Franjo: A Journeyman Story (New Episode Every Week Day)

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He really is, he was pulling all the strings in that match. Mystified in what way? Good? Bad? A lot of the sub-plot things I do in the story is basically just writing a load of **** and seeing what works so would be good to know what people think :D
Blimey, fair to say Aidir turned up! Great result, that. Actually both were good results. Aidir's first two goals were things of beauty. The touch for his second was, dare I say, Bergkamp-esque...
I know I go on about Foden a lot, but how satisfying is it seeing him utterly nailing the inside forward role to perfection, especially after his early struggles? On the ball, he's cutting inside and dragging defenders with him before slipping clever reverses through to Aidir. Off the ball, he's making darting far-post runs and getting tap-ins. Lovely stuff.

As for the Bordeaux result... stronger players, sure (that Gnago sounds like a decent player) but don't underestimate the value of reputation. Once your players hit the top flight, they'll feel like a bigger club and they won't be so overawed by the big boys. Even so, there's no shame in getting thumped by a good side. It's a reminder of what you're trying to emulate.
Thanks mate and well put :)

And I think you’re spot on about Foden, so much so that I’m going to quote you in the next episode :D
Ha, cheers for the shout-out mate! Imagine if that genius pundit became a manager in your save... Scenes.

Also, I'll DM you my address so you can send my royalty cheque.

Sohna was the best of a bad bunch in that Nimes defence, you know... his centre half partner got substituted on a 6.1. There's only so much the lad can do on his own when the rest of his defence falls apart around him!

One last thing... two wins, 5 goals, none against... but no goals for Aidir! Whatever next.
Haha! I’ve got the editor disabled, so It’d take an enormous coincidence for Sammu the manager to appear. I’ll keep an eye out though :D

And yeah maybe I was too harsh about Sohna. I don’t know how his team are 10th, they’ve been probably the worst team I’ve faced this season, so I can’t really expect miracles from him. And I know, come on Hicham. It’s gotten to the point where 91 minutes without scoring is pretty much a goal drought for the lad
Had to happen eventually, but... gahhhhhh. Console yourself with the beauty of those two goals against Creteil. That Zoun strike was just ridiculous.
It was. I nearly compared it to Rooney’s goal v Arsenal when he was 16, the way the ball just flew over the keeper and went in off the bar! Raf’s was pretty excellent too. It’s Weird that Aidir lowered the standard of goals actually
Just realised I didn't respond to your question about the Tribune LeClerc side-stories.

I'm a bit unsure, to be honest. I'm kinda intrigued by them, but at the same time that's only as long as they're actually leading somewhere, y'know? Part of the reason I follow this story more than others on this site (don't even get me started on all those ******* Youtube "stories"... ***** sake) is because of the narrative structure.

You're actually writing a novella here, with characters and everything, rather than just a list of things that happened in your game. It's a story, not just a report. And the mini-sodes add to that, which is a good thing. But like any story, short or long, there's no point in extraneous story unless it contributes to the overriding narrative. If it's filler for the sake of filler, then... don't bother. If you stripped this down to a simple reporting-style "story", I'd still read it, because I like the way you write and I like the way you've injected a more personal angle to your manager and players. But I wouldn't recommend just putting in quasi-philosophical stuff for the sake of it, because eventually if it doesn't lead anywhere it'll seem like a waste of time.

Just my $0.02. Keep it up buddy.
He does, some very nice stats but I reckon I’ll need to offload some centre mids to get him near the squad! I’m more excited about Laurent but maybe I just miss Juno :D
Hmm. No mention of Tirard and not much mention of Fomba in that second match... safe to say they're done? At least Aidir has earned himself a good deal of credit. Joel though, what a star. And Zoun! Who knew he had such a rocket of a shot on him.
Yeah it’s weird isn’t it. I never ever talk about players like Doucouré but that’s because he’s the most quietly solid player in the World. But when attacking players aren’t getting talked about they’re in trouble! Joël and Zoun are ****** phenomenal and Zoun’s making a habit of scoring absolute worldies, which I’m not going to complain about!