Favourite Players / Best Signing

hmm i use dutch language
since he's a winger,
dribbelen = dribbling
voorzetten = crossing
balaanname = receive pass

well he's good
Pato has scored 30 goals in 21 games for me and it's only the beginning of December in my first season of a new game.

Joao Moutinho is well balanced young central midfielder who provides plenty of attack from the middle of the park and scores a ton of goals too.

Miguel Veloso is a tough tackling defensive midfielder who is great at linking up defense and attack.

William Matheus is a very solid young defender who at only 18 years old is a great leader of his defensive line.

Josh Lambo is a total bargain who can be picked up for free, only 17 years old but also one of the players you'd build your team around if your in it for the long haul.
Eden Hazard from Lille tore the SPL apart for me.:)
5 hat Tricks in one season all in the league.
Add that onto another 20 league goals.....
for me they are:
a. Zapata --> rock in the defence, scored decent goals from corner too
b. sanchez --> played him as AML and for sure he created havoc for opposition
c. Balotelli --> played him as AMR and he is bagging goals and assist alike. 38 games with 20 goals and 21 assists.
I'd have to say Diego Bournette (spell), g8 left winger, loving his dribbling lol
mati fernandez, benzema and couthino.. this brazilian wonderkid it's just awesome... i'm man utd and on my 7th season... my squad is like this:

thomsen (wonkerkid appeared in 2010)
quinn (wonderkid appeared in 2009)

luginger (16 year old goalkeeper, awesome)
alexis sanchez
mati fernandez

i just bought one regen from boca juniors. i just bought him 18 million and i didnt edit anything. sometimes regens are awesome :D
I found a very good player called Ingrao(cant remember first name) from Belgium. Scout reports say his is ****, but hs stats are good. Cost 30k, now worth 3.5m. AML I think.
miguel veloso is the best and most solid midfielder in the game imo
i bought andreas guardado for around 17mil and 1 season later hes the most expensive player in the game, worth 39mil
diego is also amazing as a playmaker
mark beevers is qaulity, not strait away but he has potential to be as good as terry when i signed him for chelsea
15 year old free agent who I signed for Grays and he scored 41 goals that season,37 next year

mine is , alexis sanchez
signed him for 16 million from a.c milan
he scores 30 yarders all the time ! ;)
I have Been playing this game for a while now and i have came across some outstandind players but my 2 favorites at the moment are ;

Oscar Cardozo - Benfica

6.2 Million . What a player is there anything he cant do .
Great Finishing , Heading , First Touch ,Strenghth , Long shots , Penaltys and even freekicks .

Giuliano- Cant Remember ... :S

1.1 Million . This Boy has some talent for a nineteen year old He is extremely skillful and on my sunderland save it says he will far exceed Malbranqe abilty ( He gave
Giuliano something like 10 stars potenial)
Vagner love is baggin loads for me atm, my best signin is hamsik though pure quality, scores a fair few and gets loads of assits
Players : Vadim Demidov(D C,DM,M C) and Dario Venitucci(DM,M C)
From : Rosenborg and Grasshoper
For : 6.5 million and 2.7 million