Frankenstein Tactic 3-2-3-2

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I'm still on fm13 - anyone playing or have we left for fm16 ?

Let me know as I am still developing tactics :)

I'm still on fm13 - anyone playing or have we left for fm16 ?

Let me know as I am still developing tactics :)

Im still here with my carreer with Norrköping at the moment (3 leagues in a row btw) Dont have money for fm16 now lol
Im still here with my carreer with Norrköping at the moment (3 leagues in a row btw) Dont have money for fm16 now lol

Well I have read several bad reviews on it - so I'm unsure if its worth investing in :(

on steam 400 good reviews and 80 bad reviews makes me feel that tense about purchasing it - its for me a bad indication - if the bad reviews were 10 against and 400 for then I would be comfortable buying it for sure, but thats not the case unfortunately.

A spaniard in Sweden lol :) - well what tactics are you using with them?

- I left the 4231 after a great first season as number 4 with Cry.p next season with much better players was a disaster for me, so I stopped believin' in this one.

I made a new tactic for my Barca team - due to my many midfielders I wanted to utilize them - so a 4 midfielders tactic where one is an anchorman - its a counter attacking style so the team is defending pretty deep, but its a test to see how the team look on the pitch being my team - it seems good at some places and maybe less good at others :)

I'm still on fm13 - anyone playing or have we left for fm16 ?

Let me know as I am still developing tactics :)


I am still here and playing FM13... Just had nothing to update on over the weekend. Did drop back into the long Espanyol save last night. I am same as Bwomper can't afford FM16 at this time!
I use 3 tactics (and try others when I asure the league): 451 Triple tweaked (some league games and all the CL games (this season 2nd in a groups composed by Man U,Oporto and Olympiakos),Koen 442 (very nice in some league games),the wii tweaked version of deep purple (sometimes nices sometimes not),your last asymetric tactic (not bad) and now I trying 4141 rocksolid on CL and league. And I think next season I will use that one...if I dont sign with other (superior) team of course.
It may not work for you but remember that this tactic I shared is because of someone else asked for me.. yes it did worked for Southend and given me all the things I wanted, but no tactic will give you 100% satisfaction :P

just my 2 cents ;)
It may not work for you but remember that this tactic I shared is because of someone else asked for me.. yes it did worked for Southend and given me all the things I wanted, but no tactic will give you 100% satisfaction :P

just my 2 cents ;)
no no mate,it wasnt a criticism, a lot of factors in my team are not so good so I know is not problem of the tactic for sure ! ;)
In fact,I won the first league with this tweaked tactic...but then the best players want to go to a superior team,injuries,etc,etc. Now I have this tweak as one of the the tactics waiting to make a better team (or sign with a superior team) to use it.
Well I have read several bad reviews on it - so I'm unsure if its worth investing in :(

on steam 400 good reviews and 80 bad reviews makes me feel that tense about purchasing it - its for me a bad indication - if the bad reviews were 10 against and 400 for then I would be comfortable buying it for sure, but thats not the case unfortunately.

A spaniard in Sweden lol :) - well what tactics are you using with them?

- I left the 4231 after a great first season as number 4 with Cry.p next season with much better players was a disaster for me, so I stopped believin' in this one.

I made a new tactic for my Barca team - due to my many midfielders I wanted to utilize them - so a 4 midfielders tactic where one is an anchorman - its a counter attacking style so the team is defending pretty deep, but its a test to see how the team look on the pitch being my team - it seems good at some places and maybe less good at others :)

jess,I see some CL reports in my save talking about ther Red Star of Belgrade and their "so funny to watch" football and when I looked to their formation was a 3232 (3 CD 2 Fullbacks 3 midfielders and 2 strikers) and im thinking to make a tactic with that formation and Im thinking in your fullbacks settings from GOAL tactic (have to look so seriously to them) . The formation is so nice and weird but hey if red star can why not Norrköping? lol
jess,I see some CL reports in my save talking about ther Red Star of Belgrade and their "so funny to watch" football and when I looked to their formation was a 3232 (3 CD 2 Fullbacks 3 midfielders and 2 strikers) and im thinking to make a tactic with that formation and Im thinking in your fullbacks settings from GOAL tactic (have to look so seriously to them) . The formation is so nice and weird but hey if red star can why not Norrköping? lol

In all honesty it would be great to see more tactics being made for this game - the idea sounds good!!!. I might take up Frankenstein again and then I want to change the midfielders and make 3 defenders 2 defenders - an anchorman compliments that :) - gooaall262 did well defensively just with 2 CD's - so I say if you can save any players in defensive positions you should go for that. In something like Frankenstein though its already very attacking lol so to try and make it even more attacking is absolutely crazy :) but I will give it a go.

It may not work for you but remember that this tactic I shared is because of someone else asked for me.. yes it did worked for Southend and given me all the things I wanted, but no tactic will give you 100% satisfaction :P

just my 2 cents ;)

It was good that you released the tactic - otherwise you see tactics being made by the very same people over and over again and it is good to have different views or approaches to how we see the game - but their is alot of tactics to be compared against and compared to those it didn't show the same consistancy simple as that. I was having huge success first season being 4th in the premier league with crystal palace and winning the fa cup that's huge, but next season my team was stepping up and had alot better players and the tactic struggled where other tactics 451 trippletweaked for instance would have killed it or the 4141 rock classic - these are monster tactics and very hard to compete against - I can mention other tactics too, I already showed you that this can do very well with a star team - The Real Madrid save a good example - When you have been testing as much as I have 4-1 wins with Real Madrid ain't gonna cut it when a tactic like Frankenstein go out their and win 9-0 consistantly - when that is said - its still a great formation with great balance and its not a bad tactic at all, but compared to other tactics I cannot vouch for it.

2 cents can become a million so keep those cents comin'

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Well I didn't said it is the best tactic and never mentioned.. so there is no reason for you to compare it against 451/442 Tripletweaked or 4-1-4-1 Rock Classic.. you have said you have struggled it with it and so I have also struggled with your tactics and 4-1-4-1 Rock Classic itself I have struggled with it and I don't even say it all because it's game after all.. if you are looking for a tactic that will make you 100% satisfaction show me by that then and once at all the tactic isn't made by me.. I have only made 1% changes, mostly on the DM only.

I just have to say FM 13 is a very easy game compared to the one im playing now..
The little Norrköping starts to play with a 3232 tactic...nice at friendlies,and in the 1rst round of CL vs Arsenal a tie 1-1 at home....60%possesion and 11 shoots at goal for Arsenal (me just 2 shots 1 at goal and score lol ) so im still searching the "nice football " from red star with this formation lol

have a good day people :P
Jesaustralia Presents....

View attachment 209778

Holy Frankenstein - Download Here

View attachment 209777 View attachment 209776

I'm aware that this is a crazy idea and even more so than the famous and well established Frankenstein, but I wanted to give it a try and I watch the games on comprehensive - the game above took around 40 minutes to complete and it was obviously full blown entertainment.

So one less defender, but swapped with an anchorman instead so he still needs to be a defend kind of dude - the anchorman schedule is perfect for developing these types of players - the midfielders are box to box, but also complete forwards - wingers are complete forwards mostly and then add crosses 10+ - the strikers are complete forwards - the defenders are solid defenders with some acceleration and pace.


Team cohesion - low - 50% - attacking movement - rest day before and after ticked

Guys stop playing fm16 - this is the real deal and you don't wanna miss it lol!!!!

Merry Christmas

Jesaustralia Presents....

View attachment 987249

Holy Frankenstein - Download Here

View attachment 987250 View attachment 987251

I'm aware that this is a crazy idea and even more so than the famous and well established Frankenstein, but I wanted to give it a try and I watch the games on comprehensive - the game above took around 40 minutes to complete and it was obviously full blown entertainment.

So one less defender, but swapped with an anchorman instead so he still needs to be a defend kind of dude - the anchorman schedule is perfect for developing these types of players - the midfielders are box to box, but also complete forwards - wingers are complete forwards mostly and then add crosses 10+ - the strikers are complete forwards - the defenders are solid defenders with some acceleration and pace.


Team cohesion - low - 50% - attacking movement - rest day before and after ticked

Guys stop playing fm16 - this is the real deal and you don't wanna miss it lol!!!!

Merry Christmas

loooool looks so insane haha can I try it with Norrköping? hahaha I think NO this tactic is for super teams for sure and the defence will be so "nice" to see lol Nice work mate this tactic is pure "the best way to defend is attack no matter what" ;)
loooool looks so insane haha can I try it with Norrköping? hahaha I think NO this tactic is for super teams for sure and the defence will be so "nice" to see lol Nice work mate this tactic is pure "the best way to defend is attack no matter what" ;)

lol yea attack means defence on (Chile Rules!!!) :) - you could try it with Norkopping just to see what happens - but honestly I think a great regent team will love this one - the next game I played was against Sporting de Gijon - it ended 6-0 but they had 2 chances both longshots and not dangerous - we had 69 % possession and most of the match above 70% - we had around 30 chances where lots of them should have been goals.

Frankenstein Framework is amazing no matter what anyone say including myself lol!!!! - however I think we have trusted the DMC's for too long now and I feel its time to mix that up - the BBM CM's did really good in that tactic and in other tactics I have created before BBM - tactics like gooaall262 and now I incorporated them into Frankenstein which makes it holy lol - I'm a big fan of the anchorman in the game - I feel it works so well, my experience with that is ofcause BBM and some 1 striker tactics I have created the look alike that wii created partially.

It surprises me how few chances the opponent get with this, could be a new framework

I'm gonna try this with my RMA team and see how they go and report back the results - give me an hour or two

Maybe a Frankenstein-tweak in a formation like


would be a good Idea. I can imagine it could produce excellent possession stats :)
Maybe a Frankenstein-tweak in a formation like


would be a good Idea. I can imagine it could produce excellent possession stats :)

Could be mate - its worth a try - if you create that I recommend cm settings from the BBM - I will say though the latest tactic I created/tweaked gets lots of possession you'll see in the next post :)

Try and create it - would be good to have more eyes on this - in all honesty in my opinion it means nothing you use 3 defenders compared to 2 - however the CAM works really well - oh well try it out mate

Real Madrid tested the new **** Holy Frankenstein lol

Take these with a grain off salt and maybe try it first before judging it - better players will destroy everything thats all I have to say.

league table

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Barca matches

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Barca won 1 out of 6 - we tend to even dominate Barca


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Squad performance

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Imagine this with star regent players - in the defence of my players I will say I hardly rotated so often I was using 11 players who were very tired which also affect results - micromanagement is extremely important in this new game fm13 :) - resting of the players imperitive if you want to get the best possible results each game - when I say resting I mean individually rest the players straight after each match even though you have set rest before and and after match ticked. - I don't care if they get training - players develop through matches very fine.

My end words about the Holy Frankenstein - it leans towards Frankenstein - and I have to say playing a tactic like this with 2 or 3 defenders doesn't make a difference - so in my book why bother - **** lets take it to the next level and play with 1 defender lol - no just kiddin' - never 1 defender!!!!!!!!! - dreadful mistake - I think you can have alot of fun with this one, but it most certainly demands quality compared to the teams you are up against - in order to withstand any counter attacking threats.

If you try it tell me how you go!

Who said fm13 is dead - not me lol!!!! - lets get this party started

Cheers everyone
View attachment 209646 I know better teams will destroy me lol but hey at least the fans enjoy the way we play haha.

Here in Spain league we have Paco Jemez, Rayo Vallecano`s coach.
His philosophy is atack atack and nice play.Doesnt matter if the team lose,he only want the team to give the best anytime.Can win 4-1 or lose 6-3. Rayo is an underdog with a lot of money troubles and every new season almost 11-12 players are new. I wonder what can Jemez do with a better team...well now with the "F*ck fm16" tactic lol I can be the Jemez in sweden haha