Might and Magic™ by Raikan007

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Okay, jus came up with a question here about the tactic and the players role in it. this is wut interests me....

Anyone who´s got any more suggestions to the "prefferred moves" except for the poacher role.
Wingers CM´s Fullbacks and CB´s ...anyone who has had a player doing even better in those roles depending o the preffeerred move? I´m all ears. thanks for any answer :D


  • run with ball often
  • knock ball past opponent
  • run down left/right side of pitch
  • look for killer ball
  • knock ball past opponent (if quick)
  • look for pass
  • plays one two's
  • short simple passes
  • mark oponents tightly
  • stay on feet
centre mids:
  • killer balls
  • one two's
  • switch flanks
  • come deep to get ball
  • shoot with power
attacking (centre mids)
  • attack through centre
  • run with ball often
  • look for pass
  • place shots
  • one two's
  • killer balls
  • dictates tempo
is that what you were referring to mate?
ahh YES exactly. Thanks a bunch! Was thinking to get my players even more optimal for the tactic you know. :)
I have the counter away tactic all the time. Where the playmaker is the MCL . guess he should be more as a ATTMID preferred move setting?

I forgot about the STL too :D

Thanks for your time, much appreciatet :)
Striker (right)
  • place shots
  • moves into channels
  • attacks through centre
  • likes to lob keeper (if technique is above 13 or so)
  • goes around keeper
Striker (left)
  • comes deep to get ball
  • looks for killer ball
  • shoots with power
  • plays one two's
centre attacking mid, same as advanced (amc)

its a pleasure mate :) glad to help
Thanks for the tip mate, I'll try it out and keep you updated.
Hi Raikan, I have a problem with rossi dont want to play the swojim at what to play on well what can I do to play better as well as the team of a few tips please. Team have 3-4 situations 100% but 0 goals. Tell me where is my problem.

SS: View attachment 207485
Beat Newcastle 9-0! Had four penalties, but still, the chance leading up to the penalties were clear cut chances, and Arshavin and gervinho would have scored them easily. Also, I have got two scorelines were I have scored 7 goals! All this, and i haven't even played ten games in the season yet!
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Between the two centre mids, Carrick must play in the left or in the right ? The right player is more offensive or more defensive ?
What is the best partner to Carrick ? Fletcher or a player like Huddlestone ?
I want to ask are u have suggestion for good mcl ?
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raikan your tactic is pure winger support...not inside forward,whether inside forward we use cut inside,the winger we use move into channel.....I want to ask what the difference of cut inside and move into channel??
Hi Raikan, I have a problem with rossi dont want to play the swojim at what to play on well what can I do to play better as well as the team of a few tips please. Team have 3-4 situations 100% but 0 goals. Tell me where is my problem.

SS: View attachment 207485
hey bud, not sure on the language, but put Rossi on the right hand side and Lavezzi on the left :)
Beat Newcastle 9-0! Had four penalties, but still, the chance leading up to the penalties were clear cut chances, and Arshavin and gervinho would have scored them easily. Also, I have got two scorelines were I have scored 7 goals! All this, and i haven't even played ten games in the season yet!

that is fantastic :) would love to see the SS :) any more results Konflict?
Between the two centre mids, Carrick must play in the left or in the right ? The right player is more offensive or more defensive ?
What is the best partner to Carrick ? Fletcher or a player like Huddlestone ?
I want to ask are u have suggestion for good mcl ?

hey bud ;) play Carrick right and Fletcher left

Huddlestone is also very good! I would rotate Carrick and Huddlestone

how much do you have to spend and what year are you in?
raikan your tactic is pure winger support...not inside forward,whether inside forward we use cut inside,the winger we use move into channel.....I want to ask what the difference of cut inside and move into channel??

cut inside will force them to cut inside into the middle of the pitch/box, move into channels forces them to look for an open space to receive the ball
hey bud ;) play Carrick right and Fletcher left

Huddlestone is also very good! I would rotate Carrick and Huddlestone

how much do you have to spend and what year are you in?
Budget 40 M €
Year 2011
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Hey! I have been using this tac with a more.. powerful team and worked great, now im on a lesser team and... well doenst really work well =) I decided to make some changes on the tac design only, and some players instructions. the shouts and team instructions are exaclty the same! i know little about this, so ... i will need some feedback plz :P

here are the screens :

Inside Forward(s)
View attachment 208168

tac design
View attachment 208169

def mid:
View attachment 208170

attack mid
View attachment 208171

thanks in advance!
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@ Pedro Abreu I'm playing with Cagliari a average serie A team and I have to say well done!! Your changes are absolutely good
I will play more games and let you know
Dear Raikan

honestly, not want to make u feel big or something..
But Honestly i want to say WELLDONE, i already try u'r Pure Perfection tactic that u made, how i describe it; is none the less, one of the best tactic i ever try. ****, u so good at tweaking that. hahahaha standing ovation for ur work!!. that's why i'm look up for ur New Tactic. that would perfecting that one. i think this might n magic could be, but to bad, i can't download. rather download TAC file, it download PHP file. LMAO. could u renew ur link.. and one more. i hope soon u'll release ur complete tactic. wich is. could score much.. much.. goal.. conceded none.. posession all times.. and so.. on.. so on... if such a tactic could realy happen. then it was u. who i bet could make it done. ^^ hope u the best mate.
Warm Regards
Dhewa Whisnu Alam aka Dhewaghost
Use FM 12, Internaziole millan.
i agree, this is by far the best working tac for high/mid teams. but also works for lesser teams ( if u dont tweak it... u take wayyy to many goals )
what motivation talks did you give your players? (sorry for my english)