Woah my internet is back.. my last post was messy I have posted with mobile last night lol just seen from my laptop now how messy it was and edited..
Time to test Real Madrid downloading now..
So I tested 4-2-3-1 deep purple tweaked.. I was testing with Real Madrid save jes provided
Well I have never thought it will be this impressive the tweaks I have made..
I have won LA Liga, Copa del Rey final against Barcelona and Champions League final against Juventus..
There were too many 6-0 so just took screenshot for few ones..
So here are the Screenshots
League table
View attachment 979611
The matches
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Jes this tactic I have tweaked first of all is because of another tactic I have made and 4-1-4-1 rock classic failed to work for me, so I just picked 4-2-3-1 deep purple but the problem was I don't have a single AMC player in my squad.. 4 Def - 1 DM - 2 CM - 2 Wingers and 1 ST was perfect for my squad and so I have to drop the AMC to DM position and I have started to make tweaks right there..
My team is not top team and when I have made this tweaks and how I have done with it I was impressed and was near to win the league.. so the main thing I have made this tweaks, was specifically to fit my Southend team not for top teams that was the main purpose and I never know how it will do with a top team.. Then you have asked for it to see how it is.. you have did it, I was impressed with those results and I was eager to test it also with top team, I did it and again I was impressed.. there is nothing better than getting those results with a top team.
I have to say that right at the moment I am happy with this tactic and tweaks I have made and how I am doing with Southend.. credits go to Mr.L for providing this main tactic.. it has potential I agree but right now I will be continue using it until when time comes that it is not doing good anymore..
The above one you have recommended I think it will fit top team.. more CF and more often settings are better with top team if i'm not wrong.. so when I get super regen players in my Southend I will be using that one![]()
Wii,Jes...wingers thing, rigth footed on left and viceversa or like I think it doesnt matter?
I tried to make a 3 central defenders and 2 strikers tweak but I cant fit the franken defence (not bad for 3 defenders only) without touching dm and mids possitions so I abandoned...I dont really like play with fullbacks lol but with those tweaks I like it a bit more![]()
I also added a new manager to the save. Went in unemployed and was offered the Everton job. I took this while they were 14th in the league, this was in late December. Decided to use Wii Deep purple tweak and it went better than I could have imagined, seeing as I only got as far as strong understanding and that was late in the season, also tactic never got 100% fluid in the half season I played. I ended up winning FA Cup, beating Man City on pens, which was nerve wracking to say the least. Also finished in league 6th and lost only 2 games out of 21 in league. SS of fixtures, started job at the Reading game.
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