Original tactic is amazing, there is no doubt about that. But tweak tactics made by Foldahal are outstanding!!
View attachment 322356

It took a while for my players to learn tactics, that's why we got a rocky start. But once those bars hit "fluid", the magic has begun. Loss against Sporting and draw vs. Zamora are freak accidents, we had an injury crisis so i played some players out of position. Nevermind that, we dominated both of those games but didn't had any luck in front of a goal.
I have to admit, i'm in love with this tactics. Strikers score a lot, game is beautiful to watch, when my players got healty, we'll be going on a rampage. Amazing work you guys have done here. Great, great work and i want to thank you. Thank you. You have made something outstanding here...
Não me safo em Inglês, lol.
Nas marcações de cantos que posições são CWBR e o CWBL (em PT)? Desde já agradeço XD

sao os defesas laterais

I apologize to anyone that was offended by my responding to this user's question in the same language it was asked in and not providing proper translation to the rest of you. So I will do that here.

Ivoensousa: I suck at English! lol In the Corner Takers what positions are CWBR and CWBL (in Portuguese)? Much Thanks!

Mantorras77: They're the Fullbacks!
I apologize to anyone that was offended by my responding to this user's question in the same language it was asked in and not providing proper translation to the rest of you. So I will do that here.

Ivoensousa: I suck at English! lol In the Corner Takers what positions are CWBR and CWBL (in Portuguese)? Much Thanks!

Mantorras77: They're the Fullbacks!

There is nothing wrong with what he did and nothing wrong with what you did. People just typically ask people to refrain from other languages do to the barrier. They will get the most proper support if we all knew what he was saying. But yes, if someone comes here knowing nothing about the english language and asks a questions in their native language, and so happens someoen reading the thread knows his language, then giving the guy a hand and responding to him in that language is a kind thing to do. But, you will still get posters asking the person to stick to english only.
Original tactic is amazing, there is no doubt about that. But tweak tactics made by Foldahal are outstanding!!
View attachment 720863

It took a while for my players to learn tactics, that's why we got a rocky start. But once those bars hit "fluid", the magic has begun. Loss against Sporting and draw vs. Zamora are freak accidents, we had an injury crisis so i played some players out of position. Nevermind that, we dominated both of those games but didn't had any luck in front of a goal.
I have to admit, i'm in love with this tactics. Strikers score a lot, game is beautiful to watch, when my players got healty, we'll be going on a rampage. Amazing work you guys have done here. Great, great work and i want to thank you. Thank you. You have made something outstanding here...
Glad to help, but all credits are for Eusébios, I just adapted this fantastic tactic to my team and shared because I liked the results and statistics.

ps. I am impatient for TUGA V2. :)
how often do you tell them to concentrate? and when?

I've been doing it like this and it's been working great for me. (Took this off another tactic thread)

Start of match when favourites - Concentrate
Start of match when underdog - Encourage
After scoring - Concentrate
Beginning of second half when winning - Concentrate
If losing or drawing - Encourage
75 mins if winning - Tighten Up
75 mins if drawing or losing - Push Forward
I've been using the original, turning off hard tackling for the back 4 and reducing long shots for front 5, easily best tactic I have tried, thank you Eusebio
I know I use one of the best teams in the world, but the original tactic is fantastic!!!
I followed all his instructions, changing only the Right Wing to an Inside Forward, which suits better Messi.
Both Messi and Suarez are real BEASTS!!
Probably one of the best tactics I've ever tested.

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Great results my friend...some posts ago there was a user that said that it didn´t work for Barça...thank you for posting your stats!!! The adaptation that you made for Messi is fantastic and i must said that you are doing a great job...
Of the three tacs, which one is the best?

No need to say which is the best!!!
There is the Original a 4-1-4-1 and the folhadal tweaks 4-1-3-2...test yourself and see what fits better in your team...they are all good tactics.
I've been doing it like this and it's been working great for me. (Took this off another tactic thread)

Start of match when favourites - Concentrate
Start of match when underdog - Encourage
After scoring - Concentrate
Beginning of second half when winning - Concentrate
If losing or drawing - Encourage
75 mins if winning - Tighten Up
75 mins if drawing or losing - Push Forward

It works very good...OP updated with team talks by mantorras77
Great results my friend...some posts ago there was a user that said that it didn´t work for Barça...thank you for posting your stats!!! The adaptation that you made for Messi is fantastic and i must said that you are doing a great job...

I think any and every tactic works for Barca. They are arguable the most complete team in the game. Their players have great passing ratings and great decision making. That is why it is not good to use them when trying to create and improve a tactic since the players are good enough to cover up any weaknesses that may be in the tactic.
I think any and every tactic works for Barca. They are arguable the most complete team in the game. Their players have great passing ratings and great decision making. That is why it is not good to use them when trying to create and improve a tactic since the players are good enough to cover up any weaknesses that may be in the tactic.

Though I seriously have my doubts it would work with Iniesta and Xavi as B2B midfielders