Franjo: A Journeyman Story (New Episode Every Week Day)

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****-knuckles. Caen are like Chelsea. *****, unprofessional players who only show up for the big games and can't be bothered with the rest.

In other news, I'd love to see a screenshot of Joel's attributes...
Haha I agree! And yeah I’m glad you mention that because I’ve been thinking this season in particular I need to find a way of showing players’ attributes more often than I do. So I can try to just gage it as I’m writing the story and go get extra screenshots when I think they’re warranted or I can do a ‘squad list’ type of picture list like I’ve started doing at the start of the season but at Christmas too? Or both? What do you reckon?
Bit of both I reckon. Start-and-end of season stats would be grand, and I can definitely see the value in a midseason update, but... yeah, if a player is doing particularly well (like Joel coming up in the news for his assists) then it would be cool to see how he's developing, rather than only seeing his stats when you first mentioned him and then end-of-season.

However, I appreciate all the screen-grabbing is a bit of an ****, especially when you're dealing with your entire squad. So I get it if you're keen on limiting it.
Sounds good, I’ll give it a try. If I can get into the habit of taking screenshots at the time it’ll be no hassle at all but just got to remind myself :) cheers bud, appreciate the input
Well what a **** result. I had a similar one with Brizzle Rovers the other day. On great form, lost inexplicably 0-2 at home to Rochdale (who leapfrogged me into 4th in the process) despite the fact we dominated. Gah. Sometimes it just happens :( shame the title is slipping away. Still, promotion will soften the blow I'm sure.

My vote is for Captiste. Don't think you can overestimate how much difference his little arms around shoulders will have made to your team's morale. So many players kicking up a stink could have derailed the campaign. Not with Captiste around.
you’re right, it does happen and promotion does soften the blow considerably :D

good shout for Captiste, I really don’t think I’ve done justice in the story to what a fantastoc captain he is. Have you got a pick for 2nd and 3rd?
2nd would be Doucouré. Thought he looked class when you first signed him, and it's nice to be proven right. Near enough ever-present, right? You swapped Kakuba and Captiste a few times but I think since you brough him in Doucouré has played basically ever match...

3rd... I'm gonna say Foden. Seems to be Samba has been in and out of the team at times with suspensions and injuries and Aguilar has done fine in his place. Foden's performances have been ace, particularly after a tough start, and for him to have such good stats and still get no recognition is a bit of a travesty.
I was starting to think that Doucouré was going to get no votes whatsoever, so very pleased by your picks! Sound reasoning too. I’d forgotten about Doucouré’s rough start to be honest as the start of the season was about 3 months ago. To be as good as he has after missing a crucial debut penalty that knocked us out of the cup is even more impressive!
I've literally never seen a player-managed club taken over by a sugar daddy on any version of FM. Every single one I've seen has had that lovely line "there will be no further investment in the club at this time." ******* twats. All that messing around, and for what? For some rich Scandy ****** to grease his own wheels or write off his own ****** debts.

I seem to be angrier about this than you. Haha.


What an episode! I ******* love this story. The big moments are so much BIGGER for the personal touch and the characterisations. Love it. And Aidir... what a man, what a performance. What a time to deliver it!

Ah man, I have chills. The best kind. Congrats!

As for the mini-sode... England job...?
****, thanks mate! I do intentionally try to make the big moments feel like big moments, but like I’ve said before this save throws up some fantastic moments on it’s own! That Bourg game would’ve been perfect if old Brahim had been the one to equalise but it was still pretty amazing!

as for the mini-sode, I’ll let you know. At the minute Rue Carrières part 2 is scheduled for the 21st :)

1. Interesting to see Bourg were nowhere near the top of any of the major team stat metrics.
2. Bravo Phil Foden, FAFAFUE! Sounds a bit like va-va-voom.
3. I always forget how much I like Santos' home kit.
4. Hicham Aidir. That is all.

Bring on next season! It'll be a whole different kettle o'fish...