El Diablo - Total Destruction !!! (Plug and play, No OI) ( 5-2-3 ) Won every title !!

No I meant the movement in the actual game from the front three is breathtaking. I use Teamwork for the training, I also use team cohesion for general, seems to be building up the team spirit really good, which I think is helping the tactic.

Just smashed Porto in the Champions League away 5-1 followed by beating Roma 4-1 away. Next up Juve, which should be the greatest test! To be honest I need to win as they are in ridiculous form.

can u post screen
not enough goals.. ^^ dunno why

Think it might be Inler, for whatever reason looking at his states he has had 125 shots, 50 on target but only 4 goals. Probably a bit of bad luck with his shooting boots. Can you check you Inler stats?
Drew 1-1 against Juventus at home. Not the best, but probably should have won.
So it won't work unless you have this?

Not as it should as the tactic works a lot of chances from the long throw from the fullback (could be a centre back although probably could give up some defensive solidity it is a centre back). The long thrower feeds the Regista to shoot from range. and the poachers feed off anything that the keeper parries into the box. Read the first post, seems to cover all the necessary points for it to work.
Guys not being cheeky here, but if this was a Diablo you would not be drawing any games

It's as good as any other tactic I have tried. And with Diablo I still remember losing games! I once lost the last game of the season having won all 37 others in PL to Leicester at home 1-0.

Also the game has changed a lot since then, there are a lot more variables. Morale matters as much if not more than tactics now in the game. Not that is the excuse in this case as my team have Superb morale at the moment.
It's as good as any other tactic I have tried. And with Diablo I still remember losing games! I once lost the last game of the season having won all 37 others in PL to Leicester at home 1-0.
No chance!! ;)
I pushed the two full backs forward to wing backs and added shoot less often to the dm and CM and dropped the line deeper! Barely conceded a CCC since that in 5 games with Watford first season! Currently only lost 1 game in 21 and winning 17 of them!
i would like to try this tatic, but i try your filter, and cant get any player, about players with preference moves, only the expesive one, in big club.
I m playing with a low/medium team from 3.º division(2014) - now 2017 in first league....but no money... =(

but looks nice, great results :)
Also this will sound crazy but I have also moved all CBs to cover and drop deeper seems to work but more testing is needed still only lost 1 game 71 for and 28 against!

3rd best defence
1st best attack

Only problems are set pieces, think if you work on defending them you are golden!