These tactics are great and fun to use. My team (Manchester United) set a new defensive record for not conceding a goal for 12 games. Thanks for sharing this awesome tactic with us
I am bad at reading the game engine
Sometimes its fun to play a more challenging game, managing fat forwards, drunken DCs and à missmatched Midfield and sometimes one wants to actually enjoy the gameflow, managing good players. Dont hesitate to upload some screenies and tell us about your version picking.This tactic set is a lot of fun and when used with the correct timing against the correct opponents, the results are devastating.I am playing as Barcelona, which may not be much of a challenge, is still a **** of a lot of fun.
12 games without conceding :O, thats some football !!
Would you mind posting some screenies ( only to bost the thread ) and tell us how you used the set, playing standard at home, cautious away etc ?
I will upload it as soon as I come back home from my holiday . In big matches I go overloading attack then after my team scores I go defensive they can't even see the goal. In matches against small teams I go with slow breakdown and if they get chances while I'm in the lead I go defensive .
Starting a new season. I will take United again . This time I will be using my laptop so it will take more time to process.
Couldnt stay away from FM eh ;D ?
About your version picking, perhaps its something that I could add into the OP, something like this
Playing with bottom teams
- Some generall advice on what versions that one is more likely to use...and if doing well, that one should probably step to the nest level being....
Middle teams.
A description here as well....
Top teams
Absolute top teams
Here, perhaps your approach is the ones to use, using Overloading attack against good teams as a starting version to get that/those goals and then close out the games. Using slow breakdown against lesser etams to break them down and then just cary on or close out the match
If you can't score a goal against the top team. Change the tactic to slow breakdown.
Forgot to mention this, for match preparation I use Defensive Positioning. You have to make sure that the Standard, Offensive (Overloading), Defensive tactics are fluid with your team.
Won 4-1 against Dortmund just now. That 1 goal was from a free kick.
ILast 14 games scored 34 conceded 4.
Betterhalf, I am using your tactic as a plug and play with Standard at home and Cautious away with Everton.
Started very well in the Prem, winning 2 games 4-1 and 4-0 and drawing one 1-1, and my players are still not fluid with my tactic.
I signed Christian Benitez and he has 6 Prem goals already, I am not sure if you have used him before, or he fades off but he could be the perfect player for this tactic. I will keep you posted