I am playing with bacelona ! Can i change the IF to "attack" or not ? I have neymar, messi, lamela, James rodriguez, Gotze ! who have the best choice for IF ? and Treq ? neymar IF left, messi IF Right and Gotze treq is good ? sorry for my bad englis but i'm french !!!
I am playing with bacelona ! Can i change the IF to "attack" or not ? I have neymar, messi, lamela, James rodriguez, Gotze ! who have the best choice for IF ? and Treq ? neymar IF left, messi IF Right and Gotze treq is good ? sorry for my bad englis but i'm french !!!

sounds fine, good mix there :)
I've made a few changes to your hermoso tactic, but can you recommend anything for the Anchor, I've got an Anchor whos passing ability is too good to pass up (no pun intended), what do you suggest so that I don't disrupt the defensive stability of the tactic?
I've made a few changes to your hermoso tactic, but can you recommend anything for the Anchor, I've got an Anchor whos passing ability is too good to pass up (no pun intended), what do you suggest so that I don't disrupt the defensive stability of the tactic?

strength/tackling/determination/concentration/decisions would be the top attributes to look at, passing is good too, but most anchors in top flight leagues tend to have half decent passing abilities anyway, doesn't need to be like beckham or scholes passing wise as he would more often than not just short pass it to the playmaker.
Ah, I meant that my current player in this position is great as an anchor man....but his passing and creativity etc. are all too good to go to waste, he has the potential to be both Pirlo and Makelele, a creator and a destroyer. So I was asking if you thought any of the other roles would suit this? Allowing him to offer stability defensively and still make use of his passing to build from the back
the anchor's sole purpose and role is to be the destroyer, the more creative player is to be the play maker, i would suggest some one who would stick to their designated role and try not to deviate from the plan too much as you should already have te more creative players doing their assigned jobs.
where can i find this shadow tactic? ive been playin 4-2-3-1 and 4-4-2 but starting to get a bit boring
where can i find this shadow tactic? ive been playin 4-2-3-1 and 4-4-2 but starting to get a bit boring

still in development matey, just playing a few games with different teams to see if it works well, works fab with barca, but so does any tactic really, worked well in swansea, currently doing liverpool, i play 5-10 league games wit the tactic as the tactic is fluid bfore the season starts, tend to be a decent indicator in my eyes.
just completed some pictures for explanations, just going to test it with one or two more teams and i should be all set. (i go on holiday til the start of the season, so tactic is fluid, then play 5 season games or so, if i don't lose any, (which i haven't with Barca, swansea or liverpool using shadow) then i move onto the next team :)
I'm quite sure you'll attract more people if you reveal with a picture in the first post, that a tactic with a striker is also included.

Some people like myself we like the idea of having a striker in the line up as well, simply because of the idea of having a hero in the team.
I'm quite sure you'll attract more people if you reveal with a picture in the first post, that a tactic with a striker is also included.

Some people like myself we like the idea of having a striker in the line up as well, simply because of the idea of having a hero in the team.

Reading also helps, it does state it in the op :p

but maybe i will make it bold wrting that there is a striker variant too :p
playing as gangwon, just won 12-0. 12-1, 12-0 in the last three games, pace is a killer.
Iota - can you provide us with some screenshots?

View attachment 434834

But do ear in mind, it's a rather poor league, all you need is pace and composure for the attackers and it's almost guaranteed, in the better leagues, the scorelines aren't so.. dominant :p due to the teams generally being of a high calibre.
View attachment 465743

But do ear in mind, it's a rather poor league, all you need is pace and composure for the attackers and it's almost guaranteed, in the better leagues, the scorelines aren't so.. dominant :p due to the teams generally being of a high calibre.
Some amazing results! I have just recently started a FC Seoul game, so looking forward to trying this when you release it! What is your starting lineup?

rr.. can't remember, closed the game, the names are very, asian to say the least, i just looked for high pace aha

Keep us updated with results anyway, your results with Gangwon were phenomenal to say the least! Any idea when the tactic will be released?