FM19 Tactics by TFF

Hello TFF! How do you do with tactic briefing? This question is also for everyone here of course :D thanks!
I'm having some problems with this,

My ML, MR, DE, DD, are losing balls and giving counter attacks to other team...

What can i do?

Hello boys.

Where can i find Ashbringer tactics? I need version which works on 19.1.1 FM.
ask for striker and AMC role

hai TTF, first of all, thank you for your tactic.. i use your tactic for 2nd season, and i already use it almost 30 games or more, its really good actually.

here the problem, my AF is Icardi and my AMC is joao felix and their performance is not really significant.
icardi scores 15 goal from 26 match, the positioning is good but his one on one is really awful (1st season he can scores about 20 goals from 25 matches). the performance is joao felix as AMC is not significant too.

So, in your opinion, can i change their role (AF to Poacher and AMC to Trequista/AP)?is that compatible with the tactic? thx
But wouldn't that make him give player instructions or anything that can mess up the tactic? I still don't get the tactical briefing before matches sorry :)

I think he can mess up the so that's why I handle it myself
I think he can mess up the so that's why I handle it myself

And what do you say or do? As I said before, I didn't quite understood tactical briefing. Thank you!
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And again thank you for this tactic !

The second part of the season





Lukaku shows all his potential
Hi, using Stormcaller V14, is there any tips on improving average rating of AMC?
The ME has changed in 19.1.5
SI said nothing changed to the ME, but it`s not true :

- corner setup not working anymore
- marking is better, CDs have better marking
- not so many wrong short pass like before
- headers are not over powered anymore

Playing 3D all games.
The ME has changed in 19.1.5
SI said nothing changed to the ME, but it`s not true :

- corner setup not working anymore
- marking is better, CDs have better marking
- not so many wrong short pass like before
- headers are not over powered anymore

Playing 3D all games.

Did they actually state that they hadn't changed it or did they just not mention it? And I also noticed the keepers have improved vastly on corners now.