But p2p is not illegal (at least in my country), so it shouldn't be called piracy (because the definition of piracy includes the profit motive - when you actually cell the DVD to your brother for example).Strictly speaking, it's already illegal to borrow a CD from a friend etc.
How is intellectual property an oxymoron?
EA makes game with the objective of making a profit. Even if they turn over massive numbers, they rely on the profit incentive. If everyone pirates their stuff, and they don't seem reasonable return on the monetary, time and capital investment in making a game, then why should they bother? Why be innovative if you're not going to be rewarded? Way to only consider the short term, selfish consumerist point of view.Imagine if drug companies couldn't have patent laws on their INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. It costs them billions to develop drugs, do you think they'd bother creating new drugs if they were forced to dish them out to everyone?
But p2p is not illegal (at least in my country), so it shouldn't be called piracy (because the definition of piracy includes the profit motive - when you actually cell the DVD to your brother for example).
And to the guy asking why intelectual property is oxymoron - because intelectual property is not a real product, it is more like art - you can't sell art like you sell tomatoes on the market. It is freely replicable, so it has nothing to do with the word "property"or "possesion".
And like Dan Bull said - Death of ACTA! - Dan Bull - Death of ACTA - YouTube
Ps: “The first person who, having enclosed a plot of land, took it into his head to say this is mine and found people simple enough to believe him was the true founder of civil society. What crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would the human race have been spared, had some one pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: "Do not listen to this imposter. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!”
Jean-Jaques Rousseau
---------- Post added at 02:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------
Actually many of the greatest thinkers in history have spoken out against patents and patent laws. And yes, if it will help to lower the ridiculously high costs of the medicines, they should compromise on that, but this is another topic.
I bet 99% of people on this forum with a internet access has at one time downloaded something illegally. Be it a film or music and did not give a **** that they are taking money away from someone else. Makes me laugh how most are hypocrites just because it comes down to a pc game that they care about and then act holier than thou about it. I have found that most of those that shout out against piracy are the majority that actually do it.
I bet 99% of people on this forum with a internet access has at one time downloaded something illegally. Be it a film or music and did not give a **** that they are taking money away from someone else. Makes me laugh how most are hypocrites just because it comes down to a pc game that they care about and then act holier than thou about it. I have found that most of those that shout out against piracy are the majority that actually do it.
For a start, awesome generalisation. Secondly, the PC market is inherently different to that of film and music. The majority of revenue that is made in music is by selling concerts and merchandise, the actual music sales represent a relatively small revenue stream. The film industry sells the cinema experience, and can profit from secondary sales on higher quality DVD's. In fact, it could be argued piracy benefits the music industry since it circulates the music to a much wider audience, increasing the chances of making their real profit in gigs and merchandise. But the game industry, they have no fall back revenue stream. They sell the game and make their profit from the sales, they have no concerts or cinemas to fall back on, if someone copies their game then they have a replica copy for free, and will likely give nothing in the form of money to the company. There's a reason that music companies are changing and adapting to the internet, whereas game companies are just putting up bigger blockades.
thought this would have been closed by now stop all the retarded people complaing and going into stupid arguments!
i understand mate its just like you said you will buy it or you wont , if people really like the game that mutch they should not mind how they have to install!Like the SI thread need it as an FAQ for when the game comes out
i understand mate its just like you said you will buy it or you wont , if people really like the game that mutch they should not mind how they have to install!
yeah i seen mate its gone crazy!Take a look at the SI threads its got ridiculous
Me, i dont care if people love steam, hate steam or are not fussed. Its irrelevant. I'm not SI so i only care that people on this forum understand what's needed to play the game, and to provide help for anyone who needs it. Any other debate goes round in circles, as it has done on the SI thread
Take a look at the SI threads its got ridiculous
Me, i dont care if people love steam, hate steam or are not fussed. Its irrelevant. I'm not SI so i only care that people on this forum understand what's needed to play the game, and to provide help for anyone who needs it. Any other debate goes round in circles, as it has done on the SI thread
So people won't be able to sell the game on ebay now once they've played it?
From what I've been reading (but don't quote me on it incase I'm wrong lol) won't be able to use it second hand, so no won't be able to.
I don't get how this is going to affect illegal downloads, though. Surely the only difference is that you install it via Steam? Oh, and if you get the game via Steam, is it generally cheaper than a disked version? But will you be able to play it on multiple computers?