Mantorras77's Tactic Testing League

  • Thread starter Thread starter mantorras77
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Im confused? In the posts the tactic that came top of the table was the 'Chelsea Quadruple 14.2....' tactic. yet on the main page it says the Fulcrum tactic?
Im confused? In the posts the tactic that came top of the table was the 'Chelsea Quadruple 14.2....' tactic. yet on the main page it says the Fulcrum tactic?

'Chelsea Quadruple' is the same as Fulcrum - Rainmaker
tried this tactic today with Welling United in the Skrill Premier (one league lower than League 2). I was in 17th place, so a bad season. And I had only 15 games to play. Now I've promoted while using this tactic. So this tactic really saved my day!!

I highly recommend on testing this tactic.
tried this tactic today with Welling United in the Skrill Premier (one league lower than League 2). I was in 17th place, so a bad season. And I had only 15 games to play. Now I've promoted while using this tactic. So this tactic really saved my day!!

I highly recommend on testing this tactic.

which tactic?
hi i have bad english....I have question what difrence beetwen first 14.2.2 test and new second test 14.2.2?? new settings or what XD?
I see my ridiculous goal scoring/conceding tactic was erratic as buggery.
Stunned it did so well plug and play without tinkering for opposition.
I would wager its no where near as good as the other tactics listed. So folks
don't be downloading it. :)
It is defensively a ******* shambles. Thanks for testing Mantorras.
Could you test my 343 V5 for you new testing league ?
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I'm going to look at the other tactics and see what I can steal/plagerise to shore
up that woeful defence.
I see my ridiculous goal scoring/conceding tactic was erratic as buggery.
Stunned it did so well plug and play without tinkering for opposition.
I would wager its no where near as good as the other tactics listed. So folks
don't be downloading it. :)
It is defensively a ******* shambles. Thanks for testing Mantorras.

I did use the D-Line shouts on your OP. Your tactic did much better in 2nd half of season compared to first. It destroyed the opponents that it was supposed to but struggled with better competition. Hey it has most goals scored of all the tests so far! :)
I did use the D-Line shouts on your OP. Your tactic did much better in 2nd half of season compared to first. It destroyed the opponents that it was supposed to but struggled with better competition. Hey it has most goals scored of all the tests so far! :)

Aye but it also let in more than the Titanic's hull. I'll see what I can steal from the other tactics.
Surely there will be soemthing I have missed. No point scoring all those goals if it
lets in too many.
Hi mate,

Don't know if you started testing my tactic yet, but I would be extremely grateful if you put the IFO-424-BT in the queue.
Anyway, keep up the good work.
Hi mate,

Don't know if you started testing my tactic yet, but I would be extremely grateful if you put the IFO-424-BT in the queue.
Anyway, keep up the good work.

6. IFO-BT is for top teams only, use with caution.

This would be tested on an Average middle of the table team.
6. IFO-BT is for top teams only, use with caution.

This would be tested on an Average middle of the table team.

My bad, didn't notice that the test team have to go up against several CA200 teams, could you test IFO 442 Defense instead?

Sorry for the confusion.