FM 2010: What Do You Want To See?

My wages

Hello I am a newbie to this forum and thought of a suggestion. Please excuse me if it has already been mentioned but what would be good and like real life is if you could spend your wages on a coaching courses.

I don't know if it is possible to get old copies of the coaching badges/courses that managers have to go through but I am sure fm could find a mock-up.

If not possible to get hold of these, maybe a more game related advanced training courses going over the different areas of the game i.e different tactics during the game

and though not totally realistic it would be good to also send your staff out of your wages on these courses to improve their training skills.
What I would like to see is something in the match generator. I'm playing with barca, and instead of wingers i use my backs to cover the wings, but when i have a throw in, the player that throws in is usually one of my backs. when it's far in the opponents half, they always throw in and run away imeadiatly. sometimes this is really annoying. even when their mentallity is set very high it happens (but i never put them to high cause they need to defend a little too).
i would like to see a more control on tactics where you can place a player etc etc .. also maybe a skill level bar on the player tactic screen like skill level : low, medu=ium, or high.. im maybe being a bit to optimistic.. also i agree with EVERYONE on the fact the stadium has really had no attention payed to it .. more detail wud be much better ... would all in all make the whole experiance seem alot better.

more ingenuity in game play would be good. i.e step overs, over head kicks, scissor kicks etc etc, woulb be amazing.

the interviews are poor, and boring, more adventure in tht department would be good, like more question variety, and answers..

maybe teammates could appreciate each other more, there seems no real involvment with the player on a personal interaction, like .. teammates thought guardado played really well today, etc etc.

i AGREE with richyricardo.. would be excellent to have courses to improve training methods and coaches attributes, game tactics, and to train players i.e shooting, attacking, but i dnt agree with sending you're coaches out on managers wages.. would be too easy just send coaches out on courses then, it should be included in the transfer buget or sponser money you collect durirng the seasons .. that way it will make people think more in depth about the clubs needs ie a new player to strengthen or a coach course to improve the ability of exisiting players .. that would possibly be the best addition to the game ..

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To be able to design your own stadium, like in LMA manager.

Also to be able to sign your own sponsor for kits and stuff? Mabe to be able to change the colour of your away kit every other season.

And of course, make the graphics better in 3D view each year :)

Yea, deffinately agree with being able to pick your sponsors for kits as my chelsea team keeps getting the same no matter how much stuff i win.
being able to have an entire coaching career, rather than being JUST a manager

e.g. start with Team Bath, get promoted

---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------

better manager careers, so you can start as a BSN/S manager, then be offered the assistant/reserve coach job at league one

then be offered reserve coach job at PL club

become manager of league1 club and work way up the leagues and possibly become international u-21 manager

could include things like coaching badges in this
All the previous ideas are very gud. errm... i think that they should give the 3d match engine a revamp defo.I cant think of anything else better. 1 small thing. Have a personality for your manager so if you are say light hearted then players who are also lighthearted will tend to play better for you. hope this is ok:D
Firstly, I would change the stadiums. It would be good if you could actually see and recognize what stadium it is. Also, this might be a bit much to ask, but a bit of fluency and finesse in the games. Its all a bit rigid and slow when playing games as most goals seem to be powered passed the keeper. The injuries need to decrease on FM, it can get very annoying when you are in a major game and three of your best players misses out. Also, deadline day should be more exciting, with more rumours and a whole page dedicated to deadline day. For example, it could give lists of clubs that will not be doing anymore business and one for clubs that are. More interaction with the board and chairman would be good, one message a month saying that the board are satisfied is a bit boring. Regular news on whats going wrong and right would be good. Club chants and songs would be a fantastic addition to FM, hearing you'll never walk alone before a vital champions league match would be superb, adding real realism to the game. Actual commentators saying the words when playing on only commentry would be good as the drama would be increased. We all love listening to the radio as it gives a bit more drama than the TV does (still prefer watching it on TV though)

Those suggestions are from the top of my head but i think would be fantastic additions to the game
More freedom on players positioning and improved default skin
I believe they should go for a fifa 05 type game play with you only being able to start at highest in the league two of the english game and the equivalent in other countries. You should then have to work your way up through the ranks gaining you reputation (prestige as called on fifa) when more clubs will begin to offer you jobs. Through the game you should be able to unlock the leagues in which you can start in so for example if you win ther premiership you can then start a new game with a team in the premiership if you know what i mean. This would be a lot more fun i think and would mean it was more of a challange and would mean it would be harder to get the better players therefore meaning you have to search far and wide for cheap young talent and bargain buys.

I also agree with leedsfan. You should be given a set staff list which sticks with you wherever you go and some of your budget should be used to upgrade them. The starting levels should be set depending on what league the team is in i.e. blue square conference south should start at 1/10 and up one every league above it. This would bring the finance side into it more
another idea (apologies if it has already come up)

when you sign a player you should only agree on the transfer fee. then you should have a meeting with your chairman and work out (somehow) how this money should be paid. he (or your director of football) then thrashes out the financial side based on the info from the meeting.
i would also like the option to have verbal agreements on players, like a secret meeting between managers where you say 'i will sell you *** this season for £x million, then i have the option to sign *** for £x million in january as part of the deal'. or you could have meetings where you agree to let them have the player for one more season before you sign them, like some people have been claiming in the ronaldo to madrid saga. i think they are called pre-contract agreements but i could be wrong
this would work really well, especially if there was also better player interaction, for example you or the captain of your side could try to convince a player to stay for the future. they could also behinf your backs have been approached by representatives from clubs trying to tap them up

endless possibilities
i just thought of another simple change.

when selecting opponents in friendlies/friendly tournies..

id like a button where you can see only avalible teams for that date,

i get so annoyed clicking confirm and then a team is un-avalible and you have to look again, and then the next team is un-avalible.

so i just want to be able to filter out un-avalible teams.
More expectations i.e. choose where you expect to finish

EPL: 5th
ECC: Semi-Final
FA: Final
LC: Winner

Just a thought. The board/chairman can react if your expectations were met or not.
I would like to see a more dynamic 3d match engine with slightly better graphics for the players and stadiums...more atmosphere. Maybe different more dynamic angles for replays.

also commentators would be ace, like on fifa and pes etc. :D

Just something to make the match experience more dynamic and make the user feel more involved.. something to pull the user into the game! :)
graphics improved would be good, also to the stadium to.. and i agree with the commentry if you could be able to listen to it tht wud be much better .. more of a exciting collaberation to the pitch like: .. spurs are really dominating this game, they surly should get a goal soon.. and mountinho is really dominating midfield today ... and in turn would help with the players and team moral.. and make a better consistant performer/ performance to the team... maybe THE ASSISTANT MANAGER could give you give you advice on the basis of bringing a player on like when you go to match details it says example : gerrard is making things haapen etc etc we should close him down, well say the assistant manager could say something like. i think we should bring ..example: camacho on to stable midfield and handle gerrard etc etc .. i think this would be a good addition to the game.. baring in mind the better the assistant manager the better the advice..

More expectations i.e. choose where you expect to finish

EPL: 5th
ECC: Semi-Final
FA: Final
LC: Winner

Just a thought. The board/chairman can react if your expectations were met or not.

Yeah this should definately improve in the next version
I would like it if I could be the U21 manager of nations think it might be good(H)
more interaction between chairman and gaffer is all game needs..
I would like it if I could be the U21 manager of nations think it might be good(H)
You can be. But the only way I know is to reate a second manager and adress the other manager as -21 coach.