How many of us actually play football?

I play u15 for my local team as a RB, LB and with some injuries CB (although i fancy myself as a Striker).
I became captain at the start of last season and in the C league we won our first two games 14-0 and 8-1 so they moved us up to the A league where we won our first three games and beat the eventual league champions but then we got relegated as our form dipped.
Not a bad season as a whole.
league table bottom right with results and stuff aswell
Start of the new season we have had 2 wins and at the weekend i moved to CM after injuries and scored from 25 yards right into the top corner.
Already equalled my goal tally from last year
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T.S Sports u17's Youth Division 2 :)
Left Midfielder/Right Midfielder.
Just got in from a game :) though i was sadly brought off 10 mins from time due to cramp in my calf :'( still made a good impresion on the new manager with my third game at def mid
Had trial at Boro, Sunderland and newcastle when i was at school, made it into Newcastle got released at 16, play for Shields United, semi proffesional but at the start of September i am doing a new thing which offers scholarships for Gateshead FC.

So trying to get my fitness sorted out and going to try and get proffesional.
I play U-17 Sunday League for St Anne's (captain), Saturday League for a amateur mens team called Holt FC and have been offered a pre-contract from Prescot Cables. I play CM and RB for St Anne's and RB for Holt.
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Just got in from a game :) though i was sadly brought off 10 mins from time due to cramp in my calf :'( still made a good impresion on the new manager with my third game at def mid

Obviously didnt warm up properly. Proper warm ups are 10 to 15 minutes running and limbering up then 5 minutes light streching. Either that or your just really unfit lol Ive only ever had a few cramps and they came on in about the 80th 85th minute.
I played for my School, Ifield Edwards, Crawley United and was scouted by Crawley Town, but I busted my knee breaking into my OWN house - career over :(

I'm trying to get into a local Sunday League team now, but at 35 years old, I think my best is definately behind me now :( :(
Made my pub league debut yesterday in a friendly.

i was nervous and played *****!
played left wing and right back suprisingly.
things can only get better though (Y)

plus i'm 17, and playing in the top division! :|
I play 5's on a somewhat irregular basis. Some trouble with my contract's personal details, e.g. free water bottle and shoe laces.
I played for my School, Ifield Edwards, Crawley United and was scouted by Crawley Town, but I busted my knee breaking into my OWN house - career over :(

I'm trying to get into a local Sunday League team now, but at 35 years old, I think my best is definately behind me now :( :(

Looks like it Veteran Football for you. The Veteran leagues around where I live are really competitive.
I haven't played Sunday League football for a couple of years now, but do play for my school team at CM which is probably my most hated position :P
Sound like lots of users were talented youngsters. I was recommended for Charlton and an Arsenal representative took my details when I was 11 and 14 repectively. Nothing came of them though haha.
Looks like it Veteran Football for you. The Veteran leagues around where I live are really competitive.

I hadn't thought of that, maybe I wasn't prepared to admit i'm old :P

but I only wanna play, don't care at who for or at what level, so that maybe worth looking into

Thanx :)
I play U-17 Sunday League for St Anne's (captain), Saturday League for a amateur mens team called Holt FC and have been offered a pre-contract from Prescot Cables. I play CM and RB for St Anne's and RB for Holt.
Offered a contract from Prescot Cables? Chester FC are playing them this season :)
I used to play for my local team Praze.1s season I played striker and scored a good goal, getting in front of the defender and flicking it into the corner.
2ns season I played left wing, and ahieved some skill on the way to a great cross which we scored from. Never played since though
Never played in any form of competitive league, always hoped that if i played at Higbury Fields on a concrete pitch with some mates at the age of 16 for long enough, that i'd be snapped up by Arsenal... (Yeah that never happened...) Football dried up for a while because none of my mates could be bothered to get up and play football for 2 hours on a Sunday morning, who can blame them.. Anyways, now i play with a mate from my old school, against 10 or so guys in their mid twenties (I'm 17) and i've played twice, scored 5 times, and got an assist.. we all suck!
My biggest footballing claim to fame is that i live around the corner from James Shea (Arsenal Reserve and Ireland U18/20 GK) and the brilliantly named Tom Cruise (Arsenal Reserve and England U19 LB - the latter scored against Austria!!) :$
I play for my mates, used to play for local town side, but i am a cricket bat. Used to just hack my way through 90 minutes.