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July 18, 2015

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It was early in the morning and I was already out of bed, dressed in my suit and sipping coffee while I read the papers. What took my interest most was yesterday’s Russian league opener between rivals Dinamo Moscow and Terek. It turns out they played out a nil-nil draw and now the season was underway.

Tomorrow would mark my first day in management. Truth be told, I was actually somewhat excited about it all. I’ve been at the club for only just about a month but it has been a very interesting experience. To be in charge, without hiding in the shadows was a stark contrast to A Sombra and I liked it. I liked that I would be open to more praise or, scrutiny from someone other than Ramon or Uncle Vitor. I had already received my text of good luck from Ramon and also received a nice surprise in knowing he had actually flown in to Russia to see my first game. Uncle Vitor on the other hand hasn’t said anything in a couple days and understandably as our last conversation was about finalizing an arms deal with a small group in Armenia; I knew he would have been busy.

As I took the last drink of coffee, I put the mug away and picked up my coat to sneak off quietly without waking Vera and the boys. As soon as I slipped my arm through the second sleeve and then adjusted the holster under my suit I heard Vera’s voice.

“Where do you think you’re going with that?” she said as she reached her hands around my torso and unclipped my gun.

I slid my hands on top of hers and took it out then turned around to embrace her, gun in hand. “I’m off to catch my flight to Ufa, little love.”

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“Not with that, Paulo Alexi Barbosa Ivanov,” she said with a cheeky smile. She always enjoyed calling me by all my names for some reason. It amused her.

“Why not?” I smiled looking down at her. She was a few inches shorter than me but as fearless as they came.

“You cannot carry a gun to your first game as a manager. Let alone the airport!” she chuckled as she slid my hands to her side and released my grip on the weapon.

“I have one under my desk in my office and well, I carried one on our first date!” I reminded her.

“You won’t let me come to your office so I can’t fight that yet and ugh, don’t remind me about that,” she rolled her eyes laughing. “I sat in your lap on our third or fourth date, not knowing you carried it. Remember what I said?”

I grinned. “You said, ‘Well aren’t you trigger happy?” We burst into quiet laughter.

“Then you said, ‘You wouldn’t want me to pull this trigger.’ I thought you were trying to be flirty but nooo, you eased me up a bit and pulled a gun out. I couldn’t believe it!”

I was grinning ear to ear at the memory. Even in that moment, she wasn’t in the least bit alarmed. She tip-toed and gave me a kiss, finally removing the gun completely from my grasp.

“No guns today Mr. Ivanov. Now give me another kiss, tell me you love me and go tell your sons bye instead of trying to sneak out. I don’t know why you think any of us would be asleep on such a big day,” she said hugging me tightly.

“They’re awake? Well then. I love you Mrs. Ivanova.”

I let her go then made my way upstairs. I slowly crept to their door and poked my head in before sliding myself inside. Then before you know it, I felt tugs to both my feet and heard loud giggles.

“Oh no! You guys got me!” I playfully shouted before reaching down and tickling them. The giggles only got louder. I knelt on one knee and hugged them both. “Viktor, Vasily...are you two excited for dad’s big day?”

They both nodded with their big cheeks and their mother’s hazel eyes. I kissed their foreheads.

“Good. I am too. I’ll see you two after the game tomorrow okay? Your mom and Andrei will take you to the airport tonight. I love you both.”

“I love you too daddy,” they said in unison.

Soon I felt a small kick against my hips. It was Vera telling me to leave. I got outside the door and called Andrei. He was essentially my right hand man, a bodyguard for my family and perhaps even a brother, here in Russia and the person who is in charge of all our affiliations on the western side of the map. He was my contact when I moved here and the main reason why I acclimated so quickly and easily to Russia. Recommended by Ramon, he was only two years older than me and like myself had been taught everything he knows by his father, Denis who was my father’s Russian contact. His life almost mirrored mine in that he lost both his father and mother - in a car accident - when he was young and only had the life of A Sombra to fall back on. He was further mentored and groomed by Ramon and has time and time again stated how he considers him his uncle, going as far as calling him “Uncle Ramon.”

He answered:

Andrei: “Alexei. On your way to the airport?”

Me: “Yeah. I’ve just walked out. Will you still be able to bring Vera and the boys?”

Andrei: “Of course. Wouldn’t miss it for anything. I’ve just spoken to Uncle Ramon too. Tomorrow will be exciting and perhaps full of surprises.”

Me: “Good surprises I hope, Andrei. I will be unarmed. Vera’s orders.”

Andrei: “Not to worry. We won’t have any use for them and the guards will be close by. Good luck in your preparations and good luck tomorrow if I don’t get to speak to you before the match, Alexei.”

Me: “Thank you Andrei. I’ll see you.”

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Match Day

July 19, 2015

It was matchday today. The players were prepared and we went over our tactical approach. FC Ufa is only a 4 year old club and finished in 12th last season. On paper, they shouldn’t pose us much of a threat and I wanted us to ruthlessly dispose of them, even if we were heading to their stadium to do the job. It reminded me of when I wrestled away the Mexicans stronghold on distribution back in Texas. This was a big ask of my squad to show me such dominance in just our first game but it would be a good gauge of what they could accomplish.

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We had a few absentees from this one through injury, suspension(Shirokov) or ineligibility after I declared a couple
senior players who needed match fitness available today for Spartak M2’s match. That means, I’d have to start with an 18 year old keeper from the U-21 squad. I didn’t mind, as our second keeper was 19 and I trusted all my players, young or old. Still, I was able to present a full starting eleven for the day and one I had confidence in.

My teamtalk was simple. “Go out there and show me what you can do. Show me the passion that I crave and trust you all to be able to deliver.”

The majority of the squad looked on keenly and focused. Then, it was time. I sent them out.

Two minutes into the match, I was already looking at the chance to get see my team’s first goal with me in charge when Quincy Promes was brought down in the box. I remained calmly in my seat and looked on as my captain, Dmitry Kombarov placed the ball on the spot waiting for the whistle to blow. At the sound of the whistle, Kombarov ran up slowly and hit it.

Off the left post.

I got up and went to the touchline and applauded Dmitry, encouraging him. “Keep your head up.”

Much of the match after that became a midfield battle for possession up until the 16th minute when somehow we left FC Ufa’s Sukhov completely on marked on the right side. He floated in an early cross and their striker Pourie leapt highest. We were down 1-0.

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“We’re beginning to lose out to them in midfield Alexei,” Dubski whispered to me. I made notes in my book as I looked on. He was right. This wasn’t the strongest midfield I could field, especially with Popov being asked to perform in an unfamiliar role.

As I made these jottings, Promes broke free on the right and swung a cross into the back post. Jano tried to get a head to it and did but his header was unfortunately weak and Ufa’s keeper held it comfortably.

After seeing Josue hack down goalscorer Pourie, I had a somewhat cynical smile on my face. That’s why I signed him. He was supposed to be disruptive. I decided to use his passion to channel it to everyone else and got on the touchline. “Show me your fire! Your passion! Get yourselves back into this!”

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Jano and Promes responded best and they were menaces on the flanks, running at the defenders with pace and trickery.One such run won us a corner. Kombarov swung it in with his left and after a blatant shove in the box, we had another penalty.

Again my captain stepped up and again we all waited for the whistle. He went for the same spot again!

But this time it was in - 1-1. We were level. I applauded from the touchline.

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35 minutes in Promes and Jano again looked menacing with the former driving into the box from the byline. He tried to pick out Jano who was outmuscled to the ground. It looked another penalty but it wasn’t granted. I wasn’t going to beg for this win so I said nothing about the decision.

Soon it was half-time. Attacking wise, I was pleased with the squad. We looked much more dangerous going forward but it just didn’t show on the scoreline. So in the dressing room I told the players this. “You need to do better. Finish your chances. This isn’t going to cut it currently.”

I sent them back out and the second half was underway.

Unfortunately, one of our dangermen suffered a gashed leg from a tackle and he was signalling for a substitution. This wasn’t good as we had very few players to select from with only four subs being available.

Still I sent on Movsisyan and asked him to play in a role he wasn’t 100% used to on the left. “You’re doing us a good service here and I fully believe you can make the difference for us,” I said as I patted him on the back before he ran on.

Then, just 10 minutes later, I couldn’t believe it.
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Movsisyan put us in front! Methodical passing and movement found its way to him on the edge of the box and he
made the difference I asked him for by smashing his boot through the ball into the top left corner. Beautiful goal that raised a big smile for me.

Soon after I brought on Bocchetti in place or Tasci to shore up our defense and give us a fresh pair of legs.

We could have been 3-1 up when Glushakov showed us some quick feet in the midfield of the pitch by slipping the ball through the legs of a Ufa player and breaking into the box. Unfortunately he put his shot wide. Pleasing stuff however.

Glushakov again 5 minutes later displayed more of his skill and technique, this time playing a one-two with Kirill Kombarov - twin brother of captain Dmitry - then playing a lovely ball over the top for Movsisyan who put his shot narrowly over the bar.

With only 8 minutes left though, that was it for Glushakov’s display of skill as I took him off for a much deserved rest. “Good work,” I said as I shook his hand when he came off.”

After that we dropped a little deeper to see the game out and that was it. Final whistle.

My first win as a manager, one of many I hoped. I congratulated the players and was particularly impressed with man of the match winner, Popov who got looked solid in his unfamiliar position. This was the commitment I wanted and expected from these men.

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Later that night,

Ufa, Russia.

After my first victory as a manager I made sure the players all got on their flights home along with my staff. I decided to give them the morning off and have training sessions in the evening instead ahead of our second game of the season against Ural. I didn’t fly back to Moscow tonight however due to agreeing with everyone that we would celebrate my victory at dinner in Ufa. It was Vera’s idea and she collaborated with Andrei to make sure everything went to plan.

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So I got back to my hotel, took a shower, changed and then headed to Schepka, the restaurant Vera chose. Apart from a text from Andrei that told me who was my driver and where the restaurant was, I had not spoken to anyone I considered family since the game. I got to the restaurant and spoke to maître d who took me to the table they had reserved. As I got closer, I started to recognize faces and immediately heard my name shouted, “Alexei!” Up from the table first, was the biggest surprise - Alexis.

“Alexis, what are you doing here? You didn’t say you were coming!” I said in pleasant surprise. I found it strange that I didn’t get a text from her before my game but I surely didn’t expect her here in Russia.

“I would never miss this. You know that. Congratulations on your first win, I’m so proud of you!” she said hugging me tightly before taking my hand and ushering me to my seat at the table.

It was quite a turnout. First there was Alexis’ family - Frank and my nephew Alexander. Across from them was Ramon, who I had expected to be here. Then next to Ramon was Andrei, his longtime girlfriend Oksana and their son Roman. Then of course closest to me was Vera, Vasily and Viktor. Seeing them all was a good moment for me. Especially all the children who had so far grown normal lives in comparison to most of the adults sitting at the table.

“Congrats on your first win!” they all shouted in a chorus with to applause as I sat down.

“Thank you guys. You really all didn’t have to be here though. Did Vera put you guys up to it?” I said smiling as I reached for Vera’s hand and squeezed it tightly. Mouthing “thank you.”

“Nonsense Alexei! None of us here would miss this for anything,” Alexis said happily.

“She’s right Alexei. We’re all very proud of you. We know how far you’ve come from and seen how hard you’ve worked for this,” Ramon joined in, winking. In truth, of everyone here, Frank and the children were the only one who didn’t know about my history. Even Andrei’s girlfriend Oksana knew. Shortly after I moved here and became closer to Andrei he asked me if it was okay if he told his girlfriend of more than a decade who I was. He said that they had been together for so long, they just no longer kept secrets from each other and considering I would be around their family often, he didn’t want to keep me a secret. When he asked, I had already met Oksana many times and it was through her help that I met Vera. I agreed without question as I had plenty of trust in them both. They had never broken that trust to this day.

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The night went on and food was eaten and laughter was shared. We moved our evening from the restaurant to a nearby park so they children could run around and stretch their legs. Vasily and Viktor, though younger than the other children, were limitless when it came to energy. Alexander, who was now 4, wasn’t far behind in energy though and Roman, who was 10, was surprisingly good at keep them all entertained. He kept a watchful eye on them and played with them, running kicking a ball around and sharing in their cheerful laughter.

Oksana, Alexis and Vera all sat on a bench not too far away from them and shared stories. They were a close group, all linked by the shady backgrounds of their loved ones. The men stood by the edge of the park away from everyone smoking cigars. Even though Frank wasn’t kept in the know, he was never made to feel left out. He understood Ramon and Andrei to be old friends to me and Alexis’ adopted family and he didn’t question it further. He just admired how close-knit everyone was.

“Your boy is growing up real well Andrei. Got quite a frame on him already” Frank said as he puffed smoke into the air.

Andrei looked around towards the area where the boys were running and smiled. Yeah. He stays pretty active. Much bigger than I was at his age. Says he wants to get into sports when he is older.”

“Yeah? Well, whenever he is ready let me know. I can probably get him a trial at Spartak’s youth academy,” I said.

“Really? I will ask him about it. Would mean a lot to him to play for you Alexei. He looks up to you a lot. Reminds me of how I was growing up looking up to Ramon here.”

Ramon smiled and gave Andrei a fatherly pat on the back.“Would be something to see him playing, that’s for sure,” he added in on the conversation. “What about your boys Alexei? Frank? Going to try to get them in on sports too?”

I thought about it. I really didn’t know what kind of life I wanted them to lead. Vera and I never spoke about either of them taking over for me in A Sombra, like I did for my father.

“I’d think so. Alexander seems to like sports. His grandfather takes him to a lot of baseball games back in America and I take him to watch soccer when I can,” Frank said.

“It’s called football here Franky-boy,” Andrei joked as he took another draw from his cigar.

I looked over my shoulder and watched Viktor chase Vasily and the other boys. “It will be up to them. With a large nudge from Vera I imagine. I will support whatever decision they make.”

Soon Alexis was walking towards us, smiling. “Hate to interrupt boys but can I borrow my brother for a moment?”

“He’s all yours,” they said. She kissed Frank’s cheek before tugging on my arm to follow her.

We walked along a path in the park quietly for a while until we were further away from everyone. As we were walking a text came in on my phone. I checked it and saw that it was from an unknown number. The message said, “Congrats on your win today. Sorry I couldn’t make it.” I smiled and put the phone away as I figured it was Uncle Vitor.

“I still like when we do this,” Alexis spoke. “Remember how many times we would sneak out of the house when we were little and walk around the nearby forests quietly. No words, just comforted in each other’s presence.”

“I remember,” I smiled. “Uncle Bruno would sneak us out too. We’d go to the beach sometimes too and walk the shoreline.”

“Yeahh. Uncle Bruno taught us all the good places to sneak out. Of course, dad knew and we were never really alone in those forests. The guards would all watch us from a distance. Enough to keep us safe but not enough to interrupt us.”

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “Father knew everything.”

“That he does,” she smiled as she came to a stop and looked across at the city lights of the highrise buildings.”

Again, she spoke of him like he was still here. I don’t think she notices and I never say anything about it.

“Hey Alexei,” she said folding her arms and turning to me. “I was running some numbers for A Sombra. Where are those vacation homes you and Vera have again that you never go to?”

“Uh...Croatia and Monaco,” I said trying to remember. I rarely left Russia so I’ve barely been to either of them and almost forgot I had them. “Why?”

“Hm. That’s what I remembered. There’s something off. Trails leading back to deposits in South America only known as ‘expenses’ and I’m not sure what they are,” Alexis explained.

“So there is money missing?”

“No, not missing. I mean, no one is trying to hide it or it wouldn’t show up on my paperwork. I just don’t know what it’s for. I’ll look into it though.”

“South America...well that’s the western division of A Sombra. Ramon and Uncle Vitor run all that. Spoken to either of them?” I asked as I thought about it further.

“Yeah, I spoke to Ramon earlier and he wasn’t sure either. Said he’ll help me look into it.”

“Okay. Keep me posted then. Try not to get too bogged down by A Sombra matters Alexis. Okay?”

She let her hair out of a ponytail, sighed and smile. “Listen to you. The man who only breathed A Sombra once. You sound like you’re ready to make an escape.”

Before I could say anything Andrei was shouting my name. We turned around and saw a few men casually dressed like normal parkgoers behind trees with guns in hand. One nodded at me and I held Alexis’ hand and put her behind me as I walked calmly over to Andrei. I recognize the men behind the tree as the guards Andrei and I employ to watch over our families discreetly, especially in open events like these. I don’t know what has alarmed them though.

“What’s going on?” Alexis whispered as we got closer to Andrei. I looked to the area where the kids were playing and saw that Oksana and Vera were with them looking on with Ramon only a few feet away by Frank’s side talking to each other.

“What’s the matter Andrei?” I asked calmly.

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“Black sedan over my right shoulder, in the parking lot. Guards say it’s been driving

around the park slowly for about twenty minutes now. Finally parked over there.”

“Any idea who it may be?” Alexis asked. “Does everyone else know that this is going on?”

“Just Ramon. I’m sure Oksana and Vera sense something but the boys and Frank aren’t aware.”

“Good. Get them to the cars and taken home,” I said as I hugged Alexis, whispering in her ear, “Don’t be stubborn. You go too. I’ll call you.”

She nodded and walked towards Frank, “Where are my lovely men? It’s time to get back to our hotel. The driver’s here and waiting for us.” Alexander ran into her arms and she picked him up and looked back at me, mouthing “be safe.” Frank was about to walk over but Alexis held his hand and gave him a slight tug redirecting him without rising concern so he waved goodnight and shook Ramon’s hand before they headed for the car. I looked around the park and saw a group of my men exiting the park with them to ensure they were safely inside.

As soon as their car drove off, the rest of my guards came out into the clear to escort Oksana, Vera and the children to their cars. Ramon walked over towards Andrei and me and handed me two magnum revolvers.

“Ramon, you should go with Vera. I need one of us to have eyes on them,” I said as I tucked both guns under my coat.

“No chance Alexei. Not until we know who we are dealing with,” he responded.

“Same,” Andrei said as I turned to him.

Knowing the answers would remain unchanged we all walked towards the parking lot slowly. The park was cleared of our families in a matter of minutes and flawlessly executed so no alarm was raised by any of the children. All three cars that were loaded with family were being followed to their hotels by my guards to make sure everything was alright. They would remain outside the hotels, until tomorrow when we all flew back to our homes.

As we got closer to the car we all took different directions to surround it. Two more cars with our guards had already boxed the car in. Whoever was inside knew there was no leaving by now and they didn’t seem perturbed by being boxed in so we knew we were dealing with someone with a similar background to ours. Andrei took point and tapped on the driver’s window with his pistol. Ramon and I were on either side with our guns directed at the remaining windows. Soon all the windows were down and we could see inside...

“Uncle Vitor!?”

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July 20, 2015
Moscow, Russia

I was back home in Moscow and was at my office talking to Alexis on the phone.

“So it was Uncle Vitor who was watching us?” she asked to be clear again.

“Yeah. He said he didn’t want to interrupt our get together.”

“So he ended it prematurely by spooking us then?” she giggled. “Sounds like him. What was he doing in Russia anyway? He wasn’t at your game. I invited him and he told me he had things to take care of.”

“He said he wanted to come congratulate me and tell me the Armenian deal was done. A Sombra reached an agreement with a few Armenian mobsters to be their sole weapons distributors,” I explained.

“Okay. Still, he didn’t have to come in so shadily and why didn’t I know about this Armenian deal?”

I eased back into my chair and swiveled from side to side on it. “I’m not sure but something is off about him and Ramon.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. Ramon was very surprised to see him there that night. You could tell and soon after discovering it was him, Ramon didn’t wait behind. He asked Andrei to take him to the best bar in the city and asked me to meet them there for a drink,” I recounted everything to Alexis.

“Hmm. So he didn’t invite Uncle Vitor for a drink as well?”

“No. They barely said two words to each other and when I did eventually go get that drink with them. Ramon knew nothing about the Armenian deal either.”

“Strange. Their relationship wasn’t always the best from what I remember. I mean, Ramon only ever spoke to father and Uncle Bruno. Uncle Vitor would work eastern deals with father and Ramon would work western with Uncle Bruno so they really didn’t need to speak much unless it was a meeting with all of them,” Alexis said as I continued to swivel my chair.

I smiled and ran my hand through my hair. “How do you know all of this? You used to sneak out a lot didn’t you?”

“Maybe,” she giggled. “Uncle Bruno told me this particular piece though - the distribution control back then. He would show me on the map and point out different countries saying who was in charge of what.”

“Interesting. By the way, I got a text from an unknown number wishing me luck for the game last week. Did you send one by any chance to throw me off that you weren’t coming? I though it was Uncle Vitor but he didn’t know what I was talking about.”

“Nope, wasn’t me. Uncle Vitor is 63 now Alexei. Maybe he forgot he sent it?” We both laughed.

“Yeah, maybe. Strange though. By the way, did you and Ramon get to look into the unknown exp-” I was interrupted by a knock on my door before I could finish my sentence. “Got to go Alexis. Someone’s at my door.”

“Alright Mr. Manager. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.”

“Love you too,” I said before hanging up.

I then invited the person who knocked my door in. It was Manfred. “Alexei, sorry if I’m interrupting,” he said as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

“Nonsense Manfred. What’s up?” I asked.

For the next two hours we discussed our opponents Ural and how we would approach the game. This went on while Ural played their first game of the season on the television in my office.

I told Manfred that I intended to make our stadium a fortress during my time here and he agreed. I intended to play Ural the same way I approached the FK Ufa game by trying to be ruthless and asserting our dominance. For a majority of our preseason we had worked on a counterattacking style but I didn’t believe it was time to utilize this. “Our first two games should be ones we should handle well. We’ll shift the team’s style based on the need and the threat,” I said to Manfred. Again, he agreed and then we began working on training for the next morning because he thought we still needed to drill the tactical style of what we want the players doing into them. They still were only just about halfway used to our style so we needed to get them fully acclimated.

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Match Day

July 24, 2015

Today we welcomed Ural Yekaterinburg to the Otkrytie Arena. I still had 5 players out, 3 of which were close to a return but in no way ready for today’s game. The good news was that all three of my keepers were available but with former captain Atem Rebrov just coming back into training I decided I would go with second choice 19 year old, Anton Mitryushkin in goal. Up front, after his heroics in the last match, I started Movsisyan. I also gave Ozbiliz who wasn’t available for our first game, a chance to start in place of the injured Jano. Everyone else was unchanged with Popov asked to build on his good display in his unfamiliar position from his first game.

On the bench, I was pleased to have more options as well with Shirokov and Granat both being fit after injury.

For my teamtalk, I again made it simple and clear. “I want you to go out there and win.”


They showed me they were ready to give me what I wanted just a minute into the game when Promes, starting on the left wing, cut inside the box and teed up Movsisyan who smashed it low into the net. Lovely start.

We continued to look menacing with Promes leading from the left wing. A nice ball was floated over the top of the defense by Josue was taken down well by the winger and he produced a save matched perfectly by a save from Ural’s keeper.

“Keep it up!” I applauded from the touchline.

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20 minutes in Mitryushkin pick the ball up out of his net unfortunately. After seeing us make two chances go begging I told the players to pick it up and be more decisive. I needed more from them. So it was completely surprising when a cross-***-shot from the right side was parried back out into the box by Mitryushkin only for Dmitry Kombarov to miss his touch on the ball and have it fall to Kulakov who smashed it into the empty net.

We restored our lead just 5 minutes later though when Movsisyan made up for blasting over a chance just a minute earlier. We got a free-kick from the left that Ozbiliz swung it. Two players challenged for the ball and it was headed back out to the feet of Ozbiliz who drove to the byline before sliding it across the face of goal and Yura made no mistake to tap it in from such a close range. 3 goals in two games!

“Well done Yura!” I shouted before the restart.

The rest of the first half was played at a slower pace before the whistle came. In the dressing room I told the players that I liked what I saw but there was definitely room for improvements. I especially singled out our defense for not being sharp enough after letting that goal in. then I sent them back out to remedy the situation and show me what I expected from them.

Just a minute after halftime the fans were in disbelief.

We got an early free-kick that Ozbiliz directed at the backpost. Tasci was all alone and unmarked and somehow smashed his shot against the crossbar. That should have been 3! The Ural defense managed to clear the ball for a corner.

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7 minutes into the half though we did make it 3-1 when Popov played a neat ball through for Ozbiliz. He showed great composure and clinicalness when smashed it between the legs of the keeper. He deserved that one based on his play today.

In the 63rd minute, I brought on Shirokov for Glushakov.

Next I brought on the young Mamin for Bryzgalov.

Ural tried to pull one back in the 80th minute but Mitryushkin stood firm and kept the shot out.

With 13 minutes to go I sent Manfred to the touchline to plead for concentration as a couple players began to look complacent.

My final change was Granat for Dimtry Kombarov with 9 minutes to go. We needed a fresh pair of legs and he needed a run out.

Finally the whistle blew to call time on the match. I was proud of them. They showed a real ruthless spirit and this could have been 5 or 6 goals had they been more clinical in the later stages of the game but it was early days and we were all just getting used to each other so I couldn’t ask for more currently. Yura Movsisyan picked up the man of the match award with his two goals but his support cast was definitely Popov again and Ozbiliz who both looked just as solid. “Two wins from two, congratulations men.”

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July 28, 2015,

Around 3 a.m.

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I was sprinting and weaving around trees. I gripped my gun tightly and kept my strides long. Soon I heard an explosion in the distance and I pulled up and ducked behind a tree. I was breathless, sweat dripping from my brows and down the length of my nose. I could feel my heart pounding relentlessly in my chest. Whether it was from fear or fatigue, I couldn’t be sure but I knew I couldn’t give up now. My family’s life was on the line right now, my sister, my sons, my wife, my brother in arms. They were all in danger. I could feel myself shaking, this time I knew it was from pure anger.

I leaned around the tree and squeezed the trigger, shooting in the direction of the explosions. Then I moved from the tree and ran over to another one that was closer, sliding behind it.

“Give it up Alexei! This isn’t your war!” a voice shouted from the distance.

I fired in it’s direction again.

“Give me my family back” I shouted before reloading and opening fire again.

“Alexei. I never had your family. They’re already dead Alexei!” the voice shouted again, this time from a different direction.

What? Died? There’s no way. I fell to my knees behind the tree overcome by uncontrollable trembling.

“No. No. No! No!” I screamed as I fired wildly around me.

“Paulo,” a familiar voice said. A figure emerged in front of me. Stepping towards me slowly.

I couldn’t hold back the tears. I pointed the gun towards the figure but I couldn’t pull the trigger.

“Alexei?” it said as it came kneeling in front of me. “Alexei Paulo, it’s me.” It took the gun from my hand slowly.

I looked up still sobbing. Unable to pull myself together. I couldn’t believe who I saw.



My eyes snapped open. I saw Vera in front of me. She tucked my hair behind my ears and wiped across my forehead. “Breathe. It’s only a dream. Breathe Alexei,” she said calmly.

I looked around and saw that I was no longer in the forest but in my room, on my bed with only Vera here with me. I looked at her and noticed she had my gun I kept next to our bed in front of her.

“Did I pull it out again?” I asked wondering why she had it.


“Did I point it at you?” I asked again.

“No. Just in front of you towards the tv. If you hate it so much, we can get a new one,” she said with a little smile trying to make light of the situation.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry again. I can’t control it. I don’t know why I have them...these dreams. I’m so sorry Vera,” I said resting my forehead against her shoulder.

“It’s okay Alexei. You’ll be fine. You were dreaming about your father again.” This was the third time this week.

“I saw him Vera. It was weird. I saw how he would look today, at 65. He called me Alexei,” I told her, trying to make sense of it in my head.

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk to someone about this besides me Alexei?” Vera asked worryingly.

“Like a therapist? I can’t. I’d have to tell them all about me. I can’t risk that,” I responded. I moved to the edge of the bed and got up, putting a shirt on.

“Where are you going?” Vera asked as she reached towards the desk I kept the gun I pulled out. She took a magazine out of the drawer and loaded the weapon before handing it to me. Understandably, she kept it unloaded whenever I went to sleep.

“I’m going to call Andrei. Go for a ride to see if I can clear my head,” I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“Thank you little love.”


Andrei was at my door in 10 short minutes. I kissed Vera goodnight and made her promise me she would get some sleep. Once that was done Andrei and I got into a car and just drove aimlessly around in the dead of night.

For the first half of the drive nothing was said. My mind was still trying to wrap around the contents of my dream. This was a drive Andrei was used to. He knew when I was ready I would talk so he usually just kept quiet and played the radio in his car on a low volume. Admittedly, it never took this long before for me to talk so understandably after a while had gone he broke the silence.

“This one was pretty bad, yeah?”

“Yeah. I saw my father again. Everyone was gone. I broke down. I don’t was...horrible,” I said reflecting on my dream again.

“Were Vera and the boys…?” Andrei tried to ask about them dying in the dream.

“Yeah. Everyone I considered family. You, Alexis, Vera, Ramon, Vitor…”

“Why do you think you have these dreams? They’ve been more frequent recently,” Andrei asked as he turned the heat on in the car. It was a bit cold inside.

“I don’t know. I wish I knew.”

“Hey you ever want to just...stop?” he asked me as he kept his focus on the road.

“Stop what?”

“Our lives. The side of it we hide from most people. Do you ever think about getting out? To live a normal life?” he answered. I thought about what he said. It has been something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. From the day Viktor and Vasily were born. “I have. Sometimes I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t fear death Alexei. People think that’s a good thing but I think it’s the worst thing in the world. Being ready to die at any moment. I don’t want that. I fear not living. I want to be alive and there for Oksana and Roman. I want us to have more nights like the one we had celebrating your first victory. But I don’t want to have to always worry that it will end like it did that night. Having to cut our night short because we suspect someone knows about us and is watching us,” Andrei continued.

You could tell he has been thinking about it for a while. He never paused for a moment or broke in thought.

“I do too Andrei. I do want to stop. I worry that Viktor and Vasily will live as I did - without a father. I’ve tasted a more normal life than the one I’ve led all these years and it tastes good. I just don’t know how to break free. A Sombra is everything my father had next to his family. I can’t just let it go,” I tried to explain.

“But didn’t your father want to stop too? He was trying to carve a way out. What if it wasn’t for him? What if it was for you all this time?”

I never looked at it like Andrei did. Maybe he was right. Did father really just leave breadcrumbs to an exit for me? Did he anticipate that I wouldn’t want to do this my entire life? How would he have known?

I didn’t answer Andrei. I didn’t know how.

“It eats at you though Alexei. The decisions we’ve made. The lives we’ve took. I stopped and looked at it one day. For every man we kill, that’s a family that’s lost a father or a son. The very thing we fear. Doesn’t that make us hypocrites?”

“You’re a wise man Andrei. Your father would be proud of you now,” I said in response. Everything he had said today made sense. No matter how you looked at it. “We can turn back for home now. I can’t keep taking you away from Oksana in the middle of the night.”

He smiled. “She understands. Our families are one Alexei. When one of us hurts, we all hurt. I’ll be here for you always.”

“Thank you Andrei.”

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August 1, 2015

Perm, Rusia

“You look like you haven’t slept for days Alexei,” Manfred said no doubt noticing the bags under my eyes. If only he knew he was right.

I mustered a smile. “How can I sleep when I have the beautiful game to think about?”

There were chuckles around the room. We were having a backroom staff meetings late in a room we rented at the hotel, before our game against FC Amkar Perm tomorrow. The team and staff had flown to Perm earlier today to prepare and get a feel of playing on the artificial turf in Amkar’s stadium. There was a good feeling all around as everyone has started to get used to being around each other and our 2 wins from 2 start has played a big part.

View attachment 201958View attachment 201959“Yuri was named in the Team of The Week that one week. He’s been looking good so far,” Gerd Muller said.

“Yeah, he’s really banging them in. Think we got you to thank for that Gerd. Popov was named in the Team of The Month as well” Oliver Otto, our fitness coach, responded.

“Almost up to full fitness guys. Only three on the treatment table now. Still about a month left for Romulo to come back then we’ll have a full squad to select from,” our head physio Mikhail Vartapetov chimed in.

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“Good to know. We have 5 games this month. Some big ones I’d say. It’ll be good to have options,” Manfred followed on Mikhail’s input.

All while they were talking I was quiet. Trying to concentrate well enough to keep my eyes open. It had been three days since I last had a good night’s rest and I’ve been using club matters as a distraction from my dreams. From creating training routines for my youth squads to new set-piece routines, they were proving to be good distractions and brought about a degree of comfort.

“I think we should wrap up for the night. Alexei, you need to get to your room and get some sleep boss. Would be a shame if you were to fall asleep in the dugout tomorrow,” goalkeeper coach Martin Taylor laughed.

“I suppose you’re right. Get a good night’s sleep everyone. I’ll see you all in the morning,” I said concluding the meeting before leaving for my room. Without Vera and the kids here and once more being unarmed, I think I’d be okay sleeping tonight. Andrei was also staying at the hotel discreetly to keep an eye on me after Vera insisted I didn’t travel alone. This sleep thing was all getting out of hand and I needed a resolution fast.

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Pre-match Thoughts:

We started out a little different in this one. Amkar have been in good form and my scouts encouraged me to train defensive for this one but I refused instead remaining to run tactical sessions to get the player’s used to my styles.

One such style would be on display today as I lined the player’s up in a different formation for a different approach.
Post-match Thoughts:
A pretty solid victory from the men today. We sat back and played smart football moving the ball forward with precision and got 3 goals out of it. Ozbiliz played extremely well scoring two fine goals but unfortunately he suffered an injury. “If we treat him here, he’ll be out for 2 months Alexei but I know a specialist. He could get him back to us sooner. It’s up to you,” Vartapetov said to me after looking at Ozbiliz. “Send him to the specialist then.” He would miss our important games this month but with Shirokov coming on late and getting a goal for himself, it shows that we still have options going forward. On to the next one.

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Pre-match Thoughts:

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We had a decent flight to Rostov for this one. With 3 wins from 3 the players were in good spirits and eager to push on further. I was in their ears in the training sessions leading up to this, “Don’t let up. Don’t get complacent. Keep working.” It was fairly good news that I came into this game with a near full squad with only 2 players out injured - Ozbiliz and Romulo. I only made two changes from the side that beat Amkar with Shirokov coming in to fill our attacking void left by Oz and also Bocchetti to partner Tasci in defense. The 19 year old Mitryushkin remained in goal.

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Post-match Thoughts:

“Well, how do you feel? Back down to earth now aren’t we? We cannot lose sight of ourselves. Not you, not me,” I said to the men after a humbling defeat at the hands of Rostov. We greatly underestimated them and I admit I came in with the wrong approach. Even though I feel they were underestimated, I also feel we showed them too much respect in the first half. They capitalized by blitzing us with 3 goals. When I changed things around to seize control in the second half, it was already too late. This was not a good defeat in my books. There’s much work ahead.

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This one was a big one. Very early in the season but it was already 1st vs 2nd. A win here could see us go above Lokomotiv Moscow by 2 points and move on from there but after our 3-0 loss to Rostov proves that we can take nothing for granted. We came into this one with 3 injuries with Davydov picking up an injury that forced him back to the treatment room so soon after coming out. I started Jano in place of Promes in this one and Bocchetti who had just picked up his first start against Rostov was back out of the squad again for Granat. Mitryushkin also lost his place in goal to the more experienced Rebrov.

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“Do better. That’s all I want from you today. It’s a big game and we need a big performance. One much bigger than the one we gave last time out. Show these fans what they deserve!” I shouted at the men before sending them out. This was a match we could win and use to make a statement.

Kick off.

For much of the opening 10 minutes it was a midfield battle with no real end product. I had to get to the touchline and beg for some creativity. “Come on, look livelier. Sharper. Create something!”

25 minutes in you’d think I was pleading to the other team though when Lokomotiv broke free on a counter and suddenly a defense splitting ball was sent to the far post. It all happened so fast that I didn’t even see who hit the shot, I just know it cannoned off the left post. Glushakov punted it out but only to the opposition and before long Rebrov had thrown himself to the ground to keep another shot out.

What a heart racing turn of events.

4 minutes later we finally offered a similar threat with the Kombarov twins linking up from their opposite wings. Dmitry played a ball cross field to Kirill and the latter drove to the edge of the box and powered a shot at goal that the keeper parried back out to Dmitry. Our captain perhaps too unselfishly tried to set up Movsisyan though and that allowed Lokomotiv’s defense to get back in it’s shape and keep us out.

What followed was 15 minutes of end to end football that had me barking on the touchline. It was a thrilling experience. When the whistle blew for halftime my blood was boiling from it all. I needed a win today. With everything that’s been going on off the pitch, I felt a win today would be my personal respite.
“It says a lot when Kirill has been our most dangerous attacking threat. We’re doing okay, but we’re not playing well. Where’s the passion? I see it in Kirill but no one else. Come on. Go out there and resonate the passion you have within. The stadium is sold out for you. Let those 45,000 people screaming for you see that they are reaching you!”

The midfield battle resumed and again there was no significant attacking threat so in the 59th minute I sent on Zé Luís for Movsisyan.

Just 5 minutes later I had turned around to head to the dugout to speak with Manfred about tactical changes I heard the stadium erupt behind me. I turned around to see the referee pointing to the spot and Granat pleading his innocence. My staff had sprinted past me in anger shouting in anger. When it was a sure thing that the penalty was given, everyone quietly looked on from the touchline…

Manuel Fernandes stood up at the spot. Made his run up…


I shook my head and turned around to go sit.

“Did you see it? Was it legitimate?” I leaned over asking Quincy Promes who was sitting on the bench this game.

“Can’t tell boss. Would have to see the replays. Didn’t look it though.”

“Who is this referee again? Know where he’s from?” I asked with a shift in my tone and focus.

Quincy paused and had a confused expression on his face. “Whoa boss. Planning to pay a visit to his house?” he said laughing.

I snapped back to where I was and smiled, “Of course not.”

I was back on the touchline urging everyone forward. If we were going to lose today, we would lose fighting. I turned around and gave a nod to someone on the bench.

After he warmed up, I sent him on. Quincy Promes for Jano.

With 5 minutes to go, I stayed out on the touchline to get the lads moving forward continuously. I could see their motivating so it was no surprised when they finally got their reward. Kirill drifted out wide in acres of space and shouted for the ball with Glushakov picking him out brilliantly. He beat the first defender that came on to him and whipped a lovely cross in that was met with a brilliant half volley from Promes! 1-1! I couldn’t hide my excitement.

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I encouraged the men to use this as motivation to continue looking for chances and it almost paid dividends when we launched a counterattack a minute into stoppage time. A rush of adrenaline caused Glushakov to blast the ball over the bar.

That was that afterward. A contentious penalty and a fine 6 minute performance. Was I disappointed about our performance throughout the game? Of course I was but our heart in the final moments was encouraging. Something to build on.

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We were going into this one on the back of one win, one loss and one draw for the month. Inconsistent to say the least. The fact that we only had one goal to show in our last 2 games though was something to think about for me. I had promised ruthlessness and we’ve produced toothless. So for the days leading up to the game I tinkered with our system, tactics and roles. I also noticed that with Ozbiliz gone and Popov shifted out to the wing, we had a real lack of creativity.

“Joe, I need some flair. Someone who can give us more options to create,” I said speaking to Joe McLaughlin, our chief scout.

“I agree Alexei so I’ll put a list together for you. Any particular position?”

“A winger by nature. Maybe someone with a bit of versatility who can shift to the midfield if needs be.”

Within a few hours of that conversation, Joe had put together a shortlist for me and I had seen my target. I asked him for a specific report on the player and within days we had secured a loan deal.

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The build up to the match was as expected as this was a big game in Russia. So I wanted to win this one for the fans. This was a war for territory in my world and I would not see us lose today. I played down the game’s importance in my press conference but still managed to get my message across - “I need passion.”

I only had 2 absent from selection this game with Romulo finally joining training again after missing all pre-season. With new addition Pereira also available for selection this meant for the first time this season I had a full bench to choose from. The restrictions in the Russian league made it difficult to select the squad I wanted though with only 6 foreign players being allowed in the squad at a time and the national talent available currently just wasn’t up to scratch. Still, I was confident of a result today with one of our new systems.

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Kick off.

We started off in encouraging fashion, threatening with two early chances in just the first minute. Kirill having the best of them when he cut inside from the right and just skewed a shot wide.

The plan was simple in this one. Zenit has arguably the best squad in the league with a dominant midfield. There was no real way to compete with them in controlling the match especially with their dangermen Danny and Hulk waiting on the wings so I set out to stifle them and hit them on the break. Half of this was working perfectly as 20 minutes in they had a lion's share of possession but nothing but a few wild efforts from way out.

It wasn’t a beautiful or entertaining match by any means but it was the kind of methodical game I wanted from the team and halftime came and we had accomplished something somewhat. It was still 0-0 and Zenit looked toothless in our half.

Our attacking side of things weren’t looking well either and Kirill’s shot was the only thing we had to show. Yura wasn’t using his space well and didn’t look good. It was something to think about while I sent them back out.

Just 4 minutes into halftime Josue twisted his knee and I sent Romulo on for his first game back from injury. It was risky but he was needed.

Just a minute later we were down though when another long shot from the opposition actually found it’s way in this time from the boot of Javi Garcia. It flew in the top corner.

This now meant we needed to search for a goal and change our game plan a bit as we just weren’t hitting enough counterattacks right now. Just as I was discussing this with Manfred though, we were 2-0 down when slick passing from Zenit made it’s way to Kerzhakov in the center of our penalty box and he turned sharply and smashed it beyond Rebrov.

I responded with two quick changes and put Promes and Ze Luis on and signaled for a change in our shape.

This didn’t help though and shortly after we were down another goal when Hulk put his head to a good cross in our box. This was disastrous now.

Ze Luis did something that Yura didn’t do all game and that was take a shot at goal. It was high and wide but it was encouraging to see us finally threatening in their area.

It could have been 4-0 with five minutes to go if it weren’t for a smart save from Rebrov to keep Danny out who had somehow been found with no one near him on the left wing.

The whistle finally blew and I was already long gone down the tunnel after shaking the hand of Villas-Boas. It was a disastrous second half after the good defensive work in the first. One could only blame a lapse of concentration or fatigue. I’m not sure where we went wrong but this was now our second lost with this many goals. It was damaging and I let the players know exactly how I felt.

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“Alexis, this isn’t anything like A Sombra. It’s much harder. I thought being in the public eye and leading would be a good thing but after our last loss, the fans voiced their disapproval...loudly,” I said over the phone. I was sitting in my office looking over my notes for my next game coming up. The final game of the month against one of our other rivals right away.

“Aw, is the great Alexei feeling pressure and stress? Is he displaying mortal characteristics at the summit of another organization?” I could hear her chuckling menacingly. She enjoyed when I didn’t display my nonchalant behavior I adopted from father.

I smiled and brushed off her teasing. “We’ll beat Dinamo. I hope you’re watching when you do cause I’ll give a wink at the end of the match, just for you. Alexei Ivanov doesn’t feel stress or pressure.”

It was match day now and I needed a good result after going the last 3 games without a win. Beating Dinamo would give us a big boost to close the month. We were without 4 for this one with Josue, Shirokov, Ozbiliz and Danydov all being absent through injury. After receiving a backlash from the fans for my approach in the last game, I decided against being stubborn and taking the game to Dinamo in this one. I also rang the tweaks and changes for this game with Dmitry Kombarov, Movsisyan, Rebrov and Bochetti all being removed from the starting lineup. Perreira was also about to get his debut game for us in this one.

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I made it clear before this one, “I want you to do better than the last time. I see no passion, no drive. The trust between us is slipping away. Go show everyone you’re better than what we’ve shown!”

Kick off.

I saw some drive in the players in the first 5 minutes. Especially when Pereira picked up a loose ball in our half and drove to the the halfway line before picking Promes out on the opposite wing. Promes then attempted a floating cross to find Glushakov at the far post but the keeper was able to get his hands to it.

We continued to threaten and dominate early in the half with Ze Luis and Promes both getting chances at goal. Unfortunately they weren’t getting them on target.

“That’s it! Great work!” I shouted and applauded when I finally saw one of our efforts hit the back of the net. Popov freed Makeev on the left and the Russian who started ahead of Kombarov drilled a low cross from the byline that Promes tapped in from close range.

That goal ended our first half and I praised the players at halftime for a solid first half display.

As the second half rolled on I noticed a sense of confidence and trust among the players. Especially in the defensive side of the game as the team was content with nullifying Dinamo’s attacks then passing it out of defense.

Still I didn’t feel secure and felt we needed another goal. Just as I felt that need, it was confirmed when I wild shot from well outside our box was taken by Kozlov that Mitryushkin parried but Zhirkov was first to the loose ball and he rifled it into the roof of our net. 1-1.

By this time I sent on Movsisyan for Ze Luis for more of an attacking threat.

Shortly after I sent Jano on for Popov as well.

My last substitution was sending Kombarov on for Granat and moving Makeev into the heart of the defense. We won a throw in shortly after and Movisyan linked up with Promes with a one-two with the latter getting free on goal from an angle. He rifled a shot that the keeper got down well to.

From the corner that followed, Dmitry swung it in and the Dinamo defense cleared as far as Jano who sent it back out wide, this time to Kirill. The right back whipped a meancing cross in and Movisysan got to the end of it and we were all out of our seats...but, it narrowly missed! We couldn’t believe it.

The referee blew the final whistle moments later and this one was in the history books as a 1-1 draw. Overall this was a much better performance than our last 3 and we looked threatening all day. I think we might have found the right formula for success now but we’ll have to steadily build on it for the fixtures in September.

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September 1, 2015


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Alexis sat in the corner of the quiet little cafe waiting for Ramon who she had arranged to meet with. Frank was off work today and he decided to visit his parents with Alexander so she could have the day to herself and let her hair down. He suggested she visit a spa to relax as she had looked stressed recently. Truth is, she did feel a little stressed but for reasons Frank didn’t know. She was still tracking the hole in A Sombra’s finances that led to Brazil and she had found something that she needed Ramon’s help with.

Punctual as always, Ramon walked in as soon as the clock above the head of the barista ticked over to 1p.m. Donning his customary black coat, he smiled at Alexis as he walked over to her table, unbuttoned and sat down.

“Alexis,” he nodded, “How are you?”

“I’m well Ramon,” she smiled.

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After exchanging pleasantries and small talk to catch up they got down to the matter of the meeting. Alexis reached into her bag and pulled out a folder and slid it across to Ramon. He in turn opened it and examined the papers inside. They sat in silence as Ramon’s eyes scanned through slowly, his face expressionless. Alexis meanwhile took sips from her cup in front of her and looked out the window waiting on Ramon’s reaction.

“It’s exactly what we suspected if all this is right,” Ramon spoke as he kept his focus on the document in front of him. Alexis didn’t respond as she turned her attention to him. “If I’m reading this right, there is funding to a group labeled as ‘Lias’ in Bahia. Which would mean-”

“We have a problem,” Alexis interjected.


“No, Ramon. We have a problem right now,” she said quietly as she looked at him about to take another sip from her cup.

He finally looked up and at her, following the motion she made with her eyes signalling outside. He casually glanced outside and saw a van with 4 men looking in their direction from their windows.

“They’re not your guards?” Ramon asked.

“No. I’ve never seen them before,” she replied as she packed up her bags calmly. Ramon looked around the cafe and unclipped his gun.

“We have to go,” he said. Slowly getting up with Alexis and heading for the door.

Just as soon as they made it to the door, the group of men moved briskly across the road in their direction. Ramon held on to Alexis’ hand and led her down the street swiftly. “Did you drive here?” he asked. She shook her head no. Soon they cut down an alley and started moving at a faster pace. Behind them the men following them came running around the corner guns in hand. Alexis screamed as the first shot was fired behind her. Ramon unclipped his gun and fired behind him, still holding on to Alexis running.

“Who are they!?” Alexis shouted.

Seeing no real escape, Ramon saw a dumpster and ducked behind it with Alexis. Both panting Ramon reloaded his weapon and pulled another from his waist. “ still remember how to shoot?”

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Alexis shook her head nervously and took it from him.

“Okay good. Switch with me. You shoot around the corner of this for better cover. I’ll go high. Okay? Nervous?”

She smiled as she composed herself and cocked her gun. “I’m ready.”

Their pursuers slowly crept up towards the dumpster and then Ramon scooped up from behind it opening fire. Alexis then stretched her hand around the side and did the same. Two of the men were hit, one in the chest by Ramon and one in the leg by Alexis. They returned fire and Alexis and Ramon ducked behind the dumpster again.

“Good shooting Alexis!” Ramon laughed. 65 years old and he still found great fun in these situations. Alexis exhaled and chuckled along with him. He started counting on his fingers, signalling that they’d open fire again on his mark. He closed his eyes and counted, predicting their steps. Then gave his signal. Just as soon as they heard louder more rapid gunfire from behind them along with theirs - it was Alexis’ and Ramon’s guards. They had found their way to her and pulled up behind the pair in a car helping to neutralize their attackers.

“It’s about time,” Alexis said exhaling. Resting her head back on the dumpster behind her. Ramon got up from beside her smiling and walked over slowly to the bodies on the floor, flanked by two of his men. They searched the bodies and found no identification but pictures of them as well as Alexis’ home address written on the back of her picture.

“Hitmen. We were definitely their targets and this probably isn’t the last time,” Ramon said as he showed Alexis. “We’re going to need to get you out of that house Alexis or amp up your security around it. We’re also going to need to tell him,” he continued.

“Frank or Alexei?” she asked thinking about which of the two men in her life would react worse to this.

Ramon sighed. “I forgot about those two for a moment. I was actually talking about...”


Updates, updates, updates! More to follow :)
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Meanwhile in Russia,
September 3, 2015,

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“You look refreshed Alexei. You’ve been sleeping,” Andrei said as we walked along the port. We were checking on some containers that we were shipping to Armenia because of the deal Uncle Vitor struck.

“I am. Last month at the club had me tired with all those tough games. It someway it was a relief for me as I was solely focusing on getting good results. I wasn’t once thinking about my dreams or even A Sombra. Which is unusual for me,” I explained.

“Yeah, Vera said you’ve redecorated your office at home,” he chuckled. “I hear you’ve moved in a giant whiteboard and a bookcase full of books on the game. You’re up reading every night and got paperwork all over.”

I smiled. It was true. I had completely immersed myself in my new profession and I was enjoying it. I felt somewhat guilty though as this meant that I had hardly paid attention to A Sombra maters so I decided to see to this shipment of weapons personally.

“This is the container right here,” Andrei pointed out. “It was loaded around midnight and it ships out in a couple hours before dawn breaks. Mikhail, who monitors our loadouts, shipments and listens for police traffic is going to meet us here.”

“Alright. Any idea about the numbers in the container being shipped?”

“Mostly AK-47’s along with small arms. Notably there are a couple RPGs loaded as well,” Andrei said as he looked at his list.

“RPGs? What the **** kind of war are the Armenians having?”

“I have no idea but it isn’t our business what they do with it. As long as they pay for it,” Andrei chuckled as he sat down on a stool by the container.

“I suppose you’re right. So tell me Andrei, when are you going to marry Oksana?” I chuckled. “You two have been together for what now? 20 years?”

Andrei looked up at me in shock but with a huge grin. “Oh oh. Did she put you up to this??”

“Nope. Vera and I were just talking about it. Now answer the question,” I laughed.

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“Ah Vera. I should have known,” he shook his head smiling and pulled out a box of cigarettes out his pocket. Offering me one and then lighting his. He took a draw and exhaled. “We’ve been together, on and off, since I was what? 20 I think. She was only 16 at the time. My mom was her tutor so she would always come by my house sometimes. Anyways, that’s what...18 years together?”
“Wow. That is a long time to not be married!” I sat down next to him and lit my own cigarette, laughing.

“I know, I know. I think about it all the time. Especially when Roman was born. But, with the life we live though, we never have time to plan and do all those things. Nothing lasts too long for us to enjoy.”

“18 years is pretty lasting Andrei. Even if you were on and off in the beginning, you two have been together through everything while Roman was growing up and he’s now 10. There’s no turning back for you and Oksana now. You two are together for life. Hold on to her. Marry the girl. There are so few women as pure and understanding and tolerant of the life we live like Oksana, Vera, Alexis. They deserve whatever we can give them.”

He took another draw of his cigarette that near it’s end and blew smoke into the sky smiling. “I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother Alexei. You don’t make me wonder anymore. I now know they’re a pain in the ***,” he laughed shoving me.

“Alexis says the same thing,” I laughed along with him.

We continued the morning conversing while we waited. I told him about the month I had coming up with the games and the injury problems I was facing. Soon though, Mikhail joined us.

“Andrei, Alexei. Good to see you two,” he greeted us as he took his fedora off and ran his hand over his slick jet black hair.

“Mikhail. Greetings,” Andrei nodded.

“What makes you two join me this morning? Especially you Alexei. Don’t you have training in a couple hours?” he smiled.

“Not this early, no. Some of the players are away on international duty so we have training a little later. I got you those tickets for the game against Krasnodar so you can watch with your little girl.”

“Ahh. Thank you Alexei. She’ll be happy to know.”

“No problem friend. Unfortunately it won’t be the loudest atmosphere as we’re expecting a low turnout but hopefully we can please the fans that do come out,” I said.

“Russians. Still working on their love for the game. I commend you for wanting to manage here,” he replied as he pocketed the tickets and opened up the container. “Here’s the details on the shipment by the way.”

Andrei took the sheet from him and examined it. “Whoa, whoa. This is an increase from what I knew about? There are even extra RPG’s.”

As soon as Andrei said that the container was open and we could see it’s contents with hundreds of crates of weapons stacked up.

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“Yeah. It came in earlier. Whoever these ‘Lias’ people are. They’re planning to make big moves against whatever enemies they have,” Mikhail said.

“Lias?” I questioned. “Isn’t this deal with Armenians?”

“Yeah. That’s what Vitor faxed over. I found the name strange too. Lias isn’t an Armenian last name is it?” Mikhail answered.
“No. It’s Brazilian,” I answered as I took the sheet from Andrei.

“Yeah? Well there are some Brazilians in Armenia that are seemingly ready to take over,” Mikhail said nodding to the stock in the container.

“Something wrong Alexei?” Andrei asked noticing my perplexed expression.

“I’m...I’m not sure. Do we know who financed this order? Did we see them?”

“Not personally, no. Everything was handled by your uncle. What’s wrong?” Mathias answered.
“Put this on hold. Don’t ship it out. There’s something I need to look into.”

Matthias closed up the container. “Okay boss. We can’t keep these on the port for long though. How long should I give it?”

“Get them off the port. I’ll need some time. If anyone asks about this, you send them to me. Especially Vitor. Understood?”


2 more on the way in about an hour!
Do you write for a living? This is ridiculously good.