Frankenstein Tactic 3-2-3-2

  • Thread starter Thread starter bwomper
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Have just finished a season with the Frankie 3 anchormen tactic with Espanyol. I won all comps entered in.. I also now have a new record for least goals scored against me in league, let in only 7 goals in league. Also 2 strikers scored over 110 goals in all comps between them, with 1 striker getting 60 goals, which equals my record for a goal score in this save.

Also got over 60% possession at home on average and about 56% away. Also nice to watch visually, the goals conceded in league were because of individual errors, giving ball away or penalties.

League Table

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Overview of season

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Have just finished a season with the Frankie 3 anchormen tactic with Espanyol. I won all comps entered in.. I also now have a new record for least goals scored against me in league, let in only 7 goals in league. Also 2 strikers scored over 110 goals in all comps between them, with 1 striker getting 60 goals, which equals my record for a goal score in this save.

Also got over 60% possession at home on average and about 56% away. Also nice to watch visually, the goals conceded in league were because of individual errors, giving ball away or penalties.

League Table

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Overview of season

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wow - Cartagena did really good - just kiddin' - nice defence - not much can beat that - so did you feel anything about this setup - like the 3 defenders and the dmc anchorman helped out tremendously? did you feel the CM and CAM could be better utilized ?

When I see your results I'm thinking - maybe the DMC anchor is the best of the 3 - the 2 players left cm and cam should maybe play side by side like in a galego style attacking cm from his famous marcelo. Alternatively as 2 dmc's going forward - I actually started to like the cam alot (camelot) (cameltoe alot) jeez I'm silly - he is a great playmaker so I would be sad if that position was taken out of the formation, however their is also only so few options to choose from. Guys I'm just gonna write a few things down mainly for myself, but feel free to comment on it if you like.

Ideas for a new tactic:

Frankenstein used as template

3 defenders 1 centralized DMC anchorman = seems to create a great defensive stance - so Fullbacks might not be needed in any tactic :)

1 Frankenstein cam - 5 players used 5 players left

2 wingers or ml/r players - creating a potential diamond - formation 3-4-?

2 or 3 strikers - if 2 - where should I put the last player - for now lets make it 3 strikers with the centre striker tracking back

So a 3-4-3 - the centre striker can be changed to something else and that is also why I wanna create a centre striker that is more like a trequatista than anything else a creative *****. I'm gonna go for frankenstein wingers in the beginning.

I'll load up the template 200ca to see if it spits out something positive.

Cheers guys
So the above illustration - I did and the outcome was not bad

Frankenstein 3-4-3 diamond

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I saw one game in the league where we had 76% possession and lots of other matches their were alot of possession - It also was decent in the creation of chances and had one game winning 10-1 and beat barca away in the league 5-2 without dominating, dominated them at home over 60% ball possession but only 1-0 - well won everything but feel it was more a step back than forward, so does it deserve a release it probably does, but for me its useless junk - meaning when you have something like Frankenstein in comparisson you want it to come closer than what it was - so no release :)

noones saying 99% overall

spain the league is almost as good as the english, but their you can get the huge beatings even against the big teams - something is wrong by that coding don't you think?

First nobody said the tactic is bad, im just saying it's not 99% better overall, but since you said that no one said it's 99% better overall. im not arguing.

I don't think they might be any wrong coding.. if you can beat Barcelona or Real Madrid 10-0, you can beat Chelsea or City 10-0 also nothing is wrong..

Many people have done experiment and Spain league is too far easy so I always avoid playing there because other than Barcelona or Real Madrid the other teams have much lower quality players and they are also poor in terms of finances, im not talking the likes of Atletico, Valencia, Sevilla and Villarreal.. but the others.
First nobody said the tactic is bad, im just saying it's not 99% better overall, but since you said that no one said it's 99% better overall. im not arguing.

The difference between England and Spain is the choices of formation chosen by the AI manager and that is the reason why a Langvatn tactic would perform better in england compared to Frankenstein - better consistance - better at counter acting English teams. Where langvatn will also do good everywhere else it will still lack on the scoring part compared to Frankenstein

Everything else you wrote - point taken - I don't agree still - English teams use many different formations compared to Spanish teams and it improves on the English teams even the bad English teams with poor players - I don't like that balance - I prefer it to be quality of the players shining through only, but in this case its not - I'm not saying players doesn't matter, but I'm saying players quality should matter more than a formation alone.
I will still stand to what I said.. doing better in Spain league and better in England league is big difference and so the Spain teams except Barca and RM, they lack better quality players compared to English teams and it doesn't matter what formations they choose or whatever that's your own logic.. so that quality you are talking about is just your own opinion and so the fact still remains and everyone knows.

To avoid confusion, I will be testing your tactic compared to 4-4-2 TTW or 4-1-4-1 RC, in a elite league and mid league to see which does better. I will be doing this with a custom league..
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Sweden update. I started to use a little tweaked version of 2nd Visit with Norrköping,and is really nice to see. Now I will start in CL groups (Real Madrid-Besiktas-B.Leverkusen) and I know I gonna die lol. But at least it will be funny.

And about what tactic is better,what league is better,what team is better,etc,etc... the perfect tactic doesnt exist,so I really dont care,its just a game and for me Frankenstein template is really good for make tactics,and 2nd Visit is superb. Some people say we only play with top teams but top teams also need tactics to play nice and maybe BBM is equal or better than 2nd Visit in "nice play" terms. But a tactic needs a manager to run ok,need a manager who can/know to improve their players,thats because a tactic can do it fine,better or worse for me than others managers or viceversa ( I remember who good was WOOOW tactic for jess but not for me for example ). So FOR ME,see what tactic can do it better for say "this tactic is not good as you tell us" is a waste of time. Found a tactic,improve it to the most and enjoy the game. (man,I see fm16 and Im thinking to ask SI games for a fm13 updated data base at least lol )

Cheers and have a great weekend people ;)
Exactly Bwomper, that's the spirit and for me I always don't claim tactics which is the best.. every tactic has a downside and against AI you will always find a time where you will lose.. the other thing a tactic will do better for someone but not for the other one that's a perfect example.

I think I will end this discussion for which tactic is better and which is not.

FM 16 is fun but sometimes not, everything is harder, you will need to change instructions for every match, nothing else I can say. Everything is better but the only issue for now is match engine and I also hate the tactic screen.

Have fun :)
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Noone is talking about the best tactic here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES at scoring - MR.L's tactic is behind in this scenario - I can say that by all the tests I've made myself - played many hours with a great regent team using Langvatn tactics and did very good, but they don't get to the same level scoring goals as Frankenstein - I don't understand why you keep arguing about this, just trust what I say or browse the forum - how would you know my tests - I have not given Langvatn tactics 1 season of play time and then left it straight after that, I have up 20 seasons of passionate play with Langvatn tactics and the same goes for Frankenstein. By the way Frankenstein is bwompers tactic not mine and why are you people suddenly talking about BBM I only shortly referenced that it had shown the same potential as Frankenstein and One World.

What team is better is the one with the best regents!!!!!
What tactic is better - you choose though you probably don't have a clue!!!!!!!!!!
What tactic that scores the most goals which is what I am talking about - Frankenstein - BBM or One World
What tactic that conceede the least - probably - Wooow

I have used so many hours in this forum helping out - keeping it all alive - creating new tactics - talking and I get that!!! - is it now I shall say have fun? - have some respect!!!!!!! :(
You are the one here talking about nonsense and bullshiting here.. what respect are you talking about? just because you are making your own theory about tactics and so I have to argue about it.. I don't care about respects or what you are saying.. I will say what I can because it's a forum and anyone can say what they want.
Frankenstein The Goliath

Right now I'm so ****** off by the comments made in this forum and sad at the same time - so I guess its the perfect time to release what could be the BEST TACTIC for fm13 for a superstar regent team. It will also probably be my last tactic in this forum due to the recent bullying I received. Respectless behavior that is a natural ban to me.

I used money to buy a professional voice over artist and created a video that I thought maybe people would enjoy - just for the people - I tested various tactics along with Mr.L - I used countless of hours testing and creating tactics for people to enjoy. I have written and interacted in above 1000 posts in two years - I deserve some respect just like anyone else would deserve some respect by doing that.

The tactic you are about to download is partially mine due to some tweaks made in it, but also partially bwomper's - but significant changes made both to settings and the formation - I give you my word that this is not a waste of your time using

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Many other great results and even higher scoring than this was achieved, but this was with Real Madrid 2nd season and I wanted to show the tendency as that is all that matters in the testing phase.

View attachment 205831

Reus 82 assists CR7 above 80

Enjoy the best tactic ;)
Noone is talking about the best tactic here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES at scoring - MR.L's tactic is behind in this scenario - I can say that by all the tests I've made myself - played many hours with a great regent team using Langvatn tactics and did very good, but they don't get to the same level scoring goals as Frankenstein - I don't understand why you keep arguing about this, just trust what I say or browse the forum - how would you know my tests - I have not given Langvatn tactics 1 season of play time and then left it straight after that, I have up 20 seasons of passionate play with Langvatn tactics and the same goes for Frankenstein. By the way Frankenstein is bwompers tactic not mine and why are you people suddenly talking about BBM I only shortly referenced that it had shown the same potential as Frankenstein and One World.

What team is better is the one with the best regents!!!!!
What tactic is better - you choose though you probably don't have a clue!!!!!!!!!!
What tactic that scores the most goals which is what I am talking about - Frankenstein - BBM or One World
What tactic that conceede the least - probably - Wooow

I have used so many hours in this forum helping out - keeping it all alive - creating new tactics - talking and I get that!!! - is it now I shall say have fun? - have some respect!!!!!!! :(
my comment wasnt a criticism at all,dont know why you say I dont have respect. :(

Sweden update : Real Madrid rape me 7-0 lol but I will go with this tactic no matter what,my team was near to score 4 or 5 times in that game but my players looked to nervious ( The Bernabeu shocks them lol ) Im thinking to alternate your new frankies versions,looks so interesting jes. I play with all pass slider to short pass and I see a nice combination plays but its hard to say if I see more or less the same with the normal sliders. Also make my two strikers looking for the goal,one attacking the first post and the other near the first post and I see some nice goal from corner from both strikers.

Lets take a look to the Goliath one ;) cheers and peace!
my comment wasnt a criticism at all,dont know why you say I dont have respect. :(

Sweden update : Real Madrid rape me 7-0 lol but I will go with this tactic no matter what,my team was near to score 4 or 5 times in that game but my players looked to nervious ( The Bernabeu shocks them lol ) Im thinking to alternate your new frankies versions,looks so interesting jes. I play with all pass slider to short pass and I see a nice combination plays but its hard to say if I see more or less the same with the normal sliders. Also make my two strikers looking for the goal,one attacking the first post and the other near the first post and I see some nice goal from corner from both strikers.

Lets take a look to the Goliath one ;) cheers and peace!

No worries mate - Real Madrid are good at humiliating small little swedish teams lol - they do it for Denmark just kiddin'

The tactic above excites me alot I'm unfortunately at the end of the season with my Barca team but will use it the whole season next season. I can't wait - their might still be tweaks necessary, but for now I'm really happy with it - the potential it shows, so I can't urge you enough to use it with a great team - less swedish lol

The two centre midfielders - I use Pogba types - I prefer them to be good at decisions - I also like them to be fairly good at team work strenght and workrate, but I put a complete forward in this position with great success.

Anyone trying it please tell us how you go.

Cheers guys - and to 99% of people don't worry :)
Must be a Joke!!!!!!!! - Frankenstein blossoms usings star regents - 4-4-2 trippletweaked blossoms with a sub top ingame team - Tottenham - Roma - etc - ofcause a regent team will ofcause do even better with the trippletweaked, but its limited in comparrison to Frankenstein using star regents it doesn't continue to score more goals - I can say this because of days of testing both tactics at that level with the same star team - you won't get it more precise than listening to what I have to say on this.

Frankenstein are capable of scoring more goals getting bigger wins than 442 trippletweaked using the same star regent team - that doesn't mean I don't respect Mr.L and his developments - I highly respect them - I also used them alot, but because of that I also see a clear picture, when it comes to who is capable of scoring more goals.

Your test proves nothing, but for some more stats you can go here if you like - now stop this and get on with it - whatever that is.
I don't care if you think it proves nothing as also what you also say proves nothing to me also.. I don't want to post here and stop making me post here.. I have done tested and the tactic you claim the best is nowhere near to other tactics, what else you wanted? do you want me to record the game for whole season and show you video? funny..

I wouldn't waste my time to test your **** tactics for a minute.. now just shut up and continue with your false assumptions.
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Their is no false assumptions here - Their is hours of work pleasuring the community using countless of hours testing back and forward left and right and then their is all the tweaking and the tactic creating
Then their is you who are being abusive - you who think you knows better you who are TROLLING

The moment you received critisism - I received bullying

I rest my case
Any further pointless posts will be instantly deleted and people doing them will be instantly infracted.

Grow the **** up