I am very interested in joining your game guys. I been looking for this kind of games all over google
My timetable whould be from 15:00 till next morning
I will strongly consider you then considering your the only one who seems to have got back to me mate, are you a very commited player and have you been part of an online game before? Just need to fill that last 6th spot up with someone commited, as the rest have been here for ages, just need the final peice to the jigsaw!
I'm maddisonshoops.. Was a member of football manager live for around 3 years. I've been reading your posts, and I was wondering how I go about creating a league. I'd really appreciate if you could spare 5 mins and explain how to set it up... And most importantly I'm dying to know if all teams in the league can buy any player in the game world? If I were to start as say qpr? Would someone start with more transfer money if they were say Liverpool!?? Can the league contain teams from other countries?.. Thank you mate be nice if you could explain a little. Cheers. Maddisonshoops
Alright mate! Well basically, you go on the 'create an online game' option on the Football Manager home screen and from here you select the name of your online game along with the password. Then you can select the leagues you would like etc, with rules restricting people from going certain clubs etc, which the people must stick by. Most people post interest on here and to be quite frank mate, half of them aren't commited as they say they are, so you need to look for the right people out there, they may be hard to find but once you have them your up and running to make a successful online game!

I personally don't let anyone go the 'Top 5' sides as the results would be handed out to them on a silver platter basically without hardly any skill, so if you want it to be a challenge, I recommend this, or maybe even no 'Top 7' if you want to make it that bit better! People will have the budget's set on the game mate, therefore Liverpool say could have 20 mil, same with QPR, where as small clubs like say Wigan/Reading would have about 7 mil. That's the way it works. Everyone in the GameWorld can buy which ever player they like yes, but competition will be almost guaranteed for the top talents such as Ademilson, Adryan, namely the Brazilian ones who are the most well known. The league can contain clubs from other countries, but only if you edit that using thre Editor before hand, which can be quite complecated. But you can load as many leagues as you like in the game anyway! Hope this helped mate!