caps, caps, caps. it's anoying to read
than why u even come to my thread to read it
u know why because u want a tactics that will help u, urs not working at the movement
thats why
caps, caps, caps. it's anoying to read
than why u even come to my thread to read it
u know why because u want a tactics that will help u, urs not working at the movement
get over yourself
thats why
than why u even come to my thread to read it
u know why because u want a tactics that will help u, urs not working at the movement
thats why
You might need to grow up a bit, jassar.
Your opening post is much better now, though the caps is still a bit annoying.And maybe add shouts if you get the chance?
Im sure the tactic is very good and now you have given as much information as possible it helps people even more and wont clog the thread up with countless questions re training, opposition instructions and shouts.
One question:
All the tactics that you based yours don't use OIs, but you use them. Why?
i know ....... that's where my tweaks come into use
i use OI and love them keeps the defense tighter by holding some crazy wingers down with tight marking and tackle to their weaker foot bale ...... as mainly the majority of goals i have conceded are from crosses and have at least built up by the wingers of opposition
with having OI the players know exactly how to handle those players or if i don't use OI than they will play with those fast pacier wingers as a default setting
So the OI are very important for me and having a world class assistant manager i leave that part on to him to decide how to do it .
You are aware that OI will "destroy" any changes that you have made in players instructions, right?
Using the 3 tactic above, that have the sliders all changed, and then over run those instructions by others does not make sense. Like saying to a player in training "go left" and then on the match day you say "go right".
The only OI than i think can be used is "show weaker foot", since you cannot get that in the tactic, but pressure, closing down and tackle are there.
yes i know that...... but for me its working like a charm, so i leave that to my assistant manager , but i make sure that the wingers of the opposition are set to show weaker foot
other thing ........i know that all 3 tactics have player instruction sliders different ......
that's where my tactic comes into play ... i have found a balance that will allow to score as modern warfare original tactic and will defend strong ......
how do you download it i cant seem to get it to download
i don't score that many but don't lost so really i could just do with scoring more