Dzeko taunts United

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true, he wasn't taunting United, but he should still keep his mouth shut from the press till he starts scoring in the PREMIER LEAGUE( not the bundesliga)
true, he wasn't taunting United, but he should still keep his mouth shut from the press till he starts scoring in the PREMIER LEAGUE( not the bundesliga)

So he should just sit on the press conference and look like a ****** not saying anything?
i hope he does well for city, on the downside, fm12 hes gonna demand huge budgets =(
He doesn't have to attend the press conference.

And who new signing wont attend some kind of press release about him joining the club?

Would look bit weird if there would be no press releases and he would just appear on field against Wolves?
And who new signing wont attend some kind of press release about him joining the club?

Would look bit weird if there would be no press releases and he would just appear on field against Wolves?

That's because English Football is too involved with the press, sir. It would be wonderful if a "big" player joined a club and didn't attend a press conference before playing his first match.
Does anybody else read the quotes from mancini in an italian accent in their head?
And who new signing wont attend some kind of press release about him joining the club?

Would look bit weird if there would be no press releases and he would just appear on field against Wolves?

yeh..if there is no press's probly because the player can't speak english good enough.
I too live in Manchester The notion that most of the football fans there support Manchester City is absurd. Man City fans do often claim and feel they are somehow more "genuine" fans for supporting a team that haven't enjoyed as much glory as have United. It's true United have fans all over the world, on account of their history of success, and thus the majority of their massive fan base do not necessarily live here, but that certainly doesn't mean that there are more mancunians who support City, or make those that support United any less "genuine". Attendances at the respective grounds would also suggest that, in fact, United have a larger local fan base, as well as a far larger one elsewhere. :)
Personally speaking, as a life long United fan and Manchester resident, I think it's fantastic that BOTH our city's teams are besting the rest of the nation.

Coincidentally, in my FM11 game, in which I manage United, I recently bought Dzeko to play for the Reds--and I got him cheaper than City just payed out IRL.
Man United do have the bigger fanbase, but they are globally supported so it wouldn't surprise me if there were more City fans in Manchester...

You would be wrong Man Shity fans are from Stockport and United fans come from all over the world and the majority of Mancunian's are Reds FACT

I hope he breaks his leg first match scum
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Well remember Ibra loan to Milan in summer. The press is same in Italy atleast
Well remember Ibra loan to Milan in summer. The press is same in Italy atleast

What's the press in Italy got to do with anything? I'm talking about the press in the England.
Probably true but I doubt he knew who man city were until 2008
I hope he breaks his leg first match scum

I don't care what he said or who he plays for. That's a disgusting thing to say about anyone you prat.

People like you give United fans a bad name.
He isn't generalising United fans :S He said most are glory hunters. Now I disagree with the word 'most' but there are a fair few glory hunters there. But yes as you said, most top sides have 'em. I just don't think it's entirely fair to say he is generalising United fans.

Bit rich anyway... Heck DMF, you're the biggest glory hunter I know!!!!

:wub: Jokes babe, I know how you hate being called one, wuv you.

By saying most, it's generalising the majority of supporters. Most are not glory hunters. Some are, but as I said every top team in the World in their country has them.

Know best to write what you did in white font *****. :wub:
I don't care what he said or who he plays for. That's a disgusting thing to say about anyone you prat.

People like you give United fans a bad name.

Oh look it's a Liverpool Fan, the scum's that sang and did Munich actions on Sunday that's rich coming from you
It's a tongue in cheek remark, so go and get a sense of humour
Oh look it's a Liverpool Fan, the scum's that sang and did Munich actions on Sunday that's rich coming from you
It's a tongue in cheek remark, so go and get a sense of humour

I don't see the funny side in wanting someone to break their leg.
I don't care what he said or who he plays for. That's a disgusting thing to say about anyone you prat.

People like you give United fans a bad name.

Also don't call me a pratt it is against the forum rules

I think that he is a good player, like he did wind up Utd fans, I am winding up City fans not Liverpool/Bournemouth fans
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