FM15 Post your Frustrations/Raaaage

"feels he is not getting enough attention during tactics training."

"Hire a tactical coach"

Hire a coach

"feels he is not getting enough attention during tactics training"
Got £500k spare wages but only £1m transfer budget, won't let me chop and change it.

WHY??? :(
Got £500k spare wages but only £1m transfer budget, won't let me chop and change it.

WHY??? :(

Sometimes the board just wont based on Financial projections or if you have done it a few times, or due to FFP.
goalkeepers have poor av. ratings all the time!!! and also i seem to have noticed teams are jus shedding money???
I'm very impressed with the beta so far, the passing and tackling in defence has improved drastically...

It does make me wonder why I waste my transfer budget on defenders when it really makes no difference.
"feels he is not getting enough attention during tactics training."

"Hire a tactical coach"

Hire a coach

"feels he is not getting enough attention during tactics training"

I get the same thing
One of my players scored a 60 yard goal from well inside their half, he didnt even even make top 3 goals of the season. rage :p
Sold two squad players and end up with an entire squad revolt (Maybe I handled it poorly by not agreeing or backing down straight away). So I sign two new players, one of which will be a first team regular, and I loan another very good squad player, yet this doesn't appease the need to strengthen or improve the squad depth?

Is this a known issue or have I just been unlucky?

EDIT - he's also a model professional!
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Sold two squad players and end up with an entire squad revolt (Maybe I handled it poorly by not agreeing or backing down straight away). So I sign two new players, one of which will be a first team regular, and I loan another very good squad player, yet this doesn't appease the need to strengthen or improve the squad depth?

Is this a known issue or have I just been unlucky?

EDIT - he's also a model professional!

Bit of both. You could have handled it better, but squad interactions are still a bit borked.
Ball going slowly, harmlessly wide. Keeper shepherds it but then inexplicably passes back into the box, straight into the path of the opposition. Twice. In one game.
When i create a new game, you can check all the teams in the games squads etc, fine and dandy, nothing wrong there, all names are shown properly and what have you.

But -Every- time i pick a team and advance to the team screens after the first save, i look at all the players in my team, all of them, then all the staff and every player in the game and no one has a damned surname, everything is labelled in first names only. Si know of the bug, but bleergh, just annoying, will have to play fm14 until the game is released with some (hopefully) bugs fixed.
Rooney wants to leave. The team is angry because i don't let the captain leave :O.

He tells me if i don't want to let him leave is going to put all the players against me!!!

So i talk to the team and everybody agree that i've done a good thing keeping him.

But he stills want to leave because Man Utd as nothing to offer him... ok.

He is now on the reserve team and im going to take off with bracer!

How in the world this could happen IRL??

Btw, should i sell or let him rotten until 34 in the reserve team with no training for 5 years?

I bet its his wife, it always is!!
Rooney wants to leave. The team is angry because i don't let the captain leave :O.

He tells me if i don't want to let him leave is going to put all the players against me!!!

So i talk to the team and everybody agree that i've done a good thing keeping him.

But he stills want to leave because Man Utd as nothing to offer him... ok.

He is now on the reserve team and im going to take off with bracer!

How in the world this could happen IRL??

Btw, should i sell or let him rotten until 34 in the reserve team with no training for 5 years?

I bet its his wife, it always is!!

Just sell him, at least you'll make some money.
Players travelling for international duty on the Champions League final day, **** off
He can be happy with it and i don't want that, do i?

*Shrugs* You want to be burdened with his high wages, while getting absolutely no use for him, for such a long time, sure, go ahead..
Playing with Dempo in the indian national football league have just won our 7th straight match to start the season, including winning the federation cup, when my players launch a full blown revolt because the squad isnt strong enough!!!!! Grrrrrr!!! :-\
It's a bit goal happy, isn't it?

My results with Newcastle (playing a wide 4-2-3-1) are as follows;

Sunderland (away) - Won 4-0
Burnley (home) - Won 4-2
Sheff Wed (away) - Won 6-4 - was 5-0 up at half time and they brought it back to 5-4
Palace (away) - Won 2-1
Southampton (home) - Won 6-2
QPR (away) - Lost 2-0
Brighton (home) - Won 3-1
Man City (home) - Lost 1-0
West Brom (away) - Won 5-4
Spurs (home) - Drew 4-4
It's a bit goal happy, isn't it?

My results with Newcastle (playing a wide 4-2-3-1) are as follows;

Sunderland (away) - Won 4-0
Burnley (home) - Won 4-2
Sheff Wed (away) - Won 6-4 - was 5-0 up at half time and they brought it back to 5-4
Palace (away) - Won 2-1
Southampton (home) - Won 6-2
QPR (away) - Lost 2-0
Brighton (home) - Won 3-1
Man City (home) - Lost 1-0
West Brom (away) - Won 5-4
Spurs (home) - Drew 4-4

At times, yes. I had the most epic FA cup final against Spurs, 2-2 at 90mins and 6-4 by the end of extra time!