I have a crush on a soccer player

  • Thread starter Thread starter Montanaro
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As the title states, I think I have a crush on a soccer player (and im almost 24 yo). She is a forward who plays for my university (not many minutes to be honest) and is in the psychology program with me and we are graduating together.

She is quite fit obviously, and was flirting around with me during a poster session psyc graduates were attending, asking me what all I do and sports I play and what not. Plays soccer + fit + similar interests = :wub:

I just added her on facebook too...ugh now I'm stalking...problem is I'm in a nearly 4 year relationship and living with my g/f (we have our ups and downs like everyone else) Sometimes the grass looks greener on the other side...oO)

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

Well you don't want to split up with your gf of 4 years when you don't even know if this woman likes you too. But on the other hand if you're even thinking about this then obviously you don't love your gf (enough) and it would probably be better if you split up.
You haven't done anything with her yet so no sense in dumping the girl you already have.

Play it slow, see where things go, and if stuff actually happens and you think it has the potential to get even better, than dump you're current GF. But at least make the effort; if it doesn't work out than you still have a girlfriend, if it does work out, you can test out the new one for a bit and then make your decision.

You're 24, play teh field as much as possible, even if you're in a serious relationship (just don't let your gf know). You're only young once, and you don't want to look back with regret on all of the girls you could have gotten with if you hadn't committed to such long-term serious relationships.

Not sure about how I'd feel about dating someone more athletic than me (or smarter than me for that matter), but whatever floats your boat.
You're not going to get any insightful advice from this forum. The last time a member saw any ***** was when Tiddles walked across the keyboard!
You're not going to get any insightful advice from this forum. The last time a member saw any ***** was when Tiddles walked across the keyboard!

Last time Tiddles walked across my keyboard, I ****** her. Hard.

She has never done it since.
Well, we are both graduating and probably going our separate ways. I doubt I see her much more anyway, but it's always good to..er...fantasize?

And I wouldn't say she is more athletic than me. She is certainly fairly accomplished getting playing time at a major university, but if it weren't for my knee injury, I'd be playing collegiate american football then I'd get any tail I wanted on campus. But alas, you play the hand your dealt.
Does she know you have a girlfriend, if not rotate her with gf daily. (no, that was not meant to be a football reference of any sort)
stick a picture of the girl on the back of your girlfriend's head? works for me!
If you still feel the same after a few weeks, ditch your girlfriend and go for it. Remember, vaginas are like fish; smelly and there's plenty more!
so actually you're wondering if you should engage in activities of polygamy nature?
Girls that like football.. I'd rather not have a girl who wants to seem like she knows more about the sport than me, constantly quizzing me. I love my arm chair and the fact that I can shout extremeties at the T.V. without anyone getting offended or telling me to calm down. But if she joined in, she'd be too boyish, and I can't have that. No, thankyou!
Realistically you should make sure she wants it in her **** chute before making an informed decision. Though banging somebody else doesn't mean you have to dump your current girlfriend like is being suggested by some in this thread. The 'relationship' with this football chick can go sour very quickly, it's always nice to have a back-up.
Bob Kelso always says...

This isn’t bring your problems to work day, it’s just work day.

Why are you bringing your personal **** to a football forum which consists of a bunch of high school kids that are more concerned with FIFA Ultimate Team or who pwned who on Black Op’s.

This is more of a question for your close friends or even your girlfriend, communication is awesome. Have you tried talking to her about your relationship and where it’s going? Might be the place to start, instead of creating threads on here? Your eyes are wondering so something is wrong, but maybe it can be fixed?

Don’t string her along, it’s not fair. Decide where your head is at and either fight or flight. Is the grass really going to be that much greener on the other side? Don’t be a ****, sort out your current relationship before anything else.

I will end this awesome agony aunt post with one of my favourite quotes.

You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.
Well.. you either listen to Kris 'Agony Aunt' Jackson.. or Duncan 'The guy who shagged Tiddles the cat' Greenwood..
TBH wouldn't you feel emasculated? you possible GF is better at 'soccer' than you? Anyways, if you are thinking about another girl, is it worth staying in your current relationship???


^ thats how Yanks sort these kind of things out, right/
Bob Kelso always says...

Why are you bringing your personal **** to a football forum which consists of a bunch of high school kids that are more concerned with FIFA Ultimate Team or who pwned who on Black Op’s.

This is more of a question for your close friends or even your girlfriend, communication is awesome. Have you tried talking to her about your relationship and where it’s going? Might be the place to start, instead of creating threads on here? Your eyes are wondering so something is wrong, but maybe it can be fixed?

Don’t string her along, it’s not fair. Decide where your head is at and either fight or flight. Is the grass really going to be that much greener on the other side? Don’t be a ****, sort out your current relationship before anything else.

I will end this awesome agony aunt post with one of my favourite quotes.

Because it's the general chat forum? Anyways, sometimes strangers give better advice than people who know you since they're the only ones who can give an unbiased opinion.

I disagree with the bit about stringing her along, if your girlfriend wants to marry you and you know it won't happen that's one thing, but that probably isn't the situation. From what it sounds like, you're both kids who have been together a long time and that's that.

As I said before, there's nothing wrong with having a little somethin' on the side. Americans are very possessive of each other in relationships and cheating is really frowned upon, but in most other countries in the world it's pretty much OK as long as the other person doesn't find out. Be careful that your girlfriend doesn't find out so that it doesn't ruin things for the both of you, but remember, what she doesn't know can't hurt her.

I've talked to older guys that really regret not getting to play the field when they were in their prime because they were tied up in serious relationships and felt like they couldn't cheat. If I were you I wouldn't make that mistake, life is short and you only live once, and you have plenty of time before you're married. TBH I would strongly recommend not getting married in your mid 20's (wait as long as possible), especially if you just got out of college. Enjoy your youth as much as you can while you have it.
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Well to be honest, I wasn't asking for relationship advice (referencing almost everyone). Just thought I'd share and see what others say and see if other posters have similar experiences.

And I'm not so insecure that I would be worried about her being better at soccer than me. I'm American, I never played competitive soccer, if that's her thing great, but I'm not going to be worried about it because I'm not that great anyway! XD