Football Manager 2012 New Features You Would Like to See

id like to see the manager in the dugout. ie - fabregas scores winner wenger runs to the end of the technical area or scholes gets sent off for nothing and ferguson goes mad at the ref at the end of the technical area
i would like training will also has a 3D or 2D graphic.where u can see ur player train n it make u easier to choose player to play in matchday.

shooting training: make you choose ur best scorer at that time.just not only depends on his stats or previous game..

also the same goes to other position..

and also set piece training,penalty training and so on..

i also like the idea to spend the money u add more entertainment to the game. well many people may think it useless but we must remember the "FM" still "GAME" ok..what make u play game??coz it make u happy or fun right?
I want to have a player that has been trained by me for a new position to STICK forever to it because this really happens in real life.

I do this to EVERY single player I manage... ALL, i mean absolutely ALL of them (except GKs), learn a new position that fits into my formation.... but when I sell them or leave the club, the new manager changes the schedule and they "forget" that position. In some cases it makes a bit of sense, p.e.: If a player only has trained in that position and hasn't played more then a few games in it... it really does make sense that he forgets it...

...BUT, and here is a great argument for me, if a player learns a new position and plays at least one entire season in it, does it make sense that he forgets it? Even considering the versatility stats. I've watched lot's of players in real life change the position they occupy in the pitch along the years from hard work and/or persistence.


FÁBIO COENTRÃO from AML to D/WBL . . . he is now an absolutely fantastic player who can occupy any position in the left flank.

MIGUEL - was a good AMR on Estrela da Amadora and when on to become a world-class D/WB R.

PIRLO - started as an attacking midfielder early in his carrer and when on to become one of the greatest DMC ever!

BALLACK - was also an AMC for most of his career but in the late stages of it, he could occupy more defensive positions in the midfield.

GABRIEL HEINZE - started as a left-back and is now an excellent center-back.

CHRISTIAN ZIEGE - look for info on him and you'll see the position changes he had along his career.

LUIS ENRIQUE - should i say anything?

and i could go on for days.

All of this just to say, if a coach finds himself in one clube with a player who has been occupying and performing very well in the position of AML but is originally a CB, would he discard the player's ability to play in one of the two positions?

This change could even become permanent in more or less time, depending on player's mental stats, versatility and what not. AND maybe... just maybe, should he be playing for 5 ou 6 seasons in a row as a natural in a new position he has learned, maybe he could become unnatural in the original position just a little bit or even forget it if the FM programmers think they should stick to this feature of "forgetting".

Finally, of course it shouldn't be as simple as training, reaching a natural status in a position and stick to it FOREVER, that you I would put IBRAHIMOVIC training as a center-back in his 32/33 years and buy a new SC and have for more 2 or 3 year an absolutely amazing IBRAHIMOVIC as a CB and a shiny new wonderkid striker. Also maybe after a certain age and considering once again a lot of attributes, some players wouldn't be able to learn new positions or wouldn't be keen to do it or should learn it in a slightly bigger curve that younger ones.

Sorry for the HUGE post but if it is to give ideas, I try to give them as detailed as possible.

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I'd really like the "be a chairman mode." When you're ready to retire as a manager, you could take all that hard earned cash that you've made throughout the years and buy a club with it. You could then choose who becomes your team's manager and give them a transfer budget and stuff. It'd be really cool
get rid of the same boring questions in press conferences.also in tactics bring back the long ball option please
I would like to make young players grouth to be unknown.I mean the idea of PA is limiting the potential of Football Manager.I think many kids have the talent to become players like Messi or Ronaldo.There should not be only 2 or 3 kids that appear in 1 year and only 1 or not even that kid to become like Messi etc.I can give as example (i know its not right on this forum but its right how i think it should be) at FIFA Manager they have talent stars.And a kid with 8 talent stars can become like Messi if given the opportunity and right training.He doesnt have a future already, you dont know if the kid is gonna have 92 at finishing or 94 at speed or 100 at creativity.You can make him be the best even if he isnt 10 star rated.I want that in Football Manager ,as well, to get a kid that my scout that has 20 POTENTIAL READING to tell me he is 2.5 star rated but to make him have stats like Ronaldo.
get rid of the same boring questions in press conferences.also in tactics bring back the long ball option please

Press conferences won't be changed much. They seem boring and repetetive, but if you look at every press conference that was ever made it will be basically the same questions.
I'd like to see more specialised to jobs to help training levels and team management - the likes of nutritionists, sports psychologists, and roles like Head Of Youth Development (the role Dave Parnaby plays at Boro in real life).

Another option I thought would be interesting is the possibility of different boards/directors being more controlling. IE say you wanted to sign a player but the board didn't think it was a good deal. Depending on the board, they might leave you to get on with it, mention in the finalised deal that they didn't think it was a good deal, send you a specific message asking you to reconsider the deal or even just outright cancel the deal. Particularly meddling directors would be doing things like questioning your selection, asking why a signing didn't play, (a bit like Romanov's reputation at Hearts a while back). Just think it could add an extra element to a long journeyman game.
i just find how i have strikers with close to perfect finishing and composure and they will miss half of the one-on-ones they have. definately neeeds2 be sorted
Pitch invasions on last game of season when league is won...(H)
Pitch invasions on last game of season when league is won...(H)
that would be cool :D...i would also like (and not a longs list):
That me (as a ingame manager) to have training status, and with those status to make my players better.Would also like to build a 2nd Academy in a different country;id like to move "Closing down" somewhere else like in Player Instructions or Team Instruction and make it like choosable as a pressing system.
dont know if this has been said but id like to see other teams that im not managing actually use their feeder clubs or try and get one and send players needing work permits on loan for example arsenal i seen ryo michchi or something along that lines and samuel galindo just sit in the reservees then when their contract runs out runs off to korea :P
I don't know if it's been previously mentioned in this thread or not but what really annoys me is when a player takes a corner, it gets headed out to usually a centre back who ALWAYS passes out to the corner taker who is usually in an offside position which is completely unrealistic as nearly all players in real life after taking a corner will make sure that they are not in an offside position
Realistic youth system...for example barcelona has one of the best youth system,next season,new youth player are really bad...:(

Sorry for my English
I remember playing on LMA Manager 2005 on my xbox all those years ago...and the best thing EVER on a football manager game is the fact they had a fantasy team! You had a certain amount of money to get a full squad of players depending on which league you were in...and trust me it wasnt £100,000,000 either!! It was a hard challenge! And it was something I would go on even to this day just for made the squad name, stadium name,style, logo, kit...everything...and played as them! I would LOVE it if they did that for fm2012!!
I would love that addition aswell TUN13Y. I don't know if this is already an option but I would like if after the .3 patch Sports Interactive release every year you could start the game just after the transfer window on the 1st February. Personally I don't like how you get January transfers in your squad from the start date in June and I would at least like the choice to either start in June with or without January transfers but with the latest patch or Februrary with the January transfers and patch.
I remember playing on LMA Manager 2005 on my xbox all those years ago...and the best thing EVER on a football manager game is the fact they had a fantasy team! You had a certain amount of money to get a full squad of players depending on which league you were in...and trust me it wasnt £100,000,000 either!! It was a hard challenge! And it was something I would go on even to this day just for made the squad name, stadium name,style, logo, kit...everything...and played as them! I would LOVE it if they did that for fm2012!!

I used to do that all the time! It was good, but I spose you could do it on the FM now with the Data Editor. (But it would be easier for just an in game option). Something I like from the LMA series were all the challenges they had. Like had to save a team from relegation with 5 games left, or get from Division 3 (as it was) to Premier League in 4 years. Wandered whether something like that would work on FM.
Yea i agree With the fantasy football, used to do that. It was amazing, although fm is better. It would be amazing with the fantasy football in the game and not through editor.

also like the idea of pitc invasions hhahahahahha:L
I haven't read the whole thread, just the last couple of pages, I agree with the one about having interviews to get a new job, rather than just apply, and then you succeed/fail in getting the job

Also I'd like to see team bonding days brought in, for when you're team is struggling and low on morale, take them paint-balling or a golf event, maybe even a 2-3 day training camp in Majorca

on and the idea of pitch invasions after securing a league title is pretty cool