Dear Raikan

honestly, not want to make u feel big or something..
But Honestly i want to say WELLDONE, i already try u'r Pure Perfection tactic that u made, how i describe it; is none the less, one of the best tactic i ever try. ****, u so good at tweaking that. hahahaha standing ovation for ur work!!. that's why i'm look up for ur New Tactic. that would perfecting that one. i think this might n magic could be, but to bad, i can't download. rather download TAC file, it download PHP file. LMAO. could u renew ur link.. and one more. i hope soon u'll release ur complete tactic. wich is. could score much.. much.. goal.. conceded none.. posession all times.. and so.. on.. so on... if such a tactic could realy happen. then it was u. who i bet could make it done. ^^ hope u the best mate.
Warm Regards
Dhewa Whisnu Alam aka Dhewaghost
Use FM 12, Internaziole millan.
i agree, this is by far the best working tac for high/mid teams. but also works for lesser teams ( if u dont tweak it... u take wayyy to many goals )
what motivation talks did you give your players? (sorry for my english)
Hello there Raikan, this looks fantastic, i cant wait to try it out! its just the DLF question for me. Im Newcastle, i was thinking of buying maybe Erik Torres to play there or Kadlec, or even Niang. Or could Demba Ba play there? im going to sell Best and Ameobi to raise funds as money is low. I like Ba but wasnt sure if he could play DLF or if i should buy one of the ones ive mentioned or even if theres another alternative i havent thought of? thanks Raikan, i really admire you for posting this and be such a great guy to spend the time replying to everyone, fantastic stuff mate :D
Hello Raikan.

Thanks for a great strategy. I was wondering, seing as you are quite the mastermind at tactics, what do you recommend in terms of training? yet to find me a very rewarding training regime so far. Or else, is there any advice you can give me for setting up my own?
what motivation talks did you give your players? (sorry for my english)

well it all depends mate :) who you play, who is in your team, what has worked on them in the past! but its normally passionately then assertive and calm..
Hello there Raikan, this looks fantastic, i cant wait to try it out! its just the DLF question for me. Im Newcastle, i was thinking of buying maybe Erik Torres to play there or Kadlec, or even Niang. Or could Demba Ba play there? im going to sell Best and Ameobi to raise funds as money is low. I like Ba but wasnt sure if he could play DLF or if i should buy one of the ones ive mentioned or even if theres another alternative i havent thought of? thanks Raikan, i really admire you for posting this and be such a great guy to spend the time replying to everyone, fantastic stuff mate :D

Demba should be great playing there mate :) Kadlec, Niang and Torres will be much better suited the Str role.

let me know how much cash you have and can suggest more accurately.. however!

Kleber - Palmeiras would be the perfect player, he is the Brazillian Tevez in Fm12 (and is relatively cheap as well)
Raikan when you give touch lines? on start of the match? or maybe leter?
Hi, I have some problem with goalscoring at home, my team can have 3-4 CCC but they scores maybe 1 or nothing, and my oponents have only 1 shot on target and draw on the :/ on away they scores a lot, 3 or more do you know what I can do?
Hi, I have some problem with goalscoring at home, my team can have 3-4 CCC but they scores maybe 1 or nothing, and my oponents have only 1 shot on target and draw on the :/ on away they scores a lot, 3 or more do you know what I can do?

hey bud, I suggest maybe buying a new striker in all seriousness! who is this player?
Hello mate I have been trying out your might and magic formation on my Arsenal save with mixed results. I am playing Van Persie and Walcott as my strikers. Walcott is getting the goals but Van Persie struggles sometimes for goals. What do you think I should do. Also I struggle sometimes with teams playing a 4231 or 433/451 formation.
Do I have to change my formation or can I use the might and magic formation to deal with these formations