15-0??? terrific mate! terrific! congratulations that was great! maybe yours will be next "grid tactic". :D
shadow striker, far more effective for my philosophy :)
Good tactic. Best what i have tried so far, finally my team playing nice football.
How would you define the shadow striker role when it's played in a strikerless formation? I've tried for ages now tinkering with tactics trying to replicate a proper false 9, when using a false 9 role ingame I end up with them too far up the pitch and when I try to use a trequartista I end up with hardly any killer balls played in the final third.
At first I was like: "Ooh.. a Tiki Taka! :D" but then I noticed.. no strikers invoved :(
How would you define the shadow striker role when it's played in a strikerless formation? I've tried for ages now tinkering with tactics trying to replicate a proper false 9, when using a false 9 role ingame I end up with them too far up the pitch and when I try to use a trequartista I end up with hardly any killer balls played in the final third.

the shadow striker role in this tactic actually work more s poachers/AF's and the treq seems to act like an AP, the trio sit in a triangle shape, the SS's about 10-15 feet infront of the treq, when possession is won, the shadow strikers and treq start to advance, the ball is played to the treq who then has to through ball options in front of him who are already running forward.
Then which ever shadow gets the ball sprints forward and attempts to score, if a rebound happens, the second shadow acts as the poacher, quickly tapping the ball away in the net, if the ball rebounds little further out,behind the in rushing shadow, the Treq is often there to provide powerful edge of the area bullets. Work quite well together.

At first I was like: "Ooh.. a Tiki Taka! :D" but then I noticed.. no strikers invoved :(

proper tiki taka fomations do not require a striker role. it loses the tightness of the formation, but i did make one anyway, it's in the download, the second one in the zip, because some people can'e live with out a striker :p
Iota - what is possession like for your new shadow tactic?

well, it's not an out and out possession tactic like my Hermoso one, this is more attack minded, so possession can be from 45-55%, the key is to have fast AMC's and have a decent cohesive defensive blockade, so the defense soak and soak then release the ball upfront to their attacking team mates, you could label it as a more attractive style of anti football lol.
Iota when do you think your shadow tactic will be ready for release? I am currently using your hermoso tactic, but really like the look of the shadow one.
Iota when do you think your shadow tactic will be ready for release? I am currently using your hermoso tactic, but really like the look of the shadow one.

want to try it with a variety of teams, maybe play 5 games for each team at te start of the season, see if it works all round etc. tonight or tomorrow perhaps.
Ever got a false 9 working well out of interest? the trequartista in your possession tactic does a good job, more of a Fabregas type false 9 than someone like Messi who creates chances as well as scroing!
Ever got a false 9 working well out of interest? the trequartista in your possession tactic does a good job, more of a Fabregas type false 9 than someone like Messi who creates chances as well as scroing!

for the shadow tactic? hmm, would rather use a CF, i don't like f9's with out IF's, they try too many longshots whether you tell them to not shoot or not, get's annoying, the treq actually passes onto the shadow strikers heh
want to try it with a variety of teams, maybe play 5 games for each team at te start of the season, see if it works all round etc. tonight or tomorrow perhaps.

Great! Looking forward to try it out.
for the shadow tactic? hmm, would rather use a CF, i don't like f9's with out IF's, they try too many longshots whether you tell them to not shoot or not, get's annoying, the treq actually passes onto the shadow strikers heh

Just in general, I noticed the same as you said, even with IF's the F9 is always trying long shots, very poor interpretation FM put in place really. The treq passes yes, but I always find he's almost too deep, not putting enough pressure on the 2 CB's
Just in general, I noticed the same as you said, even with IF's the F9 is always trying long shots, very poor interpretation FM put in place really. The treq passes yes, but I always find he's almost too deep, not putting enough pressure on the 2 CB's

in the shadow tactic, the two shadow strikers put pressure on the defence as the treq progresses, sort of goes hand in hand treqs and shadow strikers, given me teams great openings, the shadow strikers sit higher up than the Treq, so the defendrs pay their attention to the SS's, so the treq then has more time on the ball to wor out the best pass for which ever SS as the most room.
Hi iota4u,

Personally to you which is the better tactic? "Hermoso Tiqui-Taca" or "1-3-3-3 Total Taka"?

I?m playing with FC Porto from Portugal!
Hi iota4u,

Personally to you which is the better tactic? "Hermoso Tiqui-Taca" or "1-3-3-3 Total Taka"?

I?m playing with FC Porto from Portugal!

Total taka is more defensive minded due to the sweeper, for out and out goal scoring possibilities, Hermoso.