England Thread

  • Thread starter iNickStuff
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  • Replies 4K
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Fair play to the u17's for being world champions.

Not to stick a dampener on things, but saw this mental stat: Brazil u17's won the a world cup in 2003, and none of them made a single senior cap. 0!!
England have looked really good, Foden has looked really good whenever I’ve seen him. Hopefully they all keep developing well great year for England youth teams
Congratulations England! Been the best team by miles in the tournament. Let’s see how they take the next step now.
2 games 'The Man, The Myth, The Living LEG-END Joe MF Gomez' has now played for England. 2 clean sheets against the top 2 Nations in the World. Coincidence? I think not!

Just want it noted for the record I've been championing #12 ever since his imperious debut for the mighty Reds in Thailand 2 summers back. You're all very welcome. :p
Heard Neymar was class last night? Didn't see any of it though.

On another note, we're officially at the "England are holding their own against the big boys (friendlies), we're gonna win the fackin' world cup" stage. *Closes the script*
World Cups a joke now.. I'll still watch the latter stages but Fifa are only interested in putting as many countries in it as possible to make more money.

A load of ***** teams you've never heard of...... just there to get a bollocking basically. Panama...... whodafuqarethey? I've never heard of the place let alone realise they have a football team and are in the latter world cup stages......
Euros much more competitive looking at some of those sides.
The same tired old headlines will be trotted out.

No... So please don't get your hopes up again XD
Poland and Columbia easy?? This is England, they'll do well to get out the group as per.
World Cups a joke now.. I'll still watch the latter stages but Fifa are only interested in putting as many countries in it as possible to make more money.

A load of ***** teams you've never heard of...... just there to get a bollocking basically. Panama...... whodafuqarethey? I've never heard of the place let alone realise they have a football team and are in the latter world cup stages......
Panama famous for hats and a ****** great big canal, Tunisia a hot sandy place and Belgium isn't that where Hercule Poriot comes from? Not the worst group they could have got at least they avoided, Germany, Spain, Argentina and Brazil.
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