Inter Milan will be a very good challenge! I still cant find the hint anywhere though haha!

I couldnt find it either till bupp said about italy. Look around where is says "blank" hire lvanov as manager. Very very well hidden i think.
Best of luck in your new team man !!!!

Thanks man, I'll need it!

Inter Milan will be a very good challenge! I still cant find the hint anywhere though haha!

They will be. I'm excited about it. Surprised I got the job and Tracz and Pat pointed it out if you still can't find it ;)

I couldnt find it either till bupp said about italy. Look around where is says "blank" hire lvanov as manager. Very very well hidden i think.

Here's another clue for those who can't find it.

The hint is

the newspaper title - "La Gazzetta dello Sport"

That's right!
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Part 2

“Pass..dal satte,” I mumbled in front of the mirror. Soon I felt hands around my waist and a gentle squeeze.

“Passare. That’s the word you’re looking for,” Vera whispered. “Relax. I can tell you’re worked up. I can’t understand why though.”

“It’s a massive step up, little love. Inter Milan is a club with a lot of history and they decided to hire me to help turn things around. This wasn’t because of one of dad’s calls either. I got this one on my own, they have no prior connection to our family. It’s a real job. All eyes will be on me.”

“Aww, are you nervous?”

I looked up at myself in the mirror before turning around to face her. “Mai.”

She smiled and clapped. “See, you’re picking up on the language. Can’t imagine you ever yelling ‘never’ on the touchline though but at least you know how to say it.

“Well, I do have you teaching me,” I said kissing her on her forehead. Vera spoke different language largely thanks to her mother’s career in politics. German and Italian were her favorite languages so when I got the job right here in Milan, she was happy. Oksana and Andrei were equally thrilled at the idea of living here and Ramon used his contacts to get us a large multi-family home that could house everyone and maintain our privacy.

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The idea of living together was first suggested by Vera and I instantly agreed with her. The decision was then left to Frank & Alexis and Andrei & Oksana to mull over. Alexis jumped at the idea as soon as it was mentioned and Andrei and Oksana didn’t take long after to agree as well. When we told the four children, they were elated. The house was massive enough and well divided so each family could have their own privacy. Father, Ramon and Uncle Bruno turned down living with us but did however agree they would regularly visit.

Ramon ensured that my family would be heavily watched over by an Italian organization that A Sombra frequently did business with. Vitor knew our connections in Italy were very strong and this would be one of the last places he would try to target us. This however didn’t mean the search for him would stop and that was the main reason why he, father and Bruno declined to live with us as they would continue their search in Brazil and relay information to us.

“Come on, tell me more about Inter Milan,” Vera said as she laid in bed.

“What? You’re actually interested in football matters now?”

“No, I’m just tired and think this is the best way to fall asleep,” she said with a big grin.

“I could think of another way,” I grinned back before jumping in bed with her.

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Part 3/4

December 29, 2015

“Mr. Thorir. Good to see you again,” I said shaking his hand. He was waiting on me in the long hallway, ready to personally show me my new office.

“Good to see you as well Mr. Ivanov. I’m eager to have you start working. I cannot wait to see how you’ll lead this club back to the glory it deserves.”

“Thanks for the kind words Mr. Thorir and please call me Alexei. I’m eager to begin working as well.”

“Great. I have already finalized the paperwork for the additional staff you requested. They’ll be joining us here in the coming days. I’ve also had the club and player information printed out for you so you can go over in your office. With the transfer window coming up, you may feel it’s necessary to get a few additions to the squad so financial information is also in a folder on your desk. Really, everything you need is on your desk now,” he explained as we stopped at a door.

I stood behind him and looked to see my name on the door on a gold plate. He then invited me to open the door and inside was a big modern-styled office. It was much bigger than my office at Spartak and one wall was lined with Inter memorabilia.

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“Thank you very much for this opportunity Mr. Thorir. I’ll go over everything and get started right away,” I said in a voice that signaled my focus and intent when dealing with matters in A Sombra.

He noticed my change in attitude and a smile came across his face. “I knew you were the right man for the job.”

Having spent a majority of the night at the office I was able to go over the club’s information. Inter has a lot of history but have been in somewhat of a slump recently. Their last major senior competition win was in 2011 when they won an Italian Cup and before that in 2010 when they won the treble under the guidance of now Manchester City manager Jose Mourinho. 2011 was also the last time they finished in the top 3 so this really showed the extent of their slump. They played their matches in the shared 80,018 all-seater stadium, Giuseppe Meazza while the team trained at the Angelo Moratti Training Center. All the facilities here were in superb condition and I couldn’t wait for training to start.

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I was hired as a replacement for Vincenzo Montella who was sacked after the club fell down to 9th place in the league. Now I was tasked to bring them back into a place for European competition.

I also had a look over my senior squad and realized that it was way too big with a lot of players that weren’t registered for the competition or just weren’t cut out to be in the first team. So I decided to make a new file of players I believed I would use while I’d move the other players to U-20. Things I noticed right off was that the squad had a total of 4 keepers who could all play in a starting 11 in any other club and I found this unnecessary so I made the decision that I would not renew Juan Pablo Carrizo’s contract when it expires in 6 months. I also noticed that the team was heavily stacked in the defensive side so I decided I would use the upcoming window to get an attack minded midfielder and potentially another striker.

When my focus was once solely on A Sombra, I regularly set myself targets to challenge myself. Whether it was meeting a target for profit for the sale of a new drug or seizing control in a country, I always looked to accomplish a goal. I decided I would treat my time at Inter like this. After much thought I decided to set a 21/2 season goal.

Inter Goals:

  1. Finish in the top 3 in Serie A.
  2. Win the Serie A and Italian Cup.
  3. Reach the final of the Champions League.
  4. Become the dominant Milan team.
  5. Become a top 20 ranked club in both reputation and coefficients. (currently 30th and 31st)

With my office getting darker by the minute, I decided it was time to call it a night and head home to my family. The days ahead were going to be big ones.

I forgot to take an intial screenshot of my squad apparently so now I'll have to show you guys the final squad I have when the January monthly update comes around. Not too far away though.
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Part 4/4

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My unveiling and first presser in charge of Inter Milan had come and gone by. I didn’t feel an ounce of nervousness in front of a bigger crowd of reporters and handled it akin to my first ever press conference as a manager. This time without the mention of ships. My answers ranged from topic to topic and I was overall satisfied:

Will you use a familiar approach or come up with something new?

“I already have an approach or two in mind of course. I think my Spartak team and Olympic team played very well and there is also another system I’m fond of however, I’ll need to assess the squad first to see what they are comfortable with.”

It’s largely rumoured that Brozovic will be leaving the club in the next window. Can you confirm this?

“I don’t know if Brozovic will leave. There are many things to assess but right now, he is an Inter Milan player. Miranda has told me about his request to leave for Champions League football. This isn’t a new matter for the club as he has expressed it before and I have agreed to allow him to go.”

Vincenzo Montella was unable to bring success during his time here. Do you think you can?

“I cannot comment on Montella’s time in charge simply because I do not know about it but I do believe I can guide this team to the glory it deserves. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

After my conference I met with the players and staff. “What I want is simple - trust and unity. I want the club to have a togetherness and be willing to fight for each other on and off the pitch. To have a connection with the fans like no other club out there. That is the way we’ll achieve our goals this season. I want you all to know you can come talk with me in my office about anything. I will be here for you just as I expect you to be there for me on the pitch in matches.”

The reception from the players and staff alike was good and made me feel confident about the future. I pointed out that the captains, Jovetic and Medel, would keep their roles. I also used the time to get a first look at player personalities and made an early choice on who I believed would be assets to my squad.

Truth be told, Jovetic was not going to remain the Inter captain because he wasn’t going to be an Inter player anymore. Due to an administrative oversight during my early days here, Jovetic’s loan contract expired without me being able to activate the apparent transfer clause in it.

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Acting swiftly, I spoke with the Montenegrin player when he made it back to his club in Manchester about his contract expiring in 6 months. Within hours I had delegates in Manchester negotiating a contract with him and he gladly accepted. The option to buy him immediately was discussed with Manchester City who were demanding 12.75 million for him.4.75 million more than the clause that was in in his loan contract. 4.75 million that I needed to mull over.

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January 8, 2017

My first game in charge came faster than I imagined it would. Much of my work before this game was spent looking over player scouting reports and talking to my Director of Football Piero Ausilio about potential transfers, both in and out. I haven’t been here long but the difference in the scale of responsibility between Inter and Spartak Moscow was already clear to see. From the size of the staff, playing and support, to the player pool I was able to look through for a transfer. It was immense and I was enjoying every bit of it.

In my press conference prior to this game I was asked mostly about transfers and less about the match but an interesting question came regarding a tabloid magazine that apparently released an article about me. I was asked about my thoughts on it but because I haven’t read it, I ignored the question.

As I made my final preparations for my match in my office, I was delivered an envelope. In it was the magazine I was asked about with a sticky note attached to it with a familiar handwriting that read: “I’m not the only one chasing you. Good luck in Milan.” I instantly felt the anger knowing it was from Vitor but I ceded that anger to focus on my first match.

So here we had my first game in charge. I haven’t been with the squad very long but I did get a few training sessions with them in to select a starting 11. My initial thoughts about the team were simple:

Some of our players were short on fitness.

We badly lacked attacking options with Damaio out injured and the Jovetic gaffe leaving us with only one pure striker in the young 19 year old, Ajeti. From what I’ve seen from him and read from the reports though, he is a talented boy.

I also learned that our backline is probably the weakest part of the team with Vidic’s age catching up to him(he’s also announced his retirement for the end of he season) and Miranda wanting out. With Medel being injured as well, I was left short on options. The full-back positions were lacking in depth.

Our most stacked area was midfield but I needed a few more looks to see just how good we were there while we could use another winger in our ranks.

All that being said, I named my first starting 11 for Inter and was ready for a tough match against fourth-placed Udinese.

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The atmosphere was loud and it surprised me. Having only managed Spartak at club level before this, it was a bit surprising to see a stadium this full as Russian fans didn’t turn up very often.

The first 20 minutes of the game was tepid and spent most of the time in midfield. I fully anticipated this however.

The first real chance of the game came when Udinese player Vilalba took a wild effort from outside the box. It wasn’t threatening but the build-up was something to note from my manager’s bench as I looked on and made assessments.

In the 34th minute I saw us go behind when Udinese cleverly worked their way behind our defense. Alario’s initial shot was beaten away by Handanovic but it fell to his feet again and he slotted it home at the near post. Our defending was slow right there and Handanovic really shouldn’t have been beaten.

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We had more of the ball but the chances fell to Udinese. This time Bruno Fernandes ran through our midfield and found his way in our box. Luckily his shot lacked power and was easily caught by our keeper.

Half-time came and I calmly told the players that I was disappointed in their showing so far. I also used the moment to change our shape and instruct them on how we would approach the second half. It was positive that a majority of them seemed motivated by the time I sent them back out.

Udinese came out of the break with attacking intent. Their best chance was a ball over the top that Vidic misjudged causing it to fall to Alario. The striker shoot first time but Handanovic parried it well and it was cleared.

As I made my first decision to bring on Guarin for the underwhelming Alan Patrick, I saw our first real chance unfold when Pjaca was released on the left. He quickly centered the ball to Ajeti and the young striker had a go that the keeper saved at full stretch. Good chance.

I introduced Biabiany for Piatti for my next substitution.

In the 77th minute Ajeti again tested the keeper when he got the ball on the edge of the box, turned quickly and cannoned a shot at goal. Udinese’s keeper got behind the ball well to deny him.

4 minutes from time my final change was Oliveira for Brozovic.

As I relaxed into my seat waiting for the full-time whistle after a Udinese corner, my new team surprised me. The corner was swung in and headed out to Oliveira who quickly found Pjaca. The left-winger then sent an exquisite ball over the top for Biabiany and the pacey winger left the defense for dead and found himself one-on-one with the keeper. He tucked away his chance brilliantly from the angle and may have just won us a point.

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In the 92nd minute I was now back on the touchline as I saw new life from my team. Moments before this Biabiany played a dangerous ball over the top for Ajeti who volleyed it first-time. The keeper got down quickly to turn it around the post.

The resulting corner came to nothing and the referee blew the whistle for full-time.

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So there it was. My first game as Inter manager. I was disappointed by our lack of chances but quietly pleased by the final 10 minutes of the game. The goal from the counter showed that I could very well get this team to play the way I want them to.

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Transfer Summary

I was presented with my first real chance to build a team using a transfer budget. Cheryshev was my only signing at Spartak Moscow and with the transfer rules being tight in Russia, I didn’t really have a chance to build. Whereas the Argentina Olympic team presented me wth a better chance but with a limited pool. Now Inter had given me a chance to build a team in my image starting now.

I made the decision that this would be my team that finally showcased what Alexei Ivanov was capable of, especially after reading that article about me that was detracting from my managerial abilities. I wanted counter and I wanted control and I needed players who could help me transition between the two.

So these were the players I got and I was fairly pleased with how the transfer window went. I had completely scrapped the initial transfer plan I had and spent hours in meetings with my scouts to get the players I needed.

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I decided against spending the extra sum of money to bring Jovetic in now, opting to wait until summer to welcome the Montenegrin striker.



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On the outs, Carrizo went back to his native Argentina after he came to me expressing his desire to return home. I knew all too well what that meant and didn’t stand in his way. He negotiated a contract that would see him leave in the summer but I sped things up by asking the club to buy him on the cheap immediately and they willingly accepted. Felipe Melo and D’Ambrosio were other players I allowed to leave permanently after deciding they wouldn’t fit in my tactical plans.

Miranda on the other hand, who had requested to leave, did not. Despite all the opportunities he had to, he just couldn’t agree a contract with anyone and that cancelled a few player exchange deals which was a bit disappointing but not too much as he was still a very capable defender.

Sergio Oliveira was another first-team player who left though only on loan. I wasn’t overly awed by the 24 year old’s abilities and needed to make space for Valzania to have his opportunities. So with Inglostadt being the only interested team, we made a deal with an option to buy at the end of the loan spell.

In(Since I took over):

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Out(Since I took over):

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Updates will return in a day or two :) Got sidetracked a bit.
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Inter vs. Verona

In my second game in charge, I got a win. It wasn’t the best performance but it was 3 points from a team still getting used to me and I was pleased.

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Napoli vs. Inter

Third game around and it was a big challenge against the league leaders but I was prepared for the task at hand. Set up to hit Napoli on the counter, I was pleased with the result. The team took to my instructions and looked dangerous every time on the break. Our defending was shoddy in some parts but it was a good result on the night and something to build on.

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Inter vs. Carpi

I made the effort to build a team reflective of A Sombra and my times warring Vitor. If we weren’t countering attacks we were controlling them and so I needed my team to understand how to transition between the two from game to game and I’m pleased to say we were doing that well so far. We were in complete control of the game and the only time Carpi looked dangerous was 10 minutes from time when Piatti suffered a chest injury and had to come off when all my substitutions were made. We however saw the game out well and added three more points for our quest for European qualification. Important to note too that my investment in young Valzania was already looking good as he came off the bench and scored a peach of a goal.

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Serie A TIM Cup

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Inter vs. Fiorentina

What can I say? Counter-attacking master class. For every danger Fiorentina posed in attack, we looked doubly dangerous on the break and that resulted in a fine hat-trick from Pjaca who took all his chances brilliantly.

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It was a solid month that saw me go undefeated as the new Inter manager. We were still 9th in the table but with 8 more points on hand and only 3 off 5th. We also moved to the semi-finals of the Serie A TIM cup where we would face holders Juventus or Sassuolo. With 5 games to come in February, I was ready and focused despite Vitor’s taunts.

The fifth place is very close man. You can do it ! Good luck in the games with Juve !
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Inter vs. Genoa

Despite the number of shots taken in this one, it was a pretty drab affair with a large number of “chances” coming from well outside the box. Genoa came to defend and it showed but we did very well holding on to the ball and came away with a win.

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Torino vs. Inter

“Control stems from the mind, not the ball. Torino may have had ball possession but Inter Milan always had control of the game,” I said in my post-match press conference. These words were true as Torino, despite having the possession and a majority of shots, didn’t look dangerous. A majority of their shots were from far out and Pjaca showed what it is to be clinical.

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Inter vs. Atalanta

Disappointing. That sums this one up. We had the chances but not the goals and my strikers are in worrying form. We climb to 5th temporarily but we need to improve on the attacking front.

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Roma vs. Inter

Fair result on the day. Roma pulled one back late after counter-king Pjaca had put us ahead. Seeing Roma were fatigued in the dying moments I decided to go for it all and urged the team forward but we just couldn’t get a goal. Guarin picked up a calf strain in just two minutes after coming on as a sub. He’ll be out for 3 weeks.

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Inter vs. Ascoli Picchio

Routine win that I told the players we needed in no uncertain terms. They responded well with Iturbe and Pjaca looking devastating. They have been a deadly duo. Once more, the strikers looked worrying.

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It was another good month to add to my start here in Milan. We were still undefeated and the team was responding well to me and my tactics. Though it was still early days I could see myself staying in Milan for a while. All the children have all enrolled in private schools and are slowly learning the language. I kind of felt bad for them considering their age ranged from 4 to 12 and already they have had to learn so many languages but I was impressed by how quickly they had adjusted. They were all fluent in English and Russian while Viktor, Vasily and Alexander knew some Portuguese thanks to me and Alexis. Now they were all learning Italian.

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February 28, 2017

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Roman, Andrei’s son, caught my concern the most. While I knew how his father and mother felt regarding all this moving, I’ve never had the chance to talk to Roman one-on-one about it. So I decided to invite him to watch training today and have a chat with him after.

“Enjoyed watching?” I asked him after I had called training to an end and dismissed the players.

“Very much. Hopefully one day that can be me out there,” he responded with his wandering gaze directed the training ground around us.

“You’re really serious about wanting to become a professional, aren’t you?”

“I am. It was the best thing ever when dad told me you said you’d get me in the Spartak academy!”

“I remember that. That’s a promise I’ll keep, should you have the same interest. You know, you could start training with the younger teams here at Milan. How does that sound?” I asked him as we sat down on a bench near one of the training pitches.

His face beamed like any preteen boy would after hearing words that directly link to a big dream of his. “Could I really!?”

“Certainly. You’re eleven, no? When are you twelve?”

“I’ll be twelve on the 22nd.”

“Of this month?” I asked for confirmation. He nodded yes. “Well then, you could be on the U-14 team. I could get you setup if you ask your parents.”

His initial expression of delight faded slightly and his shoulders dropped.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know if my parents will say yes Uncle Alexei.”

I forgot he referred to me as uncle. It felt good being able to reconnect with all the children after being distant whenever I focused on A Sombra.

“Why wouldn’t they?” I inquired. I was genuinely confused by why he would think so because Andrei has always talked about what a good footballer Roman could be.

“We might move again. In our final months in Russia, our time in Bahamas and Brazil, mom always said we couldn’t get attached to anything because we need to be able to cut all ties if we need to quickly. I don’t think she’d approve of me training and playing here in Italy ‘cause who knows how soon we’ll have to go again.”

Just what I wanted to find out. The feeling of guilt took over somewhat again and I put my hand on his head and ruffled his hair with a smile at him.

“Do you like it here in Italy, Roman?”


I chuckled, “I do that with my wife. She’s determined I learn the language.”

“I’ve seen your interviews Uncle Alexei. You seem to have a firm grasp of it already.”

“Grazie,” I responded with a cheeky smile. “I like it here too Roman. I promise you I’ll make sure we don’t leave too soon. It’s entirely my fault why we’ve had to be on the move so much but I’ll ensure we stay put this time. Long enough so you have your chance in the Inter Academy. Agreed?”

He grinned brightly and hugged me tightly. “Thank you Uncle Alexei!”

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Sassuolo vs. Inter

So this was my first loss as an Inter manager. It was a tale of two forward lines as Sassuolo was clinical finishing three of their chances while my men just could not finish off their chances. I was more than disappointed in the team and even though this was only our first loss since I took over, I let them know that I constantly desire success.

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Inter vs. Avellino

We went right back to winning ways against 20th placed Avellino. It was an impressive performance from a side with some rotation. Stand-out performers being both wingbacks Nagamoto and Perreira as well as Piatti who played in the number 10 role. Ajeti got on the score sheet finally which was pleasing and on top of that, my young midfield duo of Valzania and Gnoukouri looked solid.

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Serie A Tim Cup

Inter vs. Juventus

I’ve been in bad drug deals before. When one wrong move makes the whole thing go to ****. That’s exactly what happened in this match. We started out strongly before Medel, our captain, went in on a tackle with his studs up. That was his last moment in the match and that’s when it all went to ****. 3-0. Outclassed, outplayed. Almost out of the cup. I was furious.

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Bologna vs. Inter

We fought hard for this one. Really had to dig deep and grind out the result. I decided to try to control the ball instead of play on the counter. Though we won, I wasn’t very satisfied.

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So this was a mixed March has ended which saw us pick up two heavy 3-0 defeats and have the team discover how intimidating I can be. The worst of the defeats was the semi-final of the Serie A Tim Cup against Juventus. With a second leg to come away from home, we’ll need to be very solid to advance to the finals. In the league, we’re still fighting away for a European place which is my main goal right now. All to play for in April.

Mixed results but remember this Inter just aren't your Inter yet! In next season I hope you can get team looking like A Sombra :)
Mixed results but remember this Inter just aren't your Inter yet! In next season I hope you can get team looking like A Sombra :)

Thanks man, that's the aim! Hopefully the team will adapt to me and whatever new additions I get in the summer window so we can dominate.
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March 24, 2017

“I can’t imagine it’s always this quiet around here,” father said as we lounged by the pool outside the house.

“You’d be surprised. Even though there are so many people here and four kids, it’s pretty peaceful. We all have dinner together twice a week, that’s when it’s usually loudest,” I responded as I put my tablet down. I was just reading about a possible A.C Milan takeover but this was the first time in a while I was alone with my father so I’d try to enjoy the moment.

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“Lovely. This place seems bigger than our home back in Sao Paulo though,” he said as he looked around at the trees that surrounded the back.

“Certainly isn’t. Sao Paulo is way bigger. At least it was for me and Alexis when we were children.”

“Yes well, you and Alexis would walk out in the woods at night so of course it seemed bigger.”

I knew he always knew.

I smiled and relaxed on my chair. The feeling of serenity I was surrounded by was pleasing, not because everyone was away but, the reasons why they were away. It just showed me that everyone was settling into life in Italy quite well. Alexis had set up an office here in Milan and started to focus on her investment firm again while Frank had started working on a sports novel. Meanwhile Vera started working as a kindergarten teacher at a local school and she was enjoying it completely as she loved being around children. Oksana too was settling fine. I spoke to her about Roman joining the Inter academy and she was more than happy to agree and told me about her desire to get back into both fashion and photography so she was working towards that. Everyone was enjoying themselves and it was up to me to ensure they continued to.

After a few moments of just enjoying the silence, I asked my father how he was doing back in Brazil.

“It’s been quiet, which is unsettling to be perfectly honest with you Alexei. None of us are known to be quiet for this long,” he answered. It was hard to say, but I got the feeling that he was somewhat worried about Vitor being so quiet.

“What are you thinking then? Is he plotting to strike?” I asked trying to pick his brain.

He sighed and took a sip of his scotch that was on a table between both of us. “I don’t know. Ramon and I have been exhausting all our contacts, western and eastern and none have heard anything. Silvio’s boys have gone off the grid as well. We’ll find something though.”

“I’m sure you will. If you guys need me to focus on this again, I can.”

“Absolutely not,” he immediately responded. I almost felt like I was being scolded. “Mikhail and Sergey have been filling in for you and Andrei quite well. I don’t want you two too heavily involved in these matters anymore. Not right now. Get your families happy and settled again first.”

“Very well, father. Andrei has been doing well away from A Sombra to be honest. He’s been around Alexis’ firm a few times. She’s actually thinking about hiring him to show him the ropes. I think he would excel at it.”

“He would. He excelled at making A Sombra profits in the Eastern Division so I can imagine how well he would do for Alexis. You two are very good at what you do when you’re focused on it.”

I smiled, quietly pleased.

“I do have to ask you something though Alexei.”

“What’s that?”

“Are you satisfied with how your team is playing now?” he asked as he sat up and turned to me.

I mirrored his movements and leaned forward, elbows to knees. “I guess. It’s been a good first few months and I can’t complain. I’m within reach of the goal the chairman asked me to meet. Why do you ask?”

“I’ve been watching your games. Haven’t missed one and I noticed the two styles you’ve been using – counter and control. Sometimes they don’t look like your team though. I watched how your Argentina team played and sometimes your Spartak Moscow team, when I could find the game video and they were much like you – ruthless and risky. You like your control but you like leaving something for your enemies to fear. I don’t think your Inter team has that fear factor yet because they’ve only been exercising the side of you that likes being in control.”

I thought about what he said and he had a point. On the attacking end of things, we weren’t nearly as devastating as we should have been. “You’re right. I don’t know, I’ve been a bit cautious since coming here because I want to get the right results. I want to feel secured in my standing here like I did at Spartak.”

“You’re good at what you do Alexei. It is evident this team can attack as shown by what they can do when they counter. It’s time you show everyone in Milan just what you’re capable of making this Inter team become.”

These were words I would take to heart.
