Frankenstein Tactic 3-2-3-2

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Well one thing I have never done in FM general is make your own tactic.. I have always used tactics made by others.. I have used 4-1-4-1 Rock Classic from Conference South to Premier League and it was time to change..

So I have done it and I'm quite liking it.. what's better than achieving better with your own tactic? I know I'm 9th and my team is predicted to finish 20th but still it's the start :)

Here is the league table and my team

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The season is over in Premier League and like I said we needed to change the squad massively but unfortunately the chairman didin't give me enough transfer budget.. just $8.1M so I have signed some 4 players with high monthly installments and we didn't have enough wage budget left after signing those players so I was thinking it will be hard to avoid relegation with these players I had.

I was excited how we are doing in top league mostly after beating 6-0 Aston Villa, 3-0 Chelsea, 4-0 Everton and 3-1 Liverpool and in the end we have finished 12th.. not bad with the players I have compared to other teams even Derby/Reading/Watford which are relegated from the League have far better players than me. I have been approached by Arsenal, Chelsea and Man Useless (I just hate this team sorry) and again I have rejected all of them because I'm still keen on Boston United..

I was in debt -5M when I was promoting from Championship because of the high player wages but now our finances is standing at 61M as we know Premier League has huge TV Revenue so that's the reason and I'm expecting the chairman now to give me better transfer and wage budget to sign better players.

League table

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Nice mate - it must be very exciting to get a team from the bottom all the way and this far :) - personally I have tried this once before and failed I must admit, so good job on doing it. If you are in need of money - overprize a good player say if he's worth 2 m pounds and lets say has alot of potential then try and sell him for 80m pounds and see if any top clubs come back and offer you 30-46.5m pounds. This is how I sell Brondby players. Sometimes a player is wanted by very big clubs - then I offer him up on the table like I just described. More money more room too grow and plenty of talent to pick from .

Cheers mate
Conclusion of Cartagena season with 4-3-3 one world tactic. I was amazed at how well my team did, as I have said is not a great team. I won Euro Super Cup, Copa Del Ray and La Liga. The league being the biggest shock to me. Some screenshots

Copa Del Ray

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CL(Which didn't go as well, but drawing Bayern made it very tough)

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Fixtures from turn of the year in league

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My Squad which you can see is not great, some potential though

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So for me is a massive achievement to have done as well as I have with the limited players I have and could buy. Still would not expect more than a 20M at most transfer budget, so going forward might not be so easy. But am highly satisfied with what the tactic and players managed to accomplish.

Holy shhhh....

I'm shocked myself to be honest - I knew it was doing good with good players, but with your crappy players jeeeez!!! - What amazes me is that you succeed with players who is very low in current ability and succeed with them - big surprise to me - looking at some of your players though - future wise they be become monsters - two three seasons to sky rocketing that team - become the world beater they are meant to be :)

Are your players very young?

Oh I just noticed several of the talents are loaned players - well you know the recipy - some more success in the CH league and everything changes.

Brondby who sold Avesnes and a very good danish regent - got into the ch league groups with - Juventus and Celtic - tough group in my view - In the league Brondby have so far played extremely poorly due to the bad team cohesion that they have, luckily they have been scraping 1-0 and 2-1 wins home in the beginning of the first 10 league matches - and in the first ch league match away to celtic they won 2-0 which made me very happy cause I'm using two future talent strikers one dane one belgium - the tank I showed you earlier is not getting alot of chances at the moment, but he will as they all are very young.

Barca - well I played around with ppms and I have maybe destroyed the players lol - actually annoying - I will say that ppms shall be something to be worried about training as it can dramatically change the tactic you use. Often no ppms or one ppm that doesn't influence to much is better.

Good job looking forward to hear what happens next....

Cheers pal
2nd Season in EPL, I am surprised I have managed to qualify for Euro Cup with my own tactic.. that's quite nice achievement for myself.. the players I have aren't that good but yet finished above expectations..

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My team is moving to a new stadium built.. it's is 16288 all-seater.. as we know Premier League rules states at least 12500 all-seater is needed.. so the board started building when I have promoted from Championship and now it is finishing soon..

Talking about the transfers the board gave me $22M transfer budget and well I have managed to some players with that budget under monthly installments yes.. it says I have spent $38M but no.. it was $22M I had. If you know how to deal with monthly installments you can sign even many expensive players with less budget..

The picture says I have $42 Million but that's for the next coming season the board adjusted for.

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Here is one of my best player in the squad.. My main striker.. I quite like how he outpaces the defenders as you can his pace and acceleration is 18.. he has scored many hatricks in many games.

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2nd Season in EPL, I am surprised I have managed to qualify for Euro Cup with my own tactic.. that's quite nice achievement for myself.. the players I have aren't that good but yet finished above expectations..

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My team is moving to a new stadium built.. it's is 16288 all-seater.. as we know Premier League rules states at least 12500 all-seater is needed.. so the board started building when I have promoted from Championship and now it is finishing soon..

Talking about the transfers the board gave me $22M transfer budget and well I have managed to some players with that budget under monthly installments yes.. it says I have spent $38M but no.. it was $22M I had. If you know how to deal with monthly installments you can sign even many expensive players with less budget..

The picture says I have $42 Million but that's for the next coming season the board adjusted for.

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Here is one of my best player in the squad.. My main striker.. I quite like how he outpaces the defenders as you can his pace and acceleration is 18.. he has scored many hatricks in many games.

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yea you can get quite easily about 5 very good players for 42m pounds if you offer on 48 months installment - you pay some thing upfront say 5-9m pounds and the rest over time - its quite worth it for a faster success ratio, the beauty of that is that you can choose to either sell the same player in january for the double the amount of what you payed or in june/july - then the money machine is rolling - I can also recommend getting players of some reputation on a free transfer when their is 6 months left of their contract - you can then either decide to use them or try and sell them for double the amount of his value - usually the first season you have him you get loan offers of several hundred k's a month which adds up to a few million pounds a year on that one player - if you make sure the club that makes an offer also say that they will give him 1st team football of any kind - you should be able to sell him for double his value the season after which can lead to huge amount for the transfer budget to be spent and suddenly your team is filled with 5 star players :)

Cheers mate
I have never explored the mentality slider too much

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Now I know :)

To be honest the Brondby team has some good things and some average things - the good things is mainly their defence and the average things compared to a Barca is everything else - but getting a result like this - was not in the cards for me - we have already lost to Juventus 1-0 stupid penalty!!! - Now we proved that we can beat a top team and only good understanding in team cohesion so that's very promising.

So my teaser on top about the mentality slider - well I changed it on several positions on the 442 direct attacking - I moved it down all the way to the first notch of defensive on 8 players I think - not the two dentral defenders - so if the reference below is correct.

Reference - BiggusD

It affects run timing - backtracking - passing choices and how risky his choices are in general.

Attacking: start runs earlier, backtracks less, chooses to pass mostly forwards and tries difficult stuff like slide tackles, shooting from tight angles, dribbling and through balls more often.
Defensive: start runs later, backtracks more, chooses to pass mostly sideways/backwards and avoids trying difficult stuff like slide tackles, shooting from tight angles, dribbling and through balls.
Normal: in the middle between those two.

ME: - Thanks for that explanation BiggusD!!! - though I have been told passing forward sideways or backwards is affected by the try through ball slider, but maybe its a combination of them both - the same goes for the backtracking part that I have been told is affected by the run from deep slider - so which one is it? :) - I see the Langvatn DMC's in the same attacking positions on defensive mentality as I do when its on ultra attacking - so the last one here I guess is affected by run from deep and not mentality.

Then it will be interesting to see over a longer period how this pans out - especially the strikers!!!!!

I tried some of this out in a new tactic I'm messing with for Barca and Machado (centre striker) scored the most beautiful chip goal I have ever seen - oh and I have removed almost all ppms on the Barca players - it messed things up in the first place when I touched them so I wanted to go cold turkey on this :)

Having a more defensive mentality I'm thinking would benefit SCR and SCL - if its about not taking the difficult shots from tight angles right? or maybe you want the SCR and SCL to dribble like a maniac so mentality shall just be all the way to the right - right? lol - well these sliders are certainly keeping me awake at night quite litterally :) - no actually they excites me - their is always that one quest to find the perfect combination of everything though the creators of the TC saids its the TC lol yea you created it, but did you perfect it - because some pretty crazy classic tactics have been released and surely the TC couldn't have missed that right? not right!!!! LOL - HAHAHAHAHAHA - sorry my exaggeration - I wasn't even laughing - TC can be trusted to a point - but they didn't go indept enough - otherwise langvatn tactics wouldn't be able to work and several other tactics for that matter.

So my season with Barca will be experimenting further and see if I find something that I like - like the perfect combo :)

Cheers and I'll let you know how Brondby will go on if its positive I'll release a new version of 442 direct attacking, but I wanna see some more proof that this ***** is workable :)

Cheers guys
Top Team Beater 442 Direct Attacking by Jesau

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Well I release this tactic because I managed to beat at home and Celtic easily in both matches - I use it for France they beat Belgium with great superiority 4-1. The thing is Brondby only has Good understanding so their full potential hasn't come out, and they are far worse as a team compared to - who has the likes of Verratti - Wilshere - Eden Hazard etc etc they even have my superstar regent from Barca the tank De Rosa that I didn't like very much, but he looks beasty on paper.

Anyway this might work for a lesser team - it has obviously not been tested thoroughly enough and I don't count Brondby as one of those teams - though they are not the best team in the game then they are not a bad team either, they are better on every position almost than Celtic I'm sure of it - just to reflect on that. I would like to see this team up against a big team while being on die for each other. Brondby is currently 1 point after Juventus in the CH group stages and they play them in the last match away from home. Tough match no doubt - first match Juve won 1-0 - the winner takes it all.

About mentality I do see huge differences both for Brondby and Barca - More defensive attitudes also shows a certain patience in the passing game - also I feel the strikers hit the target much better on a mentality like this, it looks more dangerous. Brondby strikers are talents and still have alot to learn, so seeing one of them score especially against at home is exellent - that
3-0 was amazing.

Barca is trying some things with a new Brokeback mountain tactic - where I try different mentalities to perfect each position and I find it very intriguing to see that the centre striker becomes a beast on mentality first notch of defensive and the other two strikers have it on 13 - 3 to the right from the middle looks good - average rates are very consistant - the play look very different and better in my opinion and it does for sure have something to do with the mentality slider.

More on that slider later and Barca's new tactic how it works and examples...

Cheers and enjoy
Finished 7th again but this time we didn't qualify Euro Cup because of Reading winning the Carling Cup.. so anyways for Euro Cup last season I have qualified from group stage but been knocked out in first knockout round and this is also how it finished in the league.. bit better than last season. We haven't done much activity on transfers. Well I'm thinking about doing new challenge or still continue with Boston United I'll think about that.

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Theis is a bunch of tactics people haven't given lots of attention to and I can personally vouch for these - I was using numberous hours testing these with MR L - Again I don't give much for statistics in the templates - I mean how many points you get and such is only important for the 4141 rock classic - because it succeeded with the lowest quality of players against the big guns. However what you didn't see was how well these tactics did individually - and the 433 is one of those that comes to my mind when wanting to try any of these out.

Deep purple Tactics - Highly recommendable - Highly untested by ingame teams - Check it out!!!

I'm currently trying the 433 deep purple because I remember it was destroying the big teams especially when I tested this one, if it can do that then it should be all set with my Barca team. I went away from my Mentality slider experiment because it drove me insane lol, in one game I had above 40 chances against Liverpool, but didn't convert as It should have - so my mind got tired of it all.

I find the deep purple highly exciting - the three strikers on 20 CF and 10 mentality that gotta let to something spectacular :)

Brondby is still on the defensive mentality 442 but they lost too Juventus and will have to play euro cup now, but as always now they have 3 months of vacation those lazy bumbs lol

Anyway trying the deep purple tactics is the best way of really measuring how well they will perform compared to One world that scored 250 goals with the same team.

I have gone for new challenge and why I have done this and main reason is to see how my tactic does..

I have quited Boston United first reason been I have never made a team from low tier league to top league but I have done it and it is my record personally so it was just a test.. Second reason but not too important just minor.. I just don't like the yellow/orange color.. my fav color is light/dark blue.

So let's get into the new challenge.. this time I haven't gone for the lowest tier league the game allows but for League 2..

The team

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Some results.. tactic isn't bad some few games lost but still won many and with many goals scored.. I will see if it proves to be good.. I will post results and how the league ended later.

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I will have finished the Cartagena season by tomorrow and will update on that tomorrow. I did switch tactics from the 4-3-3 one world tactic to the top team beater 4-4-2 direct attack at the start of the year. Main reason for this was that I had several awkward away games up, especially against PSG in CL 1st round knockout stage. Will have to say it gave me some surprising results and defence wise has been very good, well except for being destroyed in Copa Del Ray S/Final 1st leg by A Madrid, lost that one 5-1. So didn't retain that comp. However have knocked out PSG and Bayern in CL and have drawn Juve in S/Final, so will see how that goes. In regards league I am 4 points behind Barca with 6 games to play, one of those against Barca, have to win that one and hope Barca lose one of their other games. While of course I need to win all 6! Tough ask so not expecting to win La Liga this time.
I have gone for new challenge and why I have done this and main reason is to see how my tactic does..

I have quited Boston United first reason been I have never made a team from low tier league to top league but I have done it and it is my record personally so it was just a test.. Second reason but not too important just minor.. I just don't like the yellow/orange color.. my fav color is light/dark blue.

So let's get into the new challenge.. this time I haven't gone for the lowest tier league the game allows but for League 2..

The team

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Some results.. tactic isn't bad some few games lost but still won many and with many goals scored.. I will see if it proves to be good.. I will post results and how the league ended later.

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Stunning theme - those colors are just my kind of thing - visually classy!!!!! - You use the Steklo skin?
I will have finished the Cartagena season by tomorrow and will update on that tomorrow. I did switch tactics from the 4-3-3 one world tactic to the top team beater 4-4-2 direct attack at the start of the year. Main reason for this was that I had several awkward away games up, especially against PSG in CL 1st round knockout stage. Will have to say it gave me some surprising results and defence wise has been very good, well except for being destroyed in Copa Del Ray S/Final 1st leg by A Madrid, lost that one 5-1. So didn't retain that comp. However have knocked out PSG and Bayern in CL and have drawn Juve in S/Final, so will see how that goes. In regards league I am 4 points behind Barca with 6 games to play, one of those against Barca, have to win that one and hope Barca lose one of their other games. While of course I need to win all 6! Tough ask so not expecting to win La Liga this time.

Top team beater still hangs in the balance for me to be honest - beating was ofcause big and also destroying Celtic twice was good, but away to Juventus and was not fun and not easy - however in the players defence - their team cohesion is not very good - infact good understanding and it only slowly improves which is real annoying, but thats how it is sometimes.

For me the 442 direct attacking is the best tactic I have released lately, but one world 250 goals I'll have to say is an indicator of a very strong tactic, right now maybe much stronger than BBM, I don't know maybe it was the ppms the players had when I used it, now ofcause they dont have any ppms as i took them off lol....JEEEEZ!!

433 deep purple seems very good defensively - and look exactly the same as the new BBM I was testing out, but this one seems more successful. They were both, but deep purple more. Play in this 433 is also more smooth in its play I like that.

reality is I might end up creating a new tactic if their is any tactics left to create lol - I was thinking to try 3 striker 3 CAMS and then 4 defenders as usual - sounds like a defensive fail already lol, but one will never know, maybe we will be surprised - I'm gonna be brain storming :)

Stunning theme - those colors are just my kind of thing - visually classy!!!!! - You use the Steklo skin?

Yes it's Steklo but I have modified it heavily.. Custom background, team titlebar color stretched to full, removed gray header, font size changed, added fm14 fixture icons and morale icons and many more I can't think off.

My internet is very very slow right now so I will upload later and also how the league ended.
Yes it's Steklo but I have modified it heavily.. Custom background, team titlebar color stretched to full, removed gray header, font size changed, added fm14 fixture icons and morale icons and many more I can't think off.

My internet is very very slow right now so I will upload later and also how the league ended.

I'll be downloading it
I finished season with Cartagena and was again surprised. Used the 4-4-2 beat top teams tactic from around mid Jan. In CL S/Final I was destroyed by Juve in 1st leg away, beat them at home but was not enough. Still a good CL season for my team.

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Also forgot to post last time that I hit "to die for" in mid Jan, I think was the game after Valencia. I have to 1st off thank Real Sociedad for beating Barca on last day of season. As it meant I won La Liga for 2nd year running. That I did not expect to see happen. Thought was lucky last season but more so I think this time. Although squad is slightly better is by no means a great squad in terms of actual ability at this time. Some nice young players coming through but none are ready just yet, other than for a couple of games I feel are easier to win and generally at home.

2nd half of season and league table SS.

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Brondby using 442 direct attacking the normal version as I think that one is the best of the two. Manchester Utd is the best team in England currently which makes this an even more wow moment for me - Man.utd was dangerous in two occasions, but so were Brondby - I'm very happy with this - but the Euro league contestants are huge teams - Dortmund - RMA - Inter - Sevilla - PSV - Roma etc etc...

Now we are in the quarter finals - lets do this!!!!!!!

Barca is trialing Wooow - hoping to improve it - or shall I say improve the passing - so far so good its not happening - but i#ll keep trying.

Ossis - nice results with Cartagena thats massive!!!!

I am still playing with Dortmund. I am in my 5th season now, so it's 2024/2025. I won 4 times the Bundesliga, only in the last season I won the national DFB-Pokal and my "best" progress in Champions League was quarter-final. So to be honest, this is possibly my worst save ever with a top team :D But it is still more fun than winning everything.

I have been trying a few tactics, like Frankenstein in the first seasons, then Marcelo and this season I am using deep purple 433, as Jes was talking about it a few days ago. Just wanted to show you the league table after ten games:

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I was without internet all yesterday now im back

About the skin, here is the link

There is two version.. one with instant result button and one without. Instant result is basically leave the game to assistant you will see the button under submit team. I have also deleted the backgrounds it came with and put two nice background FIFA 15 ultimate team and Champions League background..

anyways, I have promoted from League 2 and tactic isn't bad but still I need to reach it with Premier League then I will call it a good tactic so still some a lot of work to do. I'm currently in League 1 and I'll post later how it finishes.

Here is how it finished last season in League 2

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