FM18 Rage Thread

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This is ridicoulous but every time I reach december the bad form starts running all the way to the end of the season, does'nt matter which team, which tactic, always in the top of the leagues until december when the whole team just collapses and trying team meetings, rotating the squad, nothing seems to work for me.

Never had a problem with FM before and always achieved great results through the series.

Does anyone know what the **** I'm doing wrong when the bad run of form always comes in december, are the players getting fat from all the christmas food, it surely feels that way...

Are there any easy steps to turn it around...

I'm f**king tilted:@
It's the well known effect of teams sitting back more and more the better you do and it's very apparent either from the middle of the season or at the start of a season.
I've played fm since about 06/07. This is in about the last 5 years that they have genuinely ****** up the game. It's a joke. Instructions don't work, headers are pathetic. Actually considering giving this game up. Not realistic in the slightest

Me too! There is always maybe a day or two when you are fooled that the game has actually changed! But soon you realise that pointless sh*t like dynamics doesnt matter at all and the ME is still such f*cking bullsh*t. Why cant I stop my player from taking idiotic shots outside the area when they have tons of room to run? Put shoot less often and they NEVER shoot and just pass when inside the box! The behaviour of the players inside the box is f*cking ridiculous anyways and doesnt come close to resemble real life football. The instructions just go from one extreme to another! The player is denied the option of giving more specific instuctions/orders because then you could stop the players doing all that stupid random sh*t that the developers think make the matches look more realistic. They wont even fix those idiotic passes to keeper that go over the line for corner when you pretty much never see those from professional defenders no matter how technically skilled they are!
Doing brilliant against a top side in the division and winning when I really have no right to be. Defending quite brilliantly all match. Then my players start doing fantastic things - like my Complete Forward - Attack getting the ball at the edge of the box and because its congested, dribbles halfway back to the center circle before passing it two yards to the side, completely nullifying a promising attack because reasons. And we get undone by a throw in at the halfway line, hoofed long, crossed in and despite having six defending players against two, they end up with a free header to score an equalizer.

A draw is a better result for them, but good lord does the game manage to make you feel ****** over hard at times.

every week some top player is breaking their leg. wtf is this bullshit
AI endlessly scoring from whipped crosses to the near-post, no matter what tactics you use
Started a new save with a club I often use but haven't really so far in FM18. Picked a few extra nations to get a few extra first day newgens. Club has a bit of a budget at the start - 4m - and a major need at RB. There is a quality RB at Sparta Prague, and they will sell for about 4m structured. But when the league is active, that goes up. I have now offered up to 8m total and they keep turning it down. I'm going to have offer way more up front, basically using the entire transfer budget for this window. Because I didn't think ahead and added a league I shouldn't have. ****.
I wouldn't say its rage but year in year out I wait for them to fix what I perceive as the same issues. For example, talking to your players, once a player is 'unhappy' ect you can no longer have conversations with them which is absolute BS, imagine not being able to talk to a player coz he's not happy with his game time. Also, you have a convo with a player which ends with the player giving you absolute cheek, a smart *** comment like "I'm sure you'll want me for something else soon" or when you praise a players 9.8 game and it results in him saying "If you'd just leave me alone so I could concentrate on my game maybe I'd put in good performances"..... As a manager if a player spoke to me like that I'd give him a good clip behind the ear, imagine giving that cheek to Mou or Pep (not saying I am them).
My biggest gripe in Football Manager are the players asking to leave and then asking for an agreed price. Playing as Atalanta this is by far the most annoying part of the game for me as I am constantly trying to fight off the big boys. Two Scenario's:-

1. Tomas Kalas
A CB I bought cheap and who does reasonably well for me. This player was probably my First Choice RCB but I was heavily using a young Italian player as that is my ultimate goal (All Italian CL winners). Anyway, end of the season comes and I am eyeing up various top class (very expensive) Italian CB's. Next thing Kalas comes to me and states Man City are interested in him, I thought "this could work", so I tell him I'm happy to sell him for what he's worth, his Auto value was £21m and I told him I needed £40m for him, he said that was too much, how about £25m? I tried to get it up but he wouldn't even negotiate, in the end I gave in hoping to get £25m for him as my youngster was ready to step up!

2. Fillip Melegoni
My two eyes at Atalanta. The local boy, captain, Italian International 21 year old heart of my midfield. He has an Auto Value of £37.5m and as you would expect, the big clubs, Barcelona in particular regularly come circling. Melegoni comes to me and states that Barcelona is his dream club etc, I was fair and said that I would let him leave for the right price, again he asks what price, I state £112.5m, he scoffs and states £55m to which I try to negotiate. He walks out claiming that I'm not being reasonable - he didn't even try to negotiate. At the time, I would have accepted £86m for him.

At this time Man City had just paid £90m for a 27 year old Dyabala, a player that IMO wasn't as Important to Juventus as Melegoni is to me. In this game, I can imagine Melegoni as the ultimate poster boy of Italian Football.
My biggest gripe in Football Manager are the players asking to leave and then asking for an agreed price. Playing as Atalanta this is by far the most annoying part of the game for me as I am constantly trying to fight off the big boys. Two Scenario's:-

1. Tomas Kalas
A CB I bought cheap and who does reasonably well for me. This player was probably my First Choice RCB but I was heavily using a young Italian player as that is my ultimate goal (All Italian CL winners). Anyway, end of the season comes and I am eyeing up various top class (very expensive) Italian CB's. Next thing Kalas comes to me and states Man City are interested in him, I thought "this could work", so I tell him I'm happy to sell him for what he's worth, his Auto value was £21m and I told him I needed £40m for him, he said that was too much, how about £25m? I tried to get it up but he wouldn't even negotiate, in the end I gave in hoping to get £25m for him as my youngster was ready to step up!

2. Fillip Melegoni
My two eyes at Atalanta. The local boy, captain, Italian International 21 year old heart of my midfield. He has an Auto Value of £37.5m and as you would expect, the big clubs, Barcelona in particular regularly come circling. Melegoni comes to me and states that Barcelona is his dream club etc, I was fair and said that I would let him leave for the right price, again he asks what price, I state £112.5m, he scoffs and states £55m to which I try to negotiate. He walks out claiming that I'm not being reasonable - he didn't even try to negotiate. At the time, I would have accepted £86m for him.

At this time Man City had just paid £90m for a 27 year old Dyabala, a player that IMO wasn't as Important to Juventus as Melegoni is to me. In this game, I can imagine Melegoni as the ultimate poster boy of Italian Football.

What I found on FM17, and probably holds true on 18, is that you can tell them whatever fee you like, but once they negotiate, you can only go up by one increment on that for an agreed asking price. So if you tell them 70m, and they counter with say 52, they will accept 53 but nothing higher
I wouldn't say its rage but year in year out I wait for them to fix what I perceive as the same issues. For example, talking to your players, once a player is 'unhappy' ect you can no longer have conversations with them which is absolute BS, imagine not being able to talk to a player coz he's not happy with his game time. Also, you have a convo with a player which ends with the player giving you absolute cheek, a smart *** comment like "I'm sure you'll want me for something else soon" or when you praise a players 9.8 game and it results in him saying "If you'd just leave me alone so I could concentrate on my game maybe I'd put in good performances"..... As a manager if a player spoke to me like that I'd give him a good clip behind the ear, imagine giving that cheek to Mou or Pep (not saying I am them).

Very much agree that the interactions need work. There should be infinitely more options, both for player interactions and for media interactions.

But certain ones happen for a reason. The chirpy response after a good performance tends to happen - at least to me - if you have praised a player a few times recently. It seems like its an indirect way of the game saying "too much". Since you get a benefit of praising a player when they react positive - it raises their morale, and they tend to like you more - its just a limit to how often you can do it and get that positive reaction, or it becomes an exploit. But the game does a poor job of making that clear at times.
Inability to pass and the foul count is off the charts

so firstly, how is it full backs are unable to pass back to the keeper without conceding a corner, not just mine but the AI too, it's hardly a 40 yard defence spitting pass, also my second issue, my team has no get stuck in instruction, and none of my players are set to tackle harder, except where it is a selection of the role, and yet we regularly clock up 20+ fouls
Its not really a rage, but there are so many things wrong with FM that needs an addressing.

Whats the point of press conferences? Each and every one is the same. Manager "X" said something about you, do you feel he's good enough for the job? Yes, manager "X" is a good manager. HA! You fell into my trap! He must have upper hand over you then!.

I mean, it's so dumb. Every interview there's a question about manager "wars". No diversity whatsoever.
The Juplier League in Belgium is Bullshit.

I'm in 2030, currently managing Anderlecht.

The way the league works is all 16 teams play each other twice, a total of 30 games, seems standard right ?
After the 30 games the league splits similar to Scotland, to the top 6 that play in the championship group, were all the top 6 teams play each other twice again.
Also, they half all teams points, so if you have a big lead it will get halved

My team were 20 points clear after the 30 games, first game of the championship group my lead gets halved to 10 points, I go on horrible form and loose the league on the final day.
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... I must say I'm surprised a league works like that. I'm also apalled they'd go for that. It's like the season the FIA decided the last race had to give double the points but more stupid. It is fine to wish to give the fans a tight finish, but it must never be at the expense of negating the product of hard work of the leaders. If I was a Belgian fan of football I would reject to follow the Belgian league or anything to do with domestic competition. I would stop watching any sport that did something like that.
Explain this **** please.

Doesn't matter what team I am or what striker I have scoring headers from at least 8 yards out is near on impossible. Kane and lukaku I've had both miss 90% Of 'sitters' or 'real chances' as the commentry says
I'm getting seriously fed up with offsides in this version. Fullbacks running well beyond the last line and staying there. Strikers constantly standing in an offside position. I tried playing a quicker tempo, more direct style in the hope they would play through balls before the striker got into an offside position, didn't work. Tried playing a short, slow build up game, didn't work. The only thing I can think is to play my striker as a DLF or play down the wings. Playing an advanced forward or poacher is impossible. Even trequartista didn't work. Anyone else have any ideas?

P.S. I am playing with Kane, Gameiro or Andone.
Doesn't matter what team I am or what striker I have scoring headers from at least 8 yards out is near on impossible. Kane and lukaku I've had both miss 90% Of 'sitters' or 'real chances' as the commentry says

Commentary seems done after the TV commentarists style of vastly missrepresent ease of chances based solely on the distance to goal, disregarding completely that the keeper hs actually covering the whole net from the ball or has had loads of time to see the ball's trajectory to predict where ball and foot/head will meet and therefore where the ball will be shot at, while dismissing real good chances where the striker has plenty of angles to shoot at the ball simply because he isn't close.
Safe to say I won't be buying the new one. It's come to the point now where I can predict when I'm going to concede. Actually pathetic