Lockerz - Signed Up To It?

Just found out there is not a limit on how many you can have, i sent one to my aol email account and it worked, so iv done it with my parents emails as well and they have all worked.
Just found out there is not a limit on how many you can have, i sent one to my aol email account and it worked, so iv done it with my parents emails as well and they have all worked.

Be careful doing that though as down the line they could very well find out and turn down your membership.
Lol.Thanks for the advice, it does say in the conditions that each member of a household can have 1 account.
Im going for Ipod touch. Gona take at least 3 months to get enough points for it :p
How much will you have to pay for the I touch?
can you only get points by logging in and respond to the daily post?
So how many points do you guys have now? Iv got 73, still along way to prizes.

And what percentage of the price do you have to pay for the prize?
37 points but i joined today

i'd like to get a ipod touch 8GB, so i got about 10%
How much do you have to pay for the I touch, somebody said you have to pay a percentage of the price.
I have read that Ipods wouldn't have the customs but would have a 17.5% VAT charge.
Don't quote me on it though as I could be wrong. Also, if you want to get a PS3, Xbox or PSP you might be better off buying an Amazon voucher also, as they would be in the US PAL format? so would need extra wires/something different to get them to work. Where as you could just buy off Amazon with the vouchers :)