As I said before most people acquired bad habits from previous versions of FM / CM, when the game in the old days would allow beating every single team. The game has evolved - thankfully -, people's mind in this aspect did not. There will be always aspects to improve and every single one of us can think of a few (that's why there's always a wishlist thread) but these do not turn the game unplayable or enjoyable. People are just accustomed to a tactic to solve everything without watching matches. But this was something that SI could have pay attention and it didn't when FM14 was released with some many new fixtures and mentality, fluidity, roles, duties explanations were left behind like they were previously. FM15 didn't also improve on this ! And if we can understand that by this time of year the focus is already in FM16, from a customer view it's not nice to leave things unfixed. And yes, there are things to be fixed, that's why they are acknowledge as bugs in the SI Forum. Still, the game is perfectly playable and enjoyable.