Just kinda how you think what each players roles should be on the pitch etc etc..
So I should keep my wingers playing wide? But how do I stop them crossing so much and should I play them amr/aml or mr/ml.
Yes keep them playing wide and cut inside. As they are world-class wingers they will be able to exploit the big space effectively. So no worries.
It will cause a big gap between the DMC and AMC which is not good since most DMC are not really good passers. Just set them as ML/MR with 'cut inside' as wide plays and lowering down their crossing. Swap them around as well.
Think Barca. Wide plays, Messi Henry cut inside. Through balls. goal
Or fullbacks running from deep. crosses. header by Ibra. goal.
Oh i see..
Well the DC are pretty simple really. Their job is to defense. I think in that version there's one stopper and one cover. The stopper one hold the responsibility to stop plays meanwhile the cover is to sweep through balls out.
The full-backs (DR/DL) is set tu automatic by deafult. So their role is up to the tactic mentality. But they will go front to support the wingers. Usually crossing from deeper area.
DMC. An important role.. Closing down and chasing up everything in the field. He can be very effective to launch a quick counter attack when he got the ball from opponent in our half - as said in the first page.
ML/MR are wingers. Well they tend to exploit the flanks and sometimes even draw attention from DC when they cut inside, so good flair is always necessary. Very effective if they are speedy with good crossing for the guys up front. One of the main assist contributor in the team.
AMC. The playmaker. Well.. self explanationary? Kaka type of player. Got the ball, dictates tempo and make plays out of it. Will scoring a lot as well as he will run from deep.
Poacher (in left striker by deafult but if your striker is right footer change him to right, the 'player' not the 'role') : the point of having him as target man is that he will another guy who destroys the opponent's DC. With his blistering pace, he will chase the ball and usually the DCs will chase him - opneing up the space for the 'target man'
Target man : Well he's the main scorer in my team, though very close with poacher. The one who is good in air, i mean everybody will cross to him.
That's pretty much about the roles of each player.
I dont understand so you have the poacher as your run onto ball target man, but your target man striker is not the target man?
Have you tried your target man as target man and to head to the poacher can run onto it, or does it not work as well
Here's my explanation
Poacher (in left striker by deafult but if your striker is right footer change him to right, the 'player' not the 'role') : the point of having him as target man is that he will another guy who destroys the opponent's DC. With his blistering pace, he will chase the ball and usually the DCs will chase him - opneing up the space for the 'target man'
Still again it's my philosophy. For other teams I recommend to just untick the target man and the supply to target man which will leave your 'real' target man becoming a 'semi' target man (his name is in the box but not ticked/highlighted).
me again,
how do u prevent opponent scoring from direct freekicks ? is that something to do with the goalkeeper or there are other reasons ?
There are no solution to that. Adding more walls just wont do as it leaves open men.
Other than your keeper's Aerial ability, jumping, handling, etc.. I don't see how your team can stop balls coming directly from freekicks.
Wait.. maybe tall players as walls can help.