Goonning for the Gunners Invincible Record

****! how could Newcastle have 67% possession at your ground! you aren't playing possession based system?

yea I know, weirdly I am as well short passing with retained possesion mentality is on... but meh we won
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Isn't that nice :p

Ok so 6 games in just quick round up

didnt get any more players from what I posted do a bit of money left if I wanted to revisit.

Spurs and me joint top weird chelsea on 11 points poor start :p

err what else lamela and costa kicking *** higaiun isnt a patch of his former self but there's still time

similar transfers as be4 yarmelonko, austin callejon etc
Better 2nd time around :D

And yeah, we shall definitely get some fifa done in the next few days!
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Ok in fairness they just beat chelsea :p watching motd now how did that happen!

anyway fm life dead unlucky with everything decision playdunno how we didnt win

heres the problem tho Higuain is not scoring I mean clearly having a no.10 helps him but doesnt help the team and I already sold Ozil bah I dunno what to do! :p

Highest Record 6
Current Tally 0
Change the front man to a false9 and you have the exact tactic i told you about . . . . . . . lol
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We might have cracked it lads this win puts us 2nd one point behind city Higuain's doing better now with the no.10 11 wins out of 15

current tally for unbeaten streak 5 LFC next tho :S
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YES! top of the league finally got a run going people are returning from injury we qualified top of the champions league group morale is high, my job is secure and Higuain? I hear you ask Last 5 games Avg rating of 7.76 the saints are marching in next can we hold them off? tune in next screenshot to find out :p

tally 6!
Do you change your tactic at all? Was just wondering if you wanted a long unbeaten run things like if your playing home or away and quality of team your playing plus fatigue will have an effect on your tactic.