FM15 Post your Frustrations/Raaaage

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The team are flying high, 3 games into the second season as league and european champions. Unbeaten this season and won the Community Shield and Super Cup following a great pre-season. A home banker against newly promoted Norwich. No signs of complacency and everyone is motivated.

Passes going astray, defenders missing tackles and being out of position, shots hitting the post or going straight to the 'keeper. Standing around watching the opponents. If I didn't know better I'd think they were playing low on confidence.

I go one behind to a bad goal, but equalise through a long ball knockdown. Perhaps the team will kick on from here? No, go behind again to a headed goal from Bassong who seems to have been standing in an offside position.

This is the annoying part of FM, the part that makes me want to throw things. The part that makes you go WTF.
My two central midfielders are set to support and both have individual instructions of shoot less. Yet they unfailingly shoot at the earliest opportunity, from miles out, and with strikers sitting unmarked in the box.

This sort of thing is why the shots comparison is so disparate between the two teams and why the goals so low. It ****** me off no end that this happens against all instruction.
My two central midfielders are set to support and both have individual instructions of shoot less. Yet they unfailingly shoot at the earliest opportunity, from miles out, and with strikers sitting unmarked in the box.

This sort of thing is why the shots comparison is so disparate between the two teams and why the goals so low. It ****** me off no end that this happens against all instruction.

This is where the *** Man should be earning his pay (instead of just telling the players to go in hard on the opponents) - some tactical or man management advice that you (as a real person) can't get directly. Information about why the players are doing things or how you can change it would be so, so useful - is it a tactical error, a conflict between the tactics and the player's natural tendency or down to a negative mind-set?
Never posted in this thread before, but I think it is time.

FM15 has several glaringly ridiculous issues that I hope the Dev team has picked up and will fix PROPERLY, rather than end up with super goalies because strikers 'score too much'...anyway that brings me onto my current list of issues that I see in 2/3 games, so dont be posting comments like 'that does happen now and again IRL too'

-Soft back passes/headers from 25-30 yards away from goalie, going 4-5 yards for AI striker to pick up for easy tap in
-Players hoofing passes to nowhere when there are 3-4 very easy passing options available
-Like above, players dithering on the ball for 20-30 seconds when there are easy passes available, losing the ball and starting AI counter
-Strikers needing 8-10 chances from within area to score
-Keepers making ridiculous wonder saves
-Defenders blocking everything like a brick wall
-Crosses going straight to keeper, whereas AI find man in centre EVERY TIME
-Wingers insisting on cutting inside into 2-3 AI players when they have space, and pace to exploit a run to by line and cross (as suggested by his tactical set up)
-AI seemingly able to score from offside positions, whereas my rebounds are 90% given offside, when then are normally 50-50 onside
-Goals coming from unnatural and 'ugly' sources, very few goals coming from nice team play or passes through the middle to a striker who has made a great run. Except from the AI who can achieve this 8-10 times a game.
-Central defenders out of position, regardless of tactical set up 80% of the time leaving acres of space for AI strikers
-AI defenders regimented like the Korean Army, who knew L1/L2 defenders could snuff out world class attackers
-Very high number of avoidable, unforced errors from players, despite good mental stats (composure/decisions etc)
-Very high number of tackles/fouls not being given as fouls, whereas we get penalised for similar looking tackles (all we have to go on is the ME so if it looks similar what am I supposed to think?)
-AI able to score 2/3 goals in last 5 minutes in 2/3 games (this happens IRL, but on a very rare occasion and is something special when it does)
-Oh and Corners.

Away from the ME we have some issues as well but this area of the game has massively improved IMO, but never-the-less....

-Players having tantrums all season, can never calm the situation without selling them
-Youth players given first team chances, suddenly kick off when they are not a first team regular, disrupting the rest of my squad

I still love this game always will, and despite these issues I have still managed to win the Championship in season 1 with Bolton, then finish 7th in Prem and win FA Cup in Season 2, I wonder where I would be if the ME hadn't cost me easy points...

But just because I have been successful in my save, doesnt mean there isnt issues

I've also been playing, albeit with United, and other than players dithering on the ball, and the fouls, I've noticed none of the above faults. Scored many from crosses, wingers do the logical thing, tantrums are so often assuaged that it feels like cheating (other than Rooney, I've been able to convince everyone else to see my way - I have maxed out mental stats)

Are you sure it isn't your tactical setup? AI scoring so many goals in the latter stages mean that your changes aren't working out, or your players are exhausted and losing concentration.. Probably should post in the tactics section with this for some help..

As for the tantrums, the tracksuit manager feature is still pretty new, and unless you really want the challenge, or desperately need the boost in coaching, it always is recommended to go full mental stats, as this will help you in dealing with players and the Board.
Keepers making ridiculous saves, but the defenders block everything while ridiculously out of position, no matter the tactical setup. Yeah. Didn't think that post through at all.

Also, no difference between how the ME handles an AI and human team.
the amount and strength of rebounds is ridiculous, you have to say.

I mean I've seen a rebound hit someone and go back to the half way line like a ruddy rocket!
the amount and strength of rebounds is ridiculous, you have to say.

I mean I've seen a rebound hit someone and go back to the half way line like a ruddy rocket!

And more often than not they fall back to the attacking team! Often they can just put it in the empty net...
Players falling into the ground (diving) too much for my liking.

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Im about 8 games in to the season as a Title favourite side.. I'm dominating every match (over 60% possession, most shots, most shots on target + CCC's), yes, every match!

Yet I'm dropping points everywhere. Like to the point where I've just quit and lost a months progress as I forgot to save.. How are you supposed to win? I just had a game where I had 32 shots to the opponents 6.. Final score? 3-1 to them... Blegh onwards and upwards Iguess.
Why are my staff telling me that someone's game would be improved if they started trying to beat the offside trap, when they have an acceleration of 12?!
Staff's suggestions for individual training are laughable. For example: my assistant recommends to put one of my players to increase his stamina, guess which attributes is the highest on that player - stamina 17. For another my assistant say that I should put emphasis on strength, when this attribute is again the highest 16.
Staff's suggestions for individual training are laughable. For example: my assistant recommends to put one of my players to increase his stamina, guess which attributes is the highest on that player - stamina 17. For another my assistant say that I should put emphasis on strength, when this attribute is again the highest 16.

It's obvious your assistant manager is having a relationship with this player behind your back. He just wants him to look a bit more buff and keep going for a bit longer at night
My ******* god, I'm done with this game right now.
In the period of a week, I get: Gotze ******** about my team talks, I tell him that the team didn't play well enough, he wants to leave now; Balanta whining about first team football, even though we're only 4 games into the season; Mertesacker whining about first team football, he's played more than Balanta this season; and Koscielny stating that he's homesick. Laurent Koscielny, after 7 years in England, is now homesick.
And now the squad is getting mad at me for basically telling Kosc how ridiculous he is.
Thank you, Sports Psychiatry 2015, for ******* me off.
Players falling into the ground (diving) too much for my liking.

+1, although I'm not sure how much of this is actual diving vs. poorly executed animation.

Speaking of animation, one very small gripe I have (certainly not a rage-inducing one), is the delayed referee animation. The commentary would always say what the referee is doing (giving a lecture vs. card), before he actually makes any movement. Like I said, not a big deal, but kinda takes away from it.