Oh, its monetisation would definitely be different, but that isn't really my point. Worth pointing out that Ubisoft do heavily patch their games as well.
Ubi only patch their games when there's a public outcry about it. They do it to save face, not to improve their games out of the goodness of their own heart.
I'm not sure that they do though. There's basically: A. morons that would complain about everything even if the game was perfect and B. people that sometimes moan but will always come back for another hit of delicious crack. Considering how successful the game is, it actually faces very little scrutiny from any reasoned argument, either from within the community or outside it.
Right, it doesn't come under much REASONABLE scrutiny, but I didn't think you were using that as a qualifier. Frankly, I welcome reasonably scrutiny of the game; if there wasn't any, the game wouldn't improve.
Which is my point really. It's just interesting to see how general goodwill towards SI and the lack of a real competitor change people's perceptions of what's going on. When they have fairly large issues with their product, it's explained away by the fact that they're ambitious and taking on a project of enormous scope. If a big studio does it, they're moronic for overreaching themselves on a completely unrealistic project. You only have to look at how people (myself included) hate Skyrim for spreading its budget too thinly (Width of an ocean, depth of a puddle) to see how critical others can be in that regard.
In general, people tend to accept that you're going to need to wait a couple of months before the latest FM is in a polished state, something that pretty much no either full price game gets away with. Look at the shitstorm Firaxis (rightly) got for releasing BE in what was essentially an advanced beta form for full price and basically saying "it's a playable game, we'll iron out the balance issues/bugs soon."
Do you think SI are overreaching themselves? I think the product they put out is of high enough quality to claim that, despite the huge scope, they aren't overreaching themselves just yet. It's close - that's why they hire temps every year at crunch for FM - but they just about get away with it.
Thing is, I think that year on year FM is actually in a reasonably polished state. There are some notable examples (looking at you, FM09) but generally it's released in a state of good playability. This year I think it's been a pretty successful launch; there's some tweaks that need to be made with the match engine and a few other bits and bobs, but generally it's actually a pretty well made game. Firaxis, on the other hand, releasing an expandalone of a highly successful game after FOUR YEARS of development. Unfortunately, said expandalone doesn't actually offer enough new content and is nowhere near polished enough to be worth the four year development cycle. That's why Firaxis are rightly catching flak.
That's a bit disingenuous really, given how studios actually function and how EA works as a business. It's not as if the whole company or even a sizable portion of it was developing the game: they put it out to one of the studios under their umbrella then gave them a budget and some help from central. Their game ended up getting cancelled because the ratios weren't good enough and EA are all about the quick buck. They didn't want to invest a serious chunk of cash into a new ME for the next few years when they weren't sure on returns, so it was canned.
You forget how much EA invested into FIFA Manager. It was a big project, they had long-term plans, and all of them were wrecked when they underestimated SI. Don't get me wrong, I don't think EA invested FIFA levels of cash and attention into it, but they kept it going for over a decade. If EA were truly all about the quick buck, they'd have bailed years ago, but they just assumed they could crush SI and take the entire market for themselves. They failed.
Don't get me wrong: I enjoy FM and I think SI generally do a very good job. I just find it interesting that they can get away with the general standard of their releases: it's an interesting reflection on the community.
You saying SI 'get away with' the general standard of their releases makes me wonder what you truly expect from SI. Do you want a totally polished, no-bugs game? Because with a turnaround of a year and multiple patches and support and updates to be done, that's so far past unfeasible it's ridiculous. Look at FIFA, the biggest and most well-funded football game series by far. That LOOKS polished but plays like a totally broken mess, and EA make maybe one patch a year, in between the demo and release. Other than that, they do transfers twice a year and that's it.
Do you want SI to try and make a better game, or a more polished one? This is an either/or, remember, because SI doesn't make enough money off it to hire enough people to even get close to that. SI could either try for a more well-rounded, higher quality title with a few bugs that need to be ironed out after release, or they could just phone it in and go for the FIFA route, with an awful, lopsided ME covered up by lovely presentation.
Frankly, I'm happy with the former.