager such as yourself really run a club like Spartak?”

The question irritated me. If only they knew that I was running a far bigger organization than this when I was just 16.

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“You go to an art gallery and there are two paintings. Both of ships. One is detailed, it’s beautiful...the other, is good too but not as much. I mean, it’s a ship but it lacks the quality of the first. Except, you hear that this second one is a lost one by...let’s say, Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom. Suddenly, it’s more valuable because the other painting doesn’t have such a name behind it. Which one would you really want to own though? That’s preference isn’t it? I’m just saying...I prefer detail. I’m no Hendrick Vroom but you’ll see the beauty I can bring soon enough.”

There was a stillness in the room. I suppose many were taken by my answer. Good or bad, I didn’t care. I spoke the way I knew how. Soon other questions followed.

“Can you tell us your relationship with the chairman and whether you two agree on the club’s ambitions for the future?”

Me: “I wouldn’t be sitting here if we disagreed on the direction the club wants to go in.”

“New managers often bring a time of upheaval and you seem to have been no different in choosing to bring your own staff. Was there any particular reason behind this decision?”

Me: “Sometimes a football club is like an anthology series. So you’ll need a different story, different characters. This is where it begins.”

“Spartak Moscow has had a few forgettable years recently. Can you spark the revival that this club needs?”

Me: “That’s part of the new story isn’t it? Only time will tell how everyone here will write it but I completely believe I can be the catalyst this club needs”

“What kind of football can we expect to see from your team? What style will you implement?”

Me: “I still have to meet and analyse the players. Get a clear idea of their capabilities. It’s all about the details, picking them apart and creating something. That’s how I intend to decide on our style. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

I was actually enjoying this moment. I exuded confidence and felt like my father must have felt whenever he gave his speeches. This was something of a playground to me but I knew the real work started as as soon as the press conference ended. I shook the hand of the chairman, posed for a few pictures and then I set off back to my office. It was go time.

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I got back to the office after the press conference and closed the door behind me. Apart from a repeat of congratulatory handshakes from the chairman and my staff, I had didn’t stay to mingle with anyone. I walked over to my desk and opened a drawer with a key I wore around my neck. In this drawer were two cellphones. One used for secure contact for Alexis and Vera and the other used tocontact the members of the The Roots.

I had messages on both. First there was a message from Alexis: “Good luck in your press conference Alexei! Father is proud that you’re doing this as am I. Please maintain a cool head and twiddle your thumbs and nothing else should you feel an itch with your fingers. ;) I love you.”

I smiled to myself. Alexis was the most pleased about my name change and I can’t remember the last time she called me Paulo. She still spoke about father as if he was still with us as well. She also always slyly tried to tell me not to shoot anyone. I responded to her message: “I love you too. I thought I did well. When do I see you?”

On the next phone there were two messages. One from Uncle Vitor and one from Ramon.

Uncle Vitor: “Keep your head down and good luck. We’ll be in touch.”

Ramon: “Good luck. Everything is in order for your travels to Austria with your new team. If there’s anything you need, you just ask of it and I’ll have it done. I’ll be in touch. With love and loyalty, Ramon.”

It was nice to hear from them both and their character showed in their texts. Uncle Vitor was never one to say too much unless he needed to while Ramon’s support never swayed. Of the two, it was well worth noting that Ramon played more the role of a father figure to me than Uncle Vitor. Largely due to the fact that Uncle Vitor was always focused on A Sombra, an admirable commitment. Of the two, I only replied to Ramon however thanking him for everything, especially in regards to making sure I could go to Austria with the team.

This was where our training camp would be held and since I have never left Russia since moving here, I had to double-check that I indeed had the all clear to travel again. Once that was confirmed, I called home to Vera to tell her I’d be coming home late as I wanted to review the files I had about the club and playing squad.

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So let’s get into it then, shall we?

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FC Spartak Moscow, nicknamed “Meat” is one of the most successful Russian clubs. That was up until recently. They had won all but one championship between 1992, when the Russian Premier League was created, and 2001. A lot of problems arose at the turn of the century though and since 2001 they’ve had relatively no success along with a total of 3 ownership changes and over 12 managerial changes since. Spartak Moscow was founded by the Starostin brothers and was considered “the people’s team.”

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The club play their home games at the fairly new multi-purpose stadium known as Otkrytie Arena or
Spartak Stadium which was constructed in 2014. It has a capacity of 45,360 people. This was about to become my new home.

My staff was put together and these were the men that would help me ensure this home was a good one. If you looked at it, this was no different from A Sombra. It was an organization. With roles and duties to ensure long-term success.

The success would also rely largely on the shoulders on my playing squad. They were who represented us in every way, they were my runners. Football was my drug and they were distributing my brand of it, my philosophy. Before I could get into my philosophy though I needed to know who my key members were. Who would make up The Root of my team. I went through the player files:

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First was Serdar Tasci. The German born center back has been at the club since 2013 and will undoubtedly be my first choice at the heart of my defence barring injuries.

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Serdar Tasci

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In midfield, we have the Russian Roman Shirokov. The 33 year old has been at the club since 2014 after joining on a free transfer from
Zenit St. Petersburg. At 33 I know I don’t have a lot of years with him but his experience will prove invaluable.

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Roman Shirokov

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In attack, my hitman would be Ze Luis who had just joined the club along with me. He was 24 from Capo Verde and could really be a good piece of business from the previous regime if used right.

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Finally, there was my vice-captain who I had decided I’d make captain, Dmitry Kombarov. The 28 year old left sided player looked a solid player on paper and would be an asset I think.

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Dmitry Kombarov

It was simple, I wanted my team to be the football representation of A Sombra, my father and myself. I wanted methodical, I wanted passion, I wanted ruthlessness. My father was obsessed with Total Football created by the dutch and he would have loved the Tiki-Taka style of play that Johan Cruyff employed at Barcelona
a year prior to his death and the three years following. Then again by Guardiola years onward. I personally favoured something different though, I didn’t want to pass the ball around to exert dominance. I wanted to go for the kill in any and every way possible as quickly but smartly as possible. I wanted my players to be able to play in different systems, with different approaches to situations. That’s how I ran A Sombra, that’s how I wanted to run my team.

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We have a writer among us ladies and gentlemen !! Will be following !
Haha - is it wrong every time I bring up FM base and see there's been a new post on this story and it's by Meehar I get all excited?

Come on man I need my fix!! ;)
Haha - is it wrong every time I bring up FM base and see there's been a new post on this story and it's by Meehar I get all excited?

Come on man I need my fix!! ;)

Hahaha, thanks fella! Bit of a busy week but next 2 updates within the next 24 hours. :)
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July 15, 2015

Seattle, Washington

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It was a quiet night at home for Alexis. She was in her study by her fireplace with her laptop looking over numbers for the organization. From distributions to profits, Alexis was thorough with her overview. In a much more discreet way, she was every bit as committed to the cause as her brother was. She set up a routine through her days and stuck to it as much as she could and if she needed to be flexible, then she would make the necessary adjustments with ease. As the fire danced drunkenly in it’s place, Alexis mulled over something she had seen in the accounts. Something wasn’t adding up and she wasn’t quite sure what it was.

Suddenly, she felt a gentle touch on the top of her head and then a kiss on her cheek.

“Hello gorgeous,” he whispered.

“Frank,” she smiled. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

“I noticed. Focused as always on work,” he returned the smile while he took off his jacket and placed it over a chair. “Which account has got you looking all broody?”

Alexis smiled and closed her laptop down, shifting her focus 100% on Frank. With all her commitments, her family was always first. So every night she would only start working after her son Alexander was sound asleep then stop whenever Frank came home.

“Oh nothing major. Just running some numbers for one of Alexi’s investments,” she brushed it off. Through all their years together, unlike Vera - Alexi’s marital partner, Frank knew nothing about A Sombra. Being a journalist, though specialized in sports, everyone thought it a good idea that he didn’t know.

“Something’s not adding up?” Frank inquired further, making conversation.

“Something like that but enough about my work. How was yours love?” Alexis said in another attempt to change the conversation.

Frank was sitting by now, slouched in the chair he had put his jacket on. “It wasn’t bad. Speaking of Alexi though, what’s going on with him?”

“What do you mean?” Alexi quickly asked. She had spoken to Alexi today and nothing was unusual.

“He hasn’t been to any of his club’s pre-season friendlies. I was talking to the guy at work that’s responsible for the Russian Premier League news and he was mentioning how this new guy at Spartak hasn’t been at his club’s friendly games much to the chagrin of some of his supporters. I’ve even heard that he has yet to speak to most of the player’s directly. Like they still have no idea who he is. That’s crazy if it’s true!” Frank explained surprised but chuckling. In all his conversations and experiences with Alexi, he knew that what he was hearing may very well be true. He always described Alexi as enigmatic.

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Alexis shook her smiling while she tied her hair in a ponytail. “He hasn’t mentioned anything about the club to me in recent days but I wouldn’t be surprised. You know he has his own ways of doing things and most times, if not all...they’re effective.” Nothing could be more true and Alexis knew.

“That’s the first thought that came to mind when we were talking about it at work. I vouched for him really. Told the guys I knew him and expected big things. Let’s hope he comes through.”

“He always comes through Frank,” Alexis said with a confident tone and smile. “Now let’s go to the kitchen and get some dinner.” She got up and extended her arms to him puling him up to lead him to the kitchen.

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Meanwhile in Russia,

It was very early in the morning and a small amount of journalist had gathered. This was only their second time seeing me as I had deliberately skipped out on all my friendly duties. I had yet to meet the entire squad, choosing only to talk to a select few players, notably Rebrov - who I spoke to before removing him as captain and Kombarov and Popov - my new captain and vice-captain respectively. I flew to Australia on a different flight than the staff and team and only spoke to my staff about what training methods to run and what style I wanted to implement during my time at the club. I watched the camp and friendlies privately, away from the players and quietly made all my sporting decisions.

The first of such was my first signing as a manager and my first signing for the club. I decided I needed another option in my midfield. Someone with experience and someone who was combative, disruptive on the field. A player who knew what winning was and would do anything to assure this. After a word with my scouts, I found this player in Brazil. Go figure. His name was Josue. With only a little over a million pounds to work with in way of transfers, it was pleasing to know that Josue cost us very little.

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Sat next to him, the press conference was under way.

“Are you pleased you got your man?”

Me: “Very much so. I’m delighted to welcome him to the club.”

“Josue has a vast amount of experience on his shoulders. Will the team benefit from having him in your squad?”

Me: “Of course. He’s done it all. He can help lead this time and it’s one of the main reasons I’m sit here alongside him. I’m very pleased about this.”

All while this was said, there was an interpreter next to Josue filling him in on what was being said. So it was no surprise, the next question was…

“Is it a problem that he doesn’t speak Russian?”

Me: “Not at all. Spartak Moscow, with myself at the helm, should be viewed as a family. We’re here to support him and ensure that he settles in quickly. We’ll have him on an intensive language course as well as Romulo who speaks Portuguese who will be happy to help him out. He also speaks German and Spanish and Manfried, my assistant, is only too willing to speak to him when needs be as well. He’ll be fine.”

“You speak about the club being a family and you being at the helm, yet you haven’t been visibly present with the players at the training camp or any of the pre-season friendlies. Can you comment on why?”

Me: “You don’t have to see everything to believe it, do you?”

I smiled and got up, ending the press conference. I shook Josue’s hand for a couple of photos and then we both walked the corridors to a room.

Inside this room, everyone was gathered. Notably, the staff and players who the press had just asked me about regarding not being seen with them.

Even the groundsmen, staff at the stadium, offices, training centers. Everyone. There was a stillness and quietness

in the room as I walked to the front and stood in the center with all eyes on me.

Then I gave a nod and Manfried Dubski and my two captains, Kombarov and Popov came up standing by my side.

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I examined the room for the expressions of everyone inside and waited. Then, I finally spoke with a smile:

“I am Alexei Ivanov. But, by now you all know this. I’m sure many of you have been wondering why I waited this long to speak to you. Why, I was absent from your training sessions and friendlies, instead choosing to speak only to the men you see next to me. It all comes down to one Should it be said that I trust these men more than you? Has it crossed your mind over the course of the past few weeks? If it has - erase it. Because you all have put me at considerable ease and now I must return the favour. How did you put me at ease? It’s simple. Without meeting me, without speaking a word between us, instead working with a majority of new faces that only passed on my words, not a single one of you complained. You all went on and did what I asked of you. That takes a level of trust and it showed me that despite the circumstances, you trust me. The reasons behind the trust and commitment may vary but that is not my business. My business is simple, my business is all you; to ensure that I do not break this trust and we do not break this commitment. You could be 17 or 18, recently promoted from the younger squads like Artem Mamim, you could have come from the second squad, Spartak-M2, like Jano or you could be seasoned like Kombarov here, it does not matter. We are all a family, we all require and deserve the same level of respect. I want us to be a family, to work together, speak together, eat and breathe together. To show this togetherness with passion and pride at all times. This is our ethos now. This will be our Spartak Moscow.”

Just like that, I had introduced myself to the team. I felt I got through to them exactly the way I wanted and I walked through the room and shook everyone’s hand individually. There wasn't a single negative reaction. Now I only hoped this would translate to a positive performance in my opening game.

Hats off to you mate, this is absolutely incredible. Well written, keep it up!

I see your manager reloading the AK47 during a team meeting. :D
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