I'll take Cardiff mate. Name: Murley
Cardiff are not available. He is using the LFC Database.
I'll take Cardiff mate. Name: Murley
I would use a tier system with the players, but also tie in whether or not the said player has played in the BPL before.
For example, while it would be nuts if Messi were to transfer to Man United or Man City even (let alone Everton) it wouldn't be nearly as nuts if Cristiano Renaldo or Gareth Bale, or ect did so.
Also, this is just a personal opinion of mine, but I would put a limit on the amount of spending over the transfer budget that every team is allowed to do. And I would have a system by which players would be penalized for breaking the rules. I would suggest only allowing teams to spend 30% over their transfer budget, or having staggered rules ex:
If TB (transfer budget) > 150m then max over = 22.5%
If TB < 150m (or whatever) then max over = 25%
If TB <= 100m max over = 27.5%
If TB <= 50m max over = 30%
If TB <= 25m max over = 32.5%
If TB <= 15m max over = 35%
I say let everyone run rampant with transfers, its much more fun when people start to go into loads of debt after overspending.
Basically what I am saying is for the transfer budget use the following rules
Tier 1: If the Club has a Transfer budget of $150,000,000+ only allow the players to spend 25% over their initial transfer budget. (I use US Dollars, because I'm an ignorant American)
Tier 2: If the Club has a Transfer budget between $100,000,000 and $149,999,999 only allow the players to spend 27.5% over their initial transfer budget.
Tier 3: If the Club has a Transfer budget between 50,000,000 and 99,999,999 only allow the players to spend 30% over their initial transfer budget.
Tier 4: If the Club has a Transfer budget between 25,000,000 and 49,999,999 only allow the players to spend 32.5% over their transfer budget.
Tier 5: If the Club has a Transfer budget between 0 and 24,999,999 only allow the players to spend 35% over their transfer budget.
When I say "Over the transfer budget" I mean to do:
Amount allowed to Spend on Transfers = (Existing Transfer Budget * Percentage of Tier) + Existing Transfer Budget
So basically a team that has a transfer budget of $50,000,000 (even if they got to this value by selling players and such) would be allowed to spend $65,000,000 before it would have to sell players (to raise this value) or face penalties.