LFCMarshall's Summer Update Suggestion Thread

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Man City signed the following youngsters in recent months, not sure how many are in game:

Jose Pozo
Mathias Bossaerts
Bersant Celina
Sinan Bytyqi
Jack Byrne
capello will sign up as russia manager on weds or thurs he releassed a statement saying he had accepted the job
also have you changed Spurs training and youth facilities to state of the art?
seeing as we are moving into new training ground in a week or so..
Have u updated Nottingham Forest, if you have what have you done to their finances??

In what has been one of the on-off transfers of the summer so far, Sky Sports News understands Chelsea have now agreed a £25million deal in principle to sign Brazil international Oscar. Seems a done deal.
Brighton's £80 Million Non-repayable loan, surely if its non-repayable, then its not a loan? Does it ever go away do you know?

Would you consider removing it if not? Because its really annoying saying I have a loan debt and cant pay it off >.<
Junior Moraes from CSKA (Sofia) to Metalurg (Donetsk)
Maicosuel from Botafogo to Udinese
Mubarak Wakaso from Villarreal to Espanol
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