Yea I get that - I am not actually critisizing it - I thought it was fun to try something new and for what you created beeing pretty blind as Norkopping you did a really good job - the Real Madrid results is not bad results either, but ofcause can be improved.
Next I'm gonna do something in reverse using Frankenstein as the framework and then taking stuff from what I liked in the Elhazel tactic - for instance the CAM was amazing - I wanna see that CAM incorporated in the Frankenstein tactic

- as I have said before their is limited possibilities improving on Frankenstein, but any improvement even the smallest is huge, maybe the Elhazel cam will work poorly in Frankenstein due to the different width and tempo - I don't know, but I have to check it out
bwomper if you can find the tactic you created without strikers that would be cool, I would really like to test that, but don't remember where to look. Also if their is other tactics you want me to try with RMA - Fanta for instance I will test those
Same goes for you Ossis and anyone else who wanna join this little game of me testing tactics lol