Ok mate:
Is this your only tactic? - keep it (BEING A COUNTER TACTIC) but make another two:
TACTIC ONE - OVERLOAD "narrow" (ie winger less)
1. Use the tactics creator.
2. Forrmation as follows (see post 229)
GK -
CB Def
CB Def -
DLP Def in front of them -
WB L Att
WB R Att -
BWM Def and
CM Supp in front of them - 3 attackers close together :
DLF supp in middle, one
P att on left (if you have a lfooted attacker otherwise put him on right) and one
CF on right (or instead an
AM attack/then two attackers a
DLF supp on left and
Poacher Att on right - unless he's left footed etc)
4. OVERLOAD mentality.
5. SHOUTS ALWAYS: get stuck in + hassle+exploit the flanks (these are very important from the start)
6. ASSMAN by your ASSMAN (but check every 15/20 mins).
7. Watch matches on extended at least and keep looking at OIs and at players getting yellow carded (when they do instruct them to tackle easy to avoid red cards).
1. Will not always work necessarily. But: look at the scout reps - if tactics faced where the opposition concedes the most is one which is narrow or has wingbacks then use your narrow tactics.
2. Teams - esp big ones dont like it when you play aggressively and energetically. You WILL suffer fitness wise (esp on wb position)/card wise but Ive beaten Barca (repeatedly)/Juventus (sometimes)/PSG (repeatedly and comfortably)/ Milan (absolutely rout them usuall) etc with it.
1. Go to the following website and download the "shout" version of the tactics tiki taka domination extreme:
Barcelona Tiki-Taka 4-3-2-1 | Football Manager Tactic | Passion for Football Manager
2. Read what passion4fm has to say about the tactics and then read his ideas about how to use touchline shouts here:
Football Manager Touchline Instructions - Adapt Tactics | Passion for Football Manager
3. Using his templates make different sets of shouts as follows: attack/defence/win possession/flank attack/middle attack/control tiki taka/score now/ counter/ more direct PLUS a contain one: drop deep/play narrow/keep possession/stay on feet (and remember to add play even safer in game whenever to use it).
4. So basically you should end up with a 451 which can easily adapt (control/standard/attack/defend/counter etc) to different opponents and circumstances even during matches.
The above set up means that you will continue to be involved all through matches, before them and after them ensuring total immersion in the game experience, the feeling that you are using your brain and actually influencing the outcome of matches.
General training DOES NOT affect tactics directly. Match training has a bigger influence but again indirectly. I like to train alternatively attacking and ball control and match tactics att set pieces (say if I play against a team away in cup matches so that I may get an away goal from a set piece)/def set pieces/att movement (when match training is ball control)/def position against better/more attacking teams.
Read scout reports on opponents and based on them chose one of your three formations - eg: if tactics faced show team does badly against a 442 use your 451 and utilise flank attack. Watch matches. Within 25 mins you ll be able to see if stuff is working. If not (because for example you cant get the ball) then utilise your WINPOSS set of tactics. Get a feel of matches and learn to understand that maybe a whole different approach may be needed - eg stop play and change to your overload set up. Or while using the overload set up use say the DEFEND shouts. Wont always work but will do mostly the more you get used to it.
Arnd the 85th minute and if leading by the goal then use the CONTAIN set of shouts but also (turn both wbs whichever of the two formations you are using to defend - I even sometimes in the OVERLOAD tactic also pull them all the way back to the fb position.