First of all: original tactic works great.
But one question is still left for me: How do you think about using one CM an one DM? I have one very good player each which can not play the other position.
Does a formation change like this "destroy" the Tactic or will the outcome be a mixture out of the two formations? I took the CM-formation and moved one BWM back to DM without changing anything else. After my first games I'm not sure...
AML / AMR Corner takers?

Also assume LW to be Left Foot and RW to be Right Foot?
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Started using this for Valencia, using the high tempo 2 x CMs until I get ahead then go to the 2 x DM version. Whilst I was dominating possession and only really conceding to the AIs OP counters I was really struggling to score and my wingers were getting terribly poor ratings.

Changing from low crosses to mixed has completely changed it now and I'm scoring much more freely - my strikers are Negredo and Tudorie both big physical guys so they aren't going to be bursting through the defensive line on to a low cross

Also I think this is because I'm a so called 'bigger team' but teams defend so deep against me that again the low crosses don't seem too effective for me as they have 4 or 5 players on their 6 yard line constantly

I'm also surprised how many goals my BWMs are getting

This tactic is brilliant though thanks a lot for it!!!!
AML / AMR Corner takers?

Also assume LW to be Left Foot and RW to be Right Foot?

if u look how corner setup look like i would say, that AML is the best option to take corners. AMR is the second option, i would say.

about left foot, right foot am not sure, cos as far as i can see my wingers cutting inside anyway and they making a lot of space for DL/DR to cross. (but am not sure, maybe they ignoring players instructions cos they've got PPM to cut inside) anyway, from my observation it really doesn't matter, the foot of wingers - tactic working brilliant anyway.
im a bit new to this site. but on page 1 where you can download the tactic there is 4 links, which one is the tactic or whats the diffrence? thanks
im a bit new to this site. but on page 1 where you can download the tactic there is 4 links, which one is the tactic or whats the diffrence? thanks

They're all tactics. But as you see, Chrissy said which one he recommends in the top of the OP: "DM higher my recommendation".
Been reading through all the posts now.

so basically if u got 2 good DM's then play the DM version and if u got 2 good CM's then play that version?

chrissydude, know where u say turn tempo up, when i downloaded the tactics it says tempo is high, do i put it to the highest or is that ok?

Which one works better? Original one with MCs or the high tempo one with MCs. I am using High Tempo one with MCs and I just got beat by Palace away 3-0
I have looked to all the post, but can not find anything about the general traning.

How do you set that?

Individuel traning, is on the roles in the tactic :)
I am using the high tempo one currently and at home its awesome. Though the away form is really terrible. Lost to Palace 3-0 and just now to Charlton 1-0 and they were sitting in 20th without a win.
Pulled of a Dortmund - PAOK with 9 players


Just pulled off one of the luckiest results with this tactic. 1 shot in general, 1 goal, 9 players on the field. Played normally until the second sending off, I then made my formation Defensive, turned the FB's to Defence, pulled the wingers to Wide Midfielders with Support, and dropped the line deep.
Chrissy, what PPMs are best avoided when buying new players? I imagine you don't want the wingers to cut inside, the F9 to try to break the offside trap, etc.
4-4-2 dm high tempo?
yes. just this one. BWM's doing amazing job, they stealing a lot of balls plus scoring and creating chances from time to time as well.

left foot left, right foot right with decent crossing?
as far as i observed it really doesnt matter. in Man Utd team all of my wingers are both footed more or less, plus all of them have PPM "cut inside from the wings" and even if in instructions for them is to keep to the wide line they a lot of times cutting inside, which is perfect for both fullbacks - i got planty of assists from DR/DL plus my AMR/AML got lot of goals and assists too. from the other side am managing Romania national team and i have right foot winger on right side and left foot on left side - and i have good results as well. so basically really hard to say what option is better, but if u have good fullbacks with good crossing skill i would suggest both footed or opposite footed players for AMR/AML positions to make space for wing defenders.
View attachment 200543 (i highlited wingers and fullbacks - crossing attemps sort. just look on statistics, assists, goals.)

aml for corners?
yeap, am using AML's and as a second option AMR's.

about training - i let my assistant to doing it, he has 19 in fitness training skill, so all the time he using fitness training, through all season long, AND am REALLY RECOMMENDING this option, cos ur players are in perfect fit and match sharpness all the time.
am using rotatated squad (for cups almost always complete different first eleven than for league games), but if i would like i could use all the time the same starting lineup, cos thanks to fitness training my players even playing every two days got condition over 90%.
league team:View attachment 200542 cups team: View attachment 200541

individual training - like player roles plus when i see, for example, that some player sucks in crossing or finishing or whatever then am adding to this guys focus on this skill as well.

last thing is - sometimes ur strikers have got Falcao syndrome, and even if they're good, they just stops scoring goals. then just sit that guy on the bench, let him play for some time in second half, if he scores then everything getting back to normal, if not.. well, he just will spend some more time on the bench. there is no sense in keeping thet striker in first eleven, when ur striker from second team scoring without problems. i had situation that Dybala didn't score any goal through 20 hours, so i let Breel Embolo to play in first team and he was scoring like a crazy :). then in some game Dybala scored, so his morale went up and things got back to normal after that, so he started to playing in first eleven again.

and last last thing - no OI's, at all, and i played all games, without using Instant Result.
I want to play in 4-2-3-1 it's possible to change the F9 in AP ??? sorry for my english i'm french